Well Hello There December…

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Soooo I don’t know if you noticed or not but a little thing I like to call December just happened. This year it came on fast. And I have so much to do!  
*3 days until my one year WW Lifetime achievement and I’m 4 pounds over 😱

*4 days until IKEA delivers our bed and we can actually move into our new loft πŸ™Œ

*5 days until the unveiling of the new big WW plan changes and I have to recalculate all my recipes #ontheblog 😁

*11 days until @fantasyland.bibliophile’s bridal shower and I haven’t done anything except send out invitations β˜”οΈ

*24 days until Christmas πŸŽ„.  Nuff said. 

*30 days until our beautiful and one and only daughter marries a wonderful young man πŸ’

*31 days until we leave for the only week every year that my husband doesn’t have to answer his phone as we visit with Mickey…again 🚝

This is all going to make it that much more important that I track, am honest with myself, plan, and find activity whenever and wherever I can! What do you ladies (and gents) have going on this month and how are you prepping for it?

You’ll forgive me if I’m a little slow posting recipes with all this going on but I won’t give up.  I won’t surrender.  And who knows, maybe the new WW plan will spur some new ideas!

p.s if you just really want to keep up with moving and showers and wedding festivities follow me on Insta @ifyouhaveanegg or Facebook…see ya there!

#changeisgood #newplan #hellodecember #weddingplanning #wwwithkelly #wwsisters #wwsupport #wwsisterhood #weightwatchers 

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