Weight Watchers Chat #379: “How To Turn Your Mini Win Into Lasting Inspo!”

0 comments In the spirit of transparency, I do receive commission from mentioning some of the products in this post. Any commission I earn comes at no additional cost to you and I’ll never recommend products that I don’t use, love and believe in.

News and Reviews

  • Today is the start of the “Take Charge Of Unhealthy Thoughts!” challenge hosted by Julie over on the If You Have an Egg Facebook Group. It’s not a competition, just a great way to challenge yourself and get some extra encouragement!
  • Tomorrow is Labor Day in the US! Have you planned your meals tomorrow or are you hoping for the best of luck?
  • Kroger has the Harvest Snaps Crunchy Loops Sour Cream & Onion and Harvest Snaps Chili Lime Black Bean Pea Snacks are ON SALE FOR 99 cents a bag! No limits, no mix and match, no minimum purchase…don’t bother going to the Kroger in Fountain City because I got all their were 🙂

(just a reminder, as an Amazon Affiliate I will receive compensation for any purchases you make with my links. I am also an affiliate for other companies who may be linked in this post for which I may be compensated with free or discounted product and in some cases monetarily. We appreciate your continued support!)


 Last week was Chat #378 “How To Build A Tracking Routine!”

Quick! What are three things you do every day without even thinking about it?



  • a sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed program.
    “I settled down into a routine of work and sleep”


  • performed as part of a regular procedure rather than for a special reason.
    “the principal insisted that this was just a routine annual drill”


  • organize according to a routine.
    “all had been routined with smoothness”


Ready to get our hands dirty and make some mistakes?

Paper. Picture. Progress. 

When you do track what is your preferred method?

Do you prefer writing everything down with paper and pencil? Keeping a journal? Jotting it down in a calendar?

What about snapping a picture of what you are eating? Does that help you remember what it was and to track it?

Or would you rather open up your trusty WW app and scan, scroll or search? What is your favorite tracking feature in the app?

What Time Is It?

When do you prefer to track? 

As you eat? Before you eat? After you’re done? At the end of the day?

Do any of you pre-track a meal or a day or even a week ahead?

And raise your hand if you’re like me and track one meal per day, most days and still consider it a win!

Regularly, Not Perfectly

So I want you to return to the definition of routine back at the beginning of this section.

Routine (noun): a sequence of actions regularly followed.

Notice it didn’t say perfectly. Or three times a day. Or every meal. Or even once a day, it just says “regularly”. Consistency is more important than completely. Time to find your “regularly”!


Your homework was #NoPerfectionHere! If you tracked every day you win, one day you win, one meal, you win, if you opened your app today guess what? You win! So your homework is #NoPerfectionHere and literally all you have to do is track one thing (or one meal, or one day) in YOUR preferred method of tracking and post a picture. That’s it, that’s all, even if you just click coffee in your app…YOU WIN!


Let’s see how you did:

  • Mary Ann tracks all the time but tries to mix things up! She gets most of her vitamins from her food and had a very varied menu on her tracker!
  • Carol Lou made a delicious recipe this week and tracked all the ingredients and points!
  • Sarah did approximations where necessary and tracked a breakfast, lunch AND dinner!

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic:  “How To Turn Your Mini Win Into Lasting Inspo!” 

According to AI (which I was extremely uncomfortable to use by the way): A superhero is a character with extraordinary powers that performs heroic actions. Unlike police, firefighters or doctors, all of whom are heroes in their own right, superheroes are defined by their unique capabilities, such flight, strength, speed or invincibility


Are you a superhero? Let’s find out!

What is a mini win? 

Let’s think about this in football terms just because it’s easy to know if you won.

The UT Vols played Chattanooga on Saturday in our season home opener. Our team won 69 to 3 so that’s a big win right?  But there were many mini wins along the way, you know small victories that are to be celebrated just as much as that big number on the scoreboard.

  • The weather in KTown was predicted to be hot temps and bad storms. While it was a scorcher, the storms held off and the game went off without a weather hitch – mini win!
  • Our friends Troy and Lara watched their son Eli run through the Power T for the first time – mini win!
  • A previously shy, soft spoken classmate was asked by 11 different people (working, attending or sitting on the sidelines) to tell them about Christ before the game – mini WIN!


