Tag: ww

WW Changes (Again) November 2019

As a 25+ year WW veteran I still feel like singing the Isley Brothers song “Here We Go Again” every November… “What do you do when you finally love a WW plan And everybody says it is goin’ wrong, oh no Nobody knows the way you feel about it Cause […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #144: Eating the Rainbow Challenge

During last week’s chat we learned to eat all the colors of the 🌈…and no we weren’t talking about Skittles. Eating a variety of colors is important, if you missed last week’s chat or need a refresher you can always watch On Demand on YouTube search Ifyouhaveanegg or click here: […]

Oatmeal Packet Muffin: Pumpkin Chocolate Chip

Jump to Recipe I perfected an instant oatmeal chocolate chip pumpkin muffin! I had to make it at work so I transported the wet ingredients in my divided yogurt cup. PrintPumpkin Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Packet Muffin Ingredients1 WW or other brand instant oatmeal (or 1/3 cup quick cook oats)1/2 cup […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #143: 7 Tips to Conquer Stress

13 days until Halloween 🎃 42 days until Thanksgiving 🦃 68 days until Christmas🎄 Holidays come with joy, celebration, sometimes tears, and sadly many times a lot of stress. If you didn’t join us live Sunday you can watch on demand here and find out how to take make more […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #142: Hit Rewind to Move Forward

Last week during our Live Chat we talked about rewinding in order to move forward. While we don’t need to dwell on the past and beat ourselves up over it, it can be helpful, informative and even therapeutic to rewind that tape in our minds and make a better plan […]

Guac It Up a Notch

In the spirit of transparency, I do receive commission from mentioning some of the products in this post. Any commission I earn comes at no additional cost to you and I’ll never recommend products that I don’t use, love and believe in. Shhhh…this recipe is a secret 😋 My Secret […]

The “Oatmeal Packet” Muffin

I get asked every single day (literally) how to make “the oatmeal packet muffin”. Well here ya go! 💜please give me a 👍🏼 like or share so we can answer this daily question for someone else💜 The Oatmeal Packet Muffin, 3 FSP (remember to count points of you add anything […]

Air Fryer Frozen Pierogies

In the spirit of transparency, I do receive commission from mentioning some of the products in this post. Any commission I earn comes at no additional cost to you and I’ll never recommend products that I don’t use, love and believe in. During last night’s special pop up chat launch […]

Strangest Pumpkin Spice Product?

In the spirit of transparency, I do receive commission from mentioning some of the products in this post. Any commission I earn comes at no additional cost to you and I’ll never recommend products that I don’t use, love and believe in. In case you haven’t been outside or turned […]

Creative Cooking on a Budget (A Very Tight Budget!)

***Warning, long emotional post 😋*** Well… after much prayer, soul searching, and family meetings John has resigned his position from the company we thought he would retire from. It was a very difficult decision. The original owners were so good to our family it’s borderline ridiculous. And he lives and […]