News and Reviews
- Today is the start of the “New Challenge Accepted!!” challenge hosted by Julie over on the If You Have an Egg Facebook Group. It’s not a competition, just a great way to challenge yourself and get some extra encouragement!
- More questions answered about the app updates starting in about 15 minutes!
(just a reminder, as an Amazon Affiliate I will receive compensation for any purchases you make with my links. I am also an affiliate for other companies who may be linked in this post for which I may be compensated with free or discounted product and in some cases monetarily. We appreciate your continued support!)
Last week was Chat #392: “Prep Your No Before You Go!”
Ohhhh such a hard topic for me, I’m just not good at saying no!
As I get older I’m learning how to be a little better at it but it’s still hard. It’s especially hard at the holidays with all the invitations, expectations and considerations. How do we politely say no to any of it? How?… Let’s find out!
FOMO or Fear Of Missing Out can be especially loud in your head during the holidays. The “fear” or anxiety we can feel at the thought of saying no to a holiday event we really don’t want to attend (what if this is the last chance to see so and so?), or try a food we didn’t plan on (what if Auntie Jo is broken hearted because I didn’t take her special dish?) or even miss a charity function because we were tired, or sick, or just weren’t led to go to that particular one can be debilitating if we don’t figure out how to get ahead of it.
Take a Breath Before You Answer
Unless it’s something you already know you want to do, take a breath before you answer.
This is an extreme situational story of how fast this can get out of control. One of the morning members had invited a new to the area family to celebrate Thanksgiving with her family. Before she knew it, the mom was asking her for help driving her children to and from where they needed to go. Not one day. Not a couple of times. But an ongoing situation and she gasp said yes before she realized what she was doing. Now she’s trying to find a way to politely say no. This is an extreme example but it could happen if we don’t get ahead of this.
Well if FOMO is the Fear of missing out, what is JOMO? Believe it or not there can be some JOY in missing out on some things. The girls at work tried to turn this week’s Thanks-Ma-Bday celebration into a full blown heavy meal that would come with hours of cooking, sounded like alot of cleaning, and I didn’t even want to think about the points we would rack up. I took a deep breath, remembered the mantra from this week’s meeting with Gwen and said “no, I don’t want anyone to spend too much time getting all that ready. Let’s just do finger foods like we had planned and have a good time!”. Guess what? They all sighed with the relief of not having to buy all that food, spend hours getting it ready, and then having a ton of leftovers never to be eaten. Talk about JOMO!
Your homework was #FindSomeJOMO. Remember, saying no doesn’t have to be rude or mean…it just means you are giving yourself permission to finding some joy in missing out on something. Tell us your JOMO this week!
- Lynn found some JOMO This week she has had about every season you can think of. On the cold days she enjoyed soup made from the veggie drawer in the fridge. On the hot days she enjoyed cold salads made from the veggie drawer!
- Mary finds her JOMO by enjoying a meal at home with her grown children and grandchildren rather than go to a restaurant!I
- I had 4 opportunities for holiday dining this week. Rather than fear “missing out” I found some JOMO in approximating the points for two of the parties that were once a year holiday foods I knew I wouldn’t get another chance to enjoy for a year. The other two were restaurants I can have anytime so I looked up the menu, decided on some super low point selections and have no fear about missing out on anything!
Bravo, you did it!
This Week’s Topic: “Zero Point Power Up!”
This week we were supposed to concentrate on the new Zero Point Foods added with the app updates last week.
The app update has lots of fun bells and whistles that take a little digging to figure out. What are they?… Let’s find out!

This Week’s Homework: #OpenYourApp
Your homework for this week is #OpenYourApp. I’m not asking you to figure it all out this week, but I AM asking you to at least open your app and check out one new feature! Now DO YOUR HOMEWORK because I promise there is someone who needs the idea you have already rattling around in your head. Whatever it is let us know, I promise your decision to participate this week will help you AND someone else! Then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!
Don’t forget to do your homework is #OpenYourApp and tag me when you share on social media!
- Tag @ifyouhaveanegg on Instagram
- Tag @ifyouhaveanegg on our Facebook Page
- Tag @Kelly Green Milligan in our Facebook Group
- Tag @ifyouhaveanegg on WW Connect
The Amazon Wish List is UP and I so appreciate your support. This will provide a way for us to continue testing products for you, trying out new gadgets and recipes, and refilling the IYHAE pantry since it doesn’t look like the budget cuts are budging. If you don’t already know, it costs more than $100 per week to provide this free content to you and that doesn’t include my time. Your support really does help keep us going!
Amazon Wish List can be found here: If You Have an Egg Support Wish List
Extra Credit: Program Update Q&A!!
I know every time that WW puts out a new update, it is natural to have lots of questions! I have listed most of the questions that you all had, and my best answers to each of them!
First Things First: New Zero Point Foods!
