Weight Watchers Virtual Workshop #400 – Weigh To Go!

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Hello & Happy Sunday everyone! I am Kelly and this is Weight Watchers Virtual Workshop #400 brought to you by If You Have an Egg.com. Today is Sunday, February 2nd, 2025 and if you were not able to join us LIVE, just visit https://www.youtube.com/@ifyouhaveanegg to watch (or listen!) whenever you can!

If you are new or returning to our LIVE workshop please give us a shoutout so we can all welcome you…we are glad you are here!

This is it, this is our 400th FOUR HUNDREDTH Sunday night together!!  By my calculations that means we have been meeting together each week for approximately 8 years. Has anyone been here since the beginning?


This week over on the If You Have an Egg Facebook Group, our Focus Leader Julie will be chatting about this week’s focus topic “Moving The Scale & Non Scale Victories”. Join us and don’t forget to comment to join in the fun!  If you aren’t already a member of the group simply visit the group here and remember to answer those 3 questions so I can let you in 🙂


Egglette Melisa sent me a disturbing video I wanted to share with you all . TheCaroleJones on Instagram compared a can of Great Value Corn she had on her pantry shelf to a brand new can purchased at Walmart. You need to watch it for yourself  but the differences are shocking, disturbing, and quite honestly concerning. Among the changes in label:

Original Can

  • Picked and canned the same day
  • Green Great For You Label on can
  • Product of Arkansas
  • 45 calories per serving
  • Gluten Free

New Can

  • Not picked and canned the same day
  • Great For You Label is gone
  • Product of Thailand
  • 90 calories per serving + more sodium + more carbs
  • No longer labeled Gluten Free
  • And the most disturbing…the addition of a California Prop 65 Warning which is required on packaging in the State of CA to warn Californians about significant exposures to chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Even though this label doesn’t mean the corn DOES contain one of those chemicals, it is a required state warning if it MAY contain them. That combined with the other significant label changes has me keeping my eye on you Wally World!  The link to this video is provided here https://www.instagram.com/reel/DDNPBcryrrT/?igsh=OGF2MzJta3IwN2hl 


Thank you for sharing Melisa!

This week’s Good Egg Award goes to technically two people that I “caught-cha” doing something amazing. First to Chelsea from Powell who achieved her Lifetime status by losing nearly 118 pounds! And secondly to the sweet ladies in her morning meeting who showered her with flowers, much cheer and accolades and even filmed this very special day for her to remember forever!  Stay tuned this week over in our If You Have an Egg Facebook group for information on how you could be next week’s Good Egg Award recipient!



Weigh To Go!

The lead up to weighing in can sometimes be one of joyful anticipation, sweaty palm anxiety, or even blissful joy and not having any idea what the numbers will say. WW suggests that you weigh yourself at least once a week but no more than once a day.

Did you know?

According to Healthline.com the average adult’s weight can fluctuate up to 5 or 6 pounds per day. Things like fluid intake, medications, sodium, even how much sleep you got (or didn’t get) can all play a factor. For more on this see the entire article here https://www.healthline.com/health/weight-fluctuation#other-factors 


What are your pre-weigh routines or rituals?

  • Potty before you weigh?
  • Same clothes/shoes?
  • Eat or don’t eat before?
  • Any restrictions in the day or two leading up?
  • Any other rituals or routines?


How often do you weigh?

  • Once a day
  • Once a week
  • Only at your WW meeting


What is your after weigh in “plan”?

BEFORE you weigh in (while you are in that blissful joy of unknowing state LOL) go ahead and make a plan on what you will do AFTER you weigh. As an example, I splurge on Tuesday nights after weigh in and plan what my splurge will be days in advance. If the scale serves me a number higher than I expected I don’t punish myself by withholding the planned splurge. In the same way I don’t reward myself with extra splurge if the scale dishes up a lower number than I thought it would.


STAR Goal Icon:

Who can tell us a STAR goal they have for tracking this week? Remember it needs to be:

S-pecific so you will know if you did it

T-ruly doable in a week’s time

A-ctionable meaning you will DO something and not not do something

R-elevant to your journey!



Let’s Celebrate our 400th Chat with Chocolate Dipped Strawberries!

I figured out a way to blend our 400th chat together with a special request from Patsy and Vickie to learn how to add recipes to the Recipe Builder in the app! Boom let’s start this party.


Recipe Builder Method #1 – WW App Recipe If you have found a recipe on the actual WW App that you’d like to save follow these steps:

→ Open the recipe in the app

→ Either click the pencil and edit the recipe, then save as Original or New (if you made any adjustments)

→ or click the little flag to bookmark the recipe which also saves it


Recipe Builder Method #2 – Import Recipe from the WW Website If you have found a recipe on the WW Website that you would like to save follow these steps:

→ Open the recipe in the WW website

→ Click on the UP arrow or share box and copy the website URL

→ Go to Recipes → Click the + sign in the upper right hand corner → Click Add recipe from the web → Paste the URL where it says Enter link URL → Click Import Recipe


→ You can scan the QR Code and the recipe will automatically open in the WW app

→ Then simply follow Method #1


Recipe Builder Method #3 – Import Recipe from a .com Website If you have found a recipe online that you would like to save make sure it has a complete list of ingredients and nutritional information and is a .com website. To my knowledge websites that are not a .com are not pulling over. Then follow these steps:

→ Open the recipe in the website

→ Click on the UP arrow or share box and copy the website URL

→ Go to Recipes → Click the + sign in the upper right hand corner → Click Add recipe from the web → Paste the URL where it says Enter link URL → Click Import Recipe


Ok so what about the recipe Kelly?? In celebration of our 400th Live Chat together I chose this recipe from the WW app and we are going to save it together using Method #1. And we will make it together to celebrate the last 8 years we’ve spent together!!


If you’ve been around 8 years or it’s your first visit with us, we’d love to see some comments to help celebrate 🥳

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