Weight Watchers Live Facebook Chat #37: You’ve got to Move it to Lose it! Sit back and relax while you watch, everything is typed up here for you to print, share and most importantly USE!

(Disclaimer: I am not a professionally trained WW Leader nor am I employed or currently paid by Weight Watchers or Weight Watchers International. I’m just another lover and believer in this program and want to give and get support along this journey. Any mention of the terms Smart Points, Beyond the Scale, or Weight Watchers are copyright Weight Watchers International and subject to their copyright terms. This is a LIVE chat format so I will be interacting with the viewers who make it live on Sunday night. If you were not able to join us on Sunday maybe next time!)
- Thanks for watching and please remember to Like, Share, Comment and especially Subscribe so I can do more helpful Weight Watchers videos! These are the transcriptions from tonight’s chat about my Nutritional Yeast! with Smart Points listed. As always these are available on Facebook, YouTube and on my blog ifyouhaveanegg.com
- First things first, these are LIVE video chats when they are recorded so yes, I talk to people when they ask questions!
- Please remember to Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe on Facebook and YouTube so I can keep making more of these Chats and easy recipe videos!
- Remember, my other chats are available on ifyouhaveanegg.com or on YouTube search IFYOUHAVEANEGG
- Thank you for all your ideas for future chats!!!
(if you attend a physical meeting be sure and always pick up your Weekly! If you miss a week ask your leader for the copy from the previous week, they have valuable information, yummy recipes and usually coupons!!! If you are online only the Weekly is in digital form at the bottom)
No Pain, No Gain. Move it or lose it. Stop Wishing, Start Doing. Just Do It. You’ve heard them all. So why is it so hard for most of us to just get up and get going? Why is it even important for our weight loss journey?
The definition of Physical Activity is: Physical activity is any body movement that works your muscles and requires more energy than resting. Walking, running, dancing, swimming, yoga, and gardening are a few examples of physical activity. Physical activity not only burns calories it creates muscles which are more dense and smaller than the same weight fat, your clothes will fit better, you will feel better, and exercising does create a sense of euphoria that is a definite mood enhancer.
Remember our Myth Busting chat a couple of weeks ago? Even though you can’t out exercise your food choices, adding some measured activity can help! If you’ve worked hard and earned all those extra Fit Points you are much less likely to splurge.
Physical Activity doesn’t have to be hard. Park a little farther from the door. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. The dog doesn’t mind if you lap the neighborhood one more time. I’ve figured out that a trip around the center displays in our showroom is approximately 200 steps. So guess how many times I take customers around it more than once?
Fit in smaller amounts. So you can’t do 30 squats at one time? Try doing 5 squats every commercial…there are an average 9 to 18 commercials every thirty minute show so if you did 5 squats during only 10 of them you would have done 50 squats! Other easy ideas:
*Heel lifts while you wait in line
*Leg lifts while you sit in a meeting, church or theater
*Squeeze your tushy cheeks to the beat of the music while you wait at a red light or in traffic
*Set your activity monitor or an alarm to get up and move for 5-10 minutes every hour
In our Weekly there was a study showing that over 15 weeks one study group changed the way they were eating, one ate the same but increased their activity, then the third group changed their eating habits and increased activity. Combining the two together increased their weight loss by an additional 3.2 pounds during the study. That’s an additional 11 pounds per year on top of what they lost from diet changes alone!
Get a fitness Accountabilibuddy…or two. Mine walks with me 3 days a week rain, shine and sometimes even snow. We have left dry and hot and come back soaking wet and freezing. We’ve walked in snow, we’ve (reluctantly) walked in storms, even a little hail…one time we even took off our shoes and socks and waded through ankle deep flooding to get to our destination. Our brightest move? No but we don’t give up easy! You don’t have to go crazy, we’ve been at this 20+ years. Just find a good buddy and make sure you check in. Often.
Fitness monitors with friends are the best way to track and stay motivated. They don’t have to be expensive, even a simple pedometer is often available free at your local health clinic or at some places of work. But if you have access and can afford a monitor that tracks online even better. Seeing how you’re doing many times motivates in ways I can’t explain. I have lapped Target multiple times before I headed to the checkout just to make my wrist buzz. And if you can join groups? Awesome! Many have fitness goals and challenges that you care share with others…some of them not even in your town, or state!
If you have e-Tools you can even sync your fitness tracker to calculate your FitPoints for you!
How are you going to move this week? Please post in the comments:
*What do you want to do? (example: I want to walk 25 miles this week)
*When will you do it? (example: I will walk Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sun morning and Mon, Thurs and Sunday night)
*Where will you do it? (example: mornings downtown, evenings the old neighborhood to the soccer field)
*Who will you do it with? (in the morning with Dusty and John if he’s home, in the evening with Karen)
Remember to hashtag #MoveItLoveIt so we can see what you came up with!
Where else can you find The Egg?