- I went ahead and switched off the “Living With Diabetes” toggle so that my points and selections will align with yours
- Remember, Zero Points does NOT equal FREE or unlimited
- The appearance of any food on the Zero Points list does not mean you have to eat that food
- I am going to list the complete list of Zero Point Food Categories and will note next to them the ones that will not show zero if you switch over “living with diabetes (LWD)”
- Corn & Popcorn (not zero on LWD)
- Eggs
- Fish & Shellfish
- Fruits (not zero on LWD)
- Lean meats including sirloin, tenderloin, 90% lean ground beef, etc. This does NOT include processed meat or meat that has not had the fat trimmed
- Beans, peas and lentils
- Oats (not zero on LWD)
- Chicken & Turkey including dark meat poultry
- Tofu & Tempeh
- Vegetables including potatoes (potatoes and starchy vegetables are not zero on LWD)
- Yogurt & Cottage Cheese (not zero on LWD)
Next Up: Scan Your Food Camera!
- My app has not updated to include the camera yet so this is all second hand information
- I’ve seen it in use and if you scan your plate the app will attempt to calculate the points!
- The technology is estimated to be about 80% accurate and from the scan that we did with Karen’s phone I’d say it’s about 70%
- The app can’t know what’s in the food or interpret things that look like other things. It is pretty cool though!
Next Check Out Macros!
- I didn’t realize what my mom was doing all those years when she kept all those detailed journals with calories, fat, fiber, carbs, etc. She was tracking macros before that was even a thing!
- The macros are listed at the bottom of your “my day” in the app and shows a running total for the day of Protein, Carbs, Fats, Fiber and Sodium
- Like the additional Zero Point Foods you can either use this info or not, it’s up to you
And finally: The Recipe Pull Over!
- This one is pretty darn exciting. If you want to bring in a recipe into your app from any website it will attempt to calculate the points for you. It’s pretty darn accurate too!
- In order for this to work, it either needs to be a recipe website that has a link to pull over to the WW app or it needs to be a website with full nutritional info
- I’ll show you how it works in the next Q&A section
Q&A – so how does this all work?
Q: Will my daily or weekly points change with the addition of the new Zero Point Foods?
A: Nope, your daily and weekly points will not change as a result of those new ZPF!
Q: A new Zero Point Food showed up as points when I entered it. Why?
A: This is still new and like any significant programming changes there will be glitches. Breathe. I saw one ZPF come up as points but when this person tracked it, it changed to zero. I saw another one come up as zero and change to points after they tracked, then back to zero after they refreshed. Just be patient and double check everything
Q: Do the Zero Point Foods ever equal points?
A: Nope and this is where you have to be careful with this generous new list of ZPF. I changed my app to Living With Diabetes because I need to be more accountable with some of the already Zero Point Foods. One egg is zero. Six eggs is zero. But the difference in calories is 75 versus 429. Just because it’s zero doesn’t mean it’s all you can eat
Q: Do we have to use the Macros?
A: Nope, you do you boo
Q: Is there a recommended number for any of the items shown under Macros?
A: WW does not have a published guide on macros but is showing this data for those who use it in a specific way. I know that sounds like a non-answer but as an example I try to stay under a certain mg of sodium per day and above a certain grams of fiber. Those are guidelines I have established for myself based on my health history and my parent’s history and not an official number from WW. Make sense?
Q: Is there a recommended minimum number of points to be eaten daily?
A: While there is not technically a recommendation on a minimum, the blue dot days in the healthy eating zone still applies as a basic guideline. If you click on Progress you will see this week and blue dots that mean you ate “within budget”, gray dots that mean you were “out of budget” and white dots that represent a day you didn’t track anything
Q: Will my recipes I’ve saved already update by themselves?
A: The answer is yes. And no. Let me show you what I mean and how to fix it if this happens to you
Q: How do I import a recipe?
A: Let me show you!
Q: Where do I find a recipe that I just imported?
A: Two places. If you clicked to change anything about the recipe and saved it as New it will be in Recipes→ Created by You. If you just saved and hit the little flag on the imported recipe it will be under Recipes→ Saved Recipes
Q: Where do I find the new Zero Points Food List?
A: At the bottom of your day click on What to Eat and find the Zero Point Foods
Q: What if I have multiple devices that I use to access the app?
A: Well this was a question from me! I had to do my updates on both the iPhone and my iPad AND I had to unselect Living With Diabetes on both to access the Zero Point Foods List for this chat
Q: What is the little Clinic icon in the bottom right hand corner?
A: If you would like more help and need to meet with a registered dietitian just click here to see if your insurance will cover Telehealth with WW Clinic. I haven’t done this and don’t think I need to…has anyone else and what feedback do you have for us?
I feel like we are probably running out of time now so please feel free to continue to send your questions or post them in the comments and I will answer as they come in!
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