Weight Watchers Chat #374 “How to Use Your Strengths to Stay On Track”

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News and Reviews

  • Today is the start of the “Drink Water!” challenge hosted by Julie over on the If You Have an Egg Facebook Group. It’s not a competition, just a great way to challenge yourself and get some extra encouragement!
  • Thank you to everyone who ordered with my Affiliate Links on Amazon Prime Day! I have earned $26 to use towards our chats and am looking at something fun for us to try when I reach about $40 something. I also will be posting an Amazon Wish List for anyone who wants to help support the chats in that way. We appreciate you all!!
  • Bioma Probiotics Week 3 update – things are still going well, more noticeable changes with the “unnatural” bloating and more #1 potty trips than normal. When your gut is out of whack the tendency to hold onto water unnecessarily is real. Like really real. The scale says I was holding onto 2 pounds of extra water and Ill take it. If you are following this journey and want more information, I will be posting all the details in a separate post. 

I also have an affiliate code you can use to SAVE 15% AND GET FREE SHIPPING! I will earn a little stipend as well so it’s a win, win, win. Simply visit: Bioma Health, take a simple quiz to see how your gut needs help and enter EGG15 at checkout to grab your discount!

(just a reminder, as an Amazon Affiliate I will receive compensation for any purchases you make with my links. I am also an affiliate for other companies who may be linked in this post for which I may be compensated with free or discounted product and in some cases monetarily. We appreciate your continued support!)


Last week was Chat #373 “3 Questions to Ask Yourself to Stay On Track”

Have you ever been sitting at a drive thru or restaurant knowing exactly what you’re going to order. You’ve planned it before you pulled up or sat down. And then it happens. You hear a voice whispering “the french fries are hot and extra salty today”

It’s those pesky voices again! But here are some healthy questions you can ask yourself again this week..


Three Pro Tip questions to ask yourself:

What Are My Thoughts RIGHT NOW?

When you hear that negativity STOP and listen. What are your thoughts really telling you in that moment. In the hot french fry moment I mentioned we all knew “hot and extra salty” comment wasn’t real because I mean fast food, there’s nothing hot and extra salty about it anymore. The reality was those thoughts were more likely “everybody else gets fries, why do I have to eat that stinky salad I already tracked?”

How do those thoughts make me feel, really feel. And how does that impact my journey?

In the fry scenario the thought made me feel weak, like a loser, like “well here we go again”. And we all know that leads to a pity party which in my case leads to a “might as well go get more cold, soggy not extra salt fries.”

Now, how can I shift this story?

Life happens, but you don’t have to let it happen TO you. To shift this story I could do any number of things:

  • Get the fries and count them, then move on 
  • Get the fries and if they aren’t as hot and extra salty as advertised by my brain I could throw them away
  • Remember that I have fries in my freezer and go home and make them in the air fryer so they are SUPER HOT and as salty as I want


Your homework was #ShiftThatStory. I know you’ve been there, I know you’ve done that. I know you know what I’m talking about. Pick your “fry scenario” and tell us how you are going to SHIFT THAT STORY!

  • Ann has shifted her drive thru story by placing the order with a mobile app so the little voices can change her mind when she pulls up!
  • Kathrine still wanted to be able to have her treats at the movies but buying them there was a broken record of bad decisions. She shifted her story by purchasing Smart Sweets and Lily’s treats and even writing the points on them!
  • This literally happened to me today…I came into our office just like I do every Sunday to prep some food and get ready for the chat. The partner for the other division popped in and decided it was time to rearrange displays. My normal story would be to skip my plans, let myself be sucked into the unscheduled event, and then scramble to get ready. I shifted my story by continuing to prep what we are making tonight and moving to a computer where I wasn’t in the mix. It was hard but it felt good to shift that story!

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: “How to Use Your Strengths To Stay On Track!!” 

What a perfect week for this topic! I haven’t watched much of the Olympics so far but know enough to realize you don’t get to this point in the competition by not knowing what your strengths are.


Obviously none of us are over in Paris competing but let’s find out how to identify and use those Olympic size super powers!


Three Pro Tip questions to finding (and using) your super power:

Stop. Don’t Think. 

This is where you don’t overthink what I’m going to ask you, just stop. Don’t think. Just tell me something you are good at. Might be keeping a schedule. Maybe it’s color coding your grocery list. Be thinking of something, you’ll need it later.


Which Olympic sport would you compete in if you could?

We actually had someone in our group say that my question about which Olympic sport you would compete in wasn’t WW related. She doesn’t know me very well yet does she? Everything I talk about it WW related LOL.


Channel that Olympic dream energy into your super power

What we DO have in common with the athletes in Paris is a desire to win. To win this battle with weight, health, mobility, whatever your heart’s desire for this journey. Go back to my question about something you are good at. Decide if that’s your super power and write it on a sticker, put it on your chest, and declare 

My Super Power is! _________________________________________


This Week’s Homework: #MySuperPowerIs

Your homework for this week is #MySuperPowerIs. This week’s homework is so easy it would be a shame if you didn’t do it. Get a sticker, a piece of paper, anything and make your tag that says “My Super Power Is ___________” and then post a pic, type it, tell us!    Now DO YOUR HOMEWORK because I promise there is someone who needs the idea you have already rattling around in your head. Whatever it is let us know, I promise your decision to participate this week will help you AND someone else!  Then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Don’t forget to do your homework #MySuperPowerIs and tag me when you share on social media!


Extra Credit: It’s Fermenting Time!

One of my major goals for my clip up (watch the past couple of chats to know what I’m talking about) this year is to learn how to ferment vegetables… and it is finally time!


We have been able to make SO MANY things from the veggies in our garden! We have made salsa, zucchini muffins, and quick pickles. Now we will be fermenting more veggies to see what happens.

We will be fermenting some really fun stuff:

  • The salsa was such a huge hit, that I wanted to try fermenting it! I have mastered salsa already, so it seemed like a good clip up to head towards mastering fermenting. It is the same recipe as the regular salsa, and it is fermenting by creating lactic acid. And I will be working on a detailed recipe for you!!
  • Since I’m feeling good about the salsa, we are going to ferment some pickles too. I have heard that fermented pickles are more delicious than pickled pickles, and I’m going to bring Alyssa in to taste test when they are done fermenting. She is the pickle expert in our house (she is also a super picky 6 year old), so she will give me an honest review of what she thinks. The cucumbers will be fermenting in a brine that I made with pink Himalayan salt.


What would you like to try to ferment? Let us know in the comments below!


Quick Links:

Don’t forget to celebrate your Bravos with our downloadable stickers!

Need to know where to get something I mentioned? Check out the recommendations section to get all my favorite goodies.


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