- YouTube – you can go to the chats always on YouTube! The cover photo for YouTube looks just like the Page because it is also public. You can search IFYOUHAVEANEGG and it should pull up all the WW If You Have an Egg Chats and the first one should be the Playlist of all the videos to date. If you click on Playlist you can watch them all in order and binge watch The Egg hahaha. If you have a YouTube account you can subscribe, make your own playlists, etc. If you are watching as a guest you can still watch all you want, you just can’t like, share, comment and save on a playlist. I really really appreciate when you Like, Share, Comment and Subscribe!!
- The Blog – ifyouhaveanegg.com this is where I journal all my recipes, the chats, the transcripts for the chats, details of new things, etc. It always has the three most current at the top. There is a Click Here for More New Recipes and you can search by category. If there are links to other recipes from within the post it will take you straight there. My Story is found here! http://www.ifyouhaveanegg.com/?page_id=9 I have been a WW for 24+ years and got to goal in 2014, Lifetime for going on three years and counting! If you scroll over the pictures you can save these recipes and meal ideas to your Yummly Box, Pinterest, Twitter, you can Print, share on Facebook, etc
- Pinterest! Oh my gosh if you’re not using this as a resource tool you have to start! You can sort your ideas by points values, meals, shopping guide items, recipes and more! My boards are dividing by Smart Point values so go to pinterest.com/ifyouhaveanegg to find out more and to grab my pins!
- Instagram find me at @ifyouhaveanegg
- WW Connect find me at @scrapnstamp or #ifyouhaveanegg
- Last but not least, my App! Yes I do charge for the app. I have invested over $1,500 in development and there are monthly fees not to mention the time to keep it all updated. But the $2.99 is ONE TIME. You get all the Egg benefits for on low price and never pay again. Available for Android and Apple. If you are on an iPad though you have to switch it to “iPhone only” for some bizarre reason. You only buy once on Apple for both devices. Use the three lines in the upper left corner to bring down the menu to find the chats on YouTube, New Recipes, 7 Day Meal Plans, Shopping Guides (Trader Joe’s, Aldi, Whole Foods, National Brands, Girl Scout Cookies, Halloween Candy, Costco)
- Additional Resources: whether you are doing WW Online, attending meetings, or just gleaning what you can from us you have resources! Use the recipes and meal ideas in your weekly from the meeting. Search hashtags like #weightwatchers on social media to get some great ideas. If you are using ETools you can scan, track, keep up with favorite foods and ideas. Or if you like pen and paper grab a paper track every week. My daughter Kc likes to journal and they are so much fun with pretty markers and *squeal* stickers! Resources from moi:
- I use index cards to keep a written record that I can touch, see, carry with me and then sort by Smart Points Value. If it’s a real I post it in a printable version on the blog: ifyouhaveanegg.com I can also sort these and know what my points are going to be for the day. Bu-bam…7 sets of cards = 7 days = you guessed it…home base for me
- If You Have an Egg Social Media for FREE and sharable food, meal and recipe ideas!
- Blog: ifyouhaveanegg.com and go to “click here for more great recipes” to see categories grouped by Smart Points
- Pinterest (my SP ideas grouped by points per board!): pinterest.com/ifyouhaveanegg
- Instagram: @ifyouhaveanegg
- Facebook Page(open to the public): https://www.facebook.com/ifyouhaveanegg/
- Facebook Closed Support Group (closed group, only viewable by members): https://www.facebook.com/groups/113471572340708/
- Facebook Closed Meatless Meals Group (closed group, only viewable by members): https://www.facebook.com/groups/487742901407108/
- My App: available for Apple and Android in your app store search IFYOUHAVEANEGG (if you are on an iPad you have to search by iPhone only even though you are on an iPad…no reason why). The app has Shopping Guides divided by store (Trader Joe’s, Aldi, Costco, etc) and then by Smart Points. Only have 3 Smart Points and you’re in the middle of the Cookie Butter aisle at Trader Joe’s? No problem, open up the App, touch Trader Joe’s and the scroll to 3 Smart Points…tada! App categories include:
- Shopping Guides with Smart Points (and most have complete nutritional information listed)
- Trader Joes
- Aldi
- Costco
- Sams (coming soon!)
- Whole Foods
- National Brands (Kroger, Meier, Ingles, Dollar Tree, Target, etc)
- Halloween Candy
Halloween Candy with Smart Points (from If You Have an Egg) - Girl Scout Cookies
- Convenience Stores (coming soon!)
- Eating Out (work in progress)
- My Top Pantry Picks (Top 5, Top 25, Top 100!)
- Easy Meal Ideas with Smart Points
- New Recipes with Smart Points
- YouTube chats, recipes and ideas on the Go!
- Direct Link to the blog so you can check more recipes On The Go!
- Shopping Guides with Smart Points (and most have complete nutritional information listed)
****Don’t forget…if you want to see more helpful Live Chats and easy WW Recipe videos be sure to Like, Share, Subscribe and Comment!****
Thank you again, this is my happy relaxing time with you guys each week. To find more information, see the other chats or get my FREE recipes and meal ideas remember to visit me:
*On Facebook on the If You Have an Egg Page or in my group
*My blog: www.ifyouhaveanegg.com
*On my app: available in the Apple iTunes or Google Play Store search IFYOUHAVEANEGG
*Pinterest: search IFYOUHAVEANEGG
See you next week!
<3 Kelly