Weight Watchers Live Chat #84: Create Healthy Habits

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Weight Watchers Chat #84: Create Healthy Habits!

Weight Watchers Live Chat #84: Create Healthy Habits

Missed your Weight Watchers meeting? It’s ok…we have a chat for that!

WW Chat #84: Create Healthy Habits

Think you need more will power? Tonight we reveal 16 habits that say you don’t. You need this chat! You need to watch this Sunday’s LIVE chat On Demand here!

Here are the 16 Habits of Highly Successful Weight Watchers we discussed during our chat:

Habits of Highly Successful Weight Watchers
1) fruit or veggie with every meal #bulkitup
2) always have something point friendly with you um #pursecheck!
3) eat breakfast every day #weggoclub
4) know what you’re having for lunch
5) after each meal go ahead and plan the points for he next meal
6) eat at a table (I add with real plates and utensils!)
7) set down your fork after every bite
8) eat every meal without distractions
9) before it goes in your mouth decide if the points are worth it (see sweet tooth chart from
chat #81 Be Sugar Savvy
10) get up and walk at least 5 minutes every hour (I was literally typing his when my apple watch said it was time to stand up)
11) plan tomorrow’s activity
12) always have comfortable shoes with you (Gwen’s walking clothes prep)
13) change some sitting tasks to standing or pacing (annnnd I got a notice that I’ve met my stand goal for the week )
14) wear/use an activity monitor
15) wait several minutes before getting seconds
16) watch Kelly’s live chat every Sunday night. J/K get 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night

***Have a great week, see you next week!***

Join us Sunday nights at 8pm Eastern as we chat LIVE about our weekly WW meeting topic. If you can’t make it live on Facebook or want to watch again later On Demand go to YouTube and search IFYOUHAVEANEGG. Remember to subscribe so you won’t miss a week!
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