What Counts?

It’s YOUR win…you get to decide!


Back to Super Heros and all that stuff

Superheroes are defined by their capabilities, such flight, strength, speed or invincibility

  • Did you not only keep small children alive this week but send them out into the world with clean clothes and a full tummy? Boom. Superhero.
  • Did you keep 20+ women accountable for a daily exercise and make it fun while they were doing it? Boom. Superhero.
  • Did you leave work one day this week tired, with too much left to do, and a list a mile long but you still made it to your WW workshop? Boom. Superhero.


This Week’s Homework: #CallingAllSuperHeroes

Your homework for this week is #CallingAllSuperHeroes!. You had a mini win this week, I know you did. You did something that defined your unique capabilities. Tell us just one and boom. Superhero.  Now DO YOUR HOMEWORK because I promise there is someone who needs the idea you have already rattling around in your head. Whatever it is let us know, I promise your decision to participate this week will help you AND someone else!  Then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!


Don’t forget to do your homework #CallingAllSuperHeroes! and tag me when you share on social media!


The Amazon Wish List is UP and I so appreciate your support. This will provide a way for us to continue testing products for you, trying out new gadgets and recipes, and refilling the IYHAE pantry since it doesn’t look like the budget cuts are budging. If you don’t already know, it costs more than $100 per week to provide this free content to you and that doesn’t include my time. Your support really does help keep us going!


Amazon Wish List can be found here:  If You Have an Egg Support Wish List

The cool aluminum bottle spring water I tested during the break is The Mountain Valley Spring Water. The unique container (no glass) is safe to take to swimming pools, sporting events and more. The aluminium makes for a super cold drink with no added flavor from plastic or other containers. And because the container is 100% aluminium you can recycle it in any municipal recycling center. I did find the flavor from this spring a little “soapy”? I don’t know how else to describe it. We have springs here in Knoxville and I used to live on a small farm with a spring. The final flavor is dependent on what kind of cistern the spring runs though and I can’t quite put my finger on this one. Not objectionable, just worth a mention! Try yours here on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3XuTyFq


Extra Credit: Alyssa’s Ice Cream Taste Test!

Alyssa has volunteered her evening off (it is Labor Day tomorrow!) to celebrate the end of summer with an ICE CREAM TEST!


We will be trying 4 different kinds of vanilla ice cream, and let’s see which one she likes the best! The winner will be made into an Olipop Root Beer float!

Halo Top Vanilla Bean Light Ice Cream – ½ cup = 2 points

The first one we tried was the Halo Top Vanilla Bean, and Alyssa gave this one a big thumbs up!

Since the last time I had Halo Top, they have really improved their consistency! It used to be so hard that you couldn’t get a spoon into it until it had sat out for an hour or so.

Simple Truth (Kroger) No Sugar Added Vanilla – ½ cup = 2 points

Alyssa likes this one, but I am NOT a fan of the ingredients in this one.

It is ok as an occasional snack, but it really just doesn’t wow me.

So Delicious Dairy Free Vanilla Bean Coconut Milk Frozen Dessert – ½ cup = 5 points

Alyssa started getting a little crazy around this one, but she really wasn’t digging this one.

The consistency of this one is similar to what Halo Top used to be. It was a little difficult to get a scoop out of it to taste it. The flavor was really heavy coconut, even though it says that it’s vanilla bean.

Nick’s Swedish Style Light Ice Cream Swedish Vanilj – ½ cup = 3 points

This one is actually made with cream! Which Alyssa says is important in ice CREAM. Alyssa said this one was creamy, and she really loved it!

The consistency of this one is great, and Alyssa is right… it is SO creamy!



And the winner is ! 

And I think it’s safe to say she LOVED her root beer float with Olipop Classic Root Beer Sparkling Beverage, which also supports digestive health.

Only 1 point for the entire can and available at Kroger and Amazon here: https://amzn.to/3Mv6Nj6


If you have a product or a recipe you would like me to test, send the link to ifyouhaveanegg@gmail.com or mail me a sample to:

Kelly ℅ KC Kitchen Center

5814 N Broadway St

Knoxville TN 37918


Which ice cream do you think would be your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!


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