Hello & Happy Sunday everyone! I am Kelly and this is Weight Watchers Virtual Workshop #402 brought to you by If You Have an Egg.com. Today is Sunday, February 16, 2025 and if you were not able to join us LIVE, just visit https://www.youtube.com/@ifyouhaveanegg to watch (or listen!) whenever you can!
If you are new or returning to our LIVE workshop please give us a shoutout so we can all welcome you…we are glad you are here!
This week over on the If You Have an Egg Facebook Group, our Focus Leader Julie will be chatting about this week’s focus topic “Talking Back To Your Setbacks!”. Join us and don’t forget to comment to join in the fun! If you aren’t already a member of the group simply visit the group here and remember to answer those 3 questions so I can let you in 🙂
Oh golly…Trader Joe’s and Costco both are pulled into this one. In case you hadn’t heard, there is a SERIOUS recall of canned tuna from the manufacturerTri-Union Seafoods. Go NOW and check any canned tuna you have labeled HEB, Trader Joe’s, Genova and Van Camp’s (see recall for specific sizes and labels). The impacted product may be improperly sealed which can lead to botulism, an extremely dangerous, potentially fatal illness that you cannot detect through smell or taste.
If you believe you may have some of the recalled product you can return it to the retailer for a FULL REFUND. If you will not be returning it please throw it away or contact Tri-Union Seafoods directly for a retrieval kit and coupon for replacement. You can contact the manufacturer at support@thaiunionhelp.zendesk.com or 833-374-0171 between Monday and Friday from 9am to 5pm Eastern Standard Time
This week’s Good Egg Award goes to Mary from Michigan. Mary is a long time WW’er and is a very active member of our group. What’s the big deal? She has never given up, stuck with her plan to be a better, healthier version of herself and drumroll……she just turned 84 years young! If Mary can do it, you can too! You’re a good egg Mary! Stay tuned this week over in our If You Have an Egg Facebook group for information on how you could be next week’s Good Egg Award recipient!
Talk Back To Your Setbacks!
Let’s pretend you got reeled in by those cute little girls in green that I mentioned last week. You heard me say an entire box of Thin Mints is about 32 points so you decide to eat just a couple and then freeze the rest of them. But a couple of couples later an entire sleeve is gone.
Did you know?
According to generative AI: “It can be hard to stop eating Girl Scout cookies because of their combination of delicious taste, the sense of nostalgia they evoke, the limited availability during cookie season, and the feeling of supporting a good cause by buying them, making it easy to rationalize eating more than intended” and I tend to agree, how about you?
You ate half a box, now what?
- Do you beat yourself up for not stopping at a handful?
- Do you smack your hand for even falling for the cute little girls to begin with?
- Do you go ahead and eat the other sleeve because we’re this far in, why not?
If it was your friend who ate half a box, how might this conversation go differently?
- It’s ok, you stopped at one sleeve and didn’t open the other one!
- Let’s track it and let tomorrow be the start of a new day!
- Let’s both remember this for next year so we keep each other from making eye contact with them 🙂
Why do we have such a hard time talking to ourselves like we would a friend?
You would never tell your friend, well now you’ve done it…you might as well throw in the towel. You would never! So why do we talk to ourselves like that’s going to solve anything. After I ran into them last week I set a STAR goal for myself and it worked!
S-pecific: when I see the next table of Girl Scouts I’m going to ask if they accept donations
T-ruly doable: I am not shy, I will have no trouble asking the adult with them
A-ctionable: this is something I’m going to do, not not do (so rather than say I’m never eating Girl Scout cookies again which would just make me want all the cookies!)
R-elevant: this is totally relevant, I am the eat an entire sleeve and then eat the other one because we’re this far in girl
I had the opportunity to actually make my STAR goal today and guess what I found out? In our district you can simply give a cash donation rather than buy the cookies and donate and the troup keeps 100% of the donation!! Triple win in my opinion!
STAR Goal Icon:
Who can tell us a STAR goal they have for tracking this week? Remember it needs to be:
S-pecific so you will know if you did it
T-ruly doable in a week’s time
A-ctionable meaning you will DO something and not not do something
R-elevant to your journey!
Random Grocery Haul!
.Tomorrow is President’s Day so my trusty assistant was available to help us with this haul. These items were soooooo random but all things I wanted to check out this week. Come check them out with us!
Strawberry Onion: I walked by this at my favorite local produce store, Pratt’s and couldn’t resist grabbing one. Look how pretty it is…now why is it called a Strawberry Onion and what do I do with it?
Storage Bag Organizer: I’ve seen a ton of these on Reels and Instagram and what a surprise to find an inexpensive version in a reusable cardboard box at Kroger. Fits in a drawer to keep your storage bags in easy reach. Simply raise the top and refill as needed!
→ 40 each Gallon Size Storage Bags
→ 125 each Snack Size
→ 100 each Sandwich Size
→ 50 each Quart Size Storage
→ 40 each Quart Size Freezer
Snack Factory “Rethink Your Pretzel” Baked Pretzel Snacks: Casey sent me a picture of these a couple of weeks ago but didn’t grab me any (shame on you daughter LOL). Last week while I was Kroger there was an entire display and I thought well…I better check these out and let you all know how they are!
→ Spicy Ranch Bites: 14 each = 4 points
Non GMO Verified
Thin & Crunchy
Made in a factory that does NOT process peanuts
→ White Cheddar Pop’Ums: 1/2 cup = 4 points
No Artificial Colors
Light & Crispy
Made in a factory that does NOT process peanuts
→ Golden Mustard BBQ Pop-Ums: ½ cup = 4 points
Color Sourced from plants
Light & Crispy
Made in a factory that does NOT process peanuts
Ok so where can I get them Kelly??
I did a quick search and it looks like you can score these yummy treats at Kroger, Walmart, Target, maybe even Walgreens or CVS. But you can also order them for as little as $3.49 a bag and have them delivered straight to your home from Amazon, just click my affiliate link here! https://amzn.to/3X2AjlI
Which one of these new grocery haul items would you want to try? Let me know in the comments below!