Tag: ww

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #169: How to Stay on Track

Last week was two weeks ago. Thank you for all your thoughts, prayers, and well wishes. My dad passed away last Easter, my mom this same resurrection day. The hole in my heart is huge but you all fill it! During Chat #168 we talked about easing stress. Whew, did […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #168: Easing Stress (Bonus: Shop Your Kitchen)

Last week we chatted about Creating New Routines and more importantly, doing a mental health check. It’s just as important to keep our minds healthy right now as our bodies. Your homework for the week was to do a #mentalhealthcheck and share with me on social media… Let’s see how […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #167: How to Create a New Routine

You all have saved 357 rolls of paper towels in less than 10 days by switching to Swedish Dish Cloths from KC Kitchen Center! Two weeks ago we chatted about WHAT to stock up on for any time you might need to have extra supplies on hand (like hurricanes, natural […]

Hawaiian Deep Dish Pizza (Air Fryer)

I’m so tired of talking about COVID-19 and I know you’re tired of hearing about it.  While most of your are sheltering in place, trying to find things to entertain your kids (and yourself!) or just keeping your mind on the good that is coming (it will come!) we’ve been […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #166: Tips for Stocking Your Kitchen

And another crazy week! Just when we think it can’t get any more strange or stressful… BAM! At this time more than ever we have to focus on things other than being perfect, in all areas of our lives. Your homework for the week was to find ways to give […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #165: Hey, Nobody’s Perfect!

Last week we discussed Healthy Eating Zones (HEZ) and how to earn a Blue Dot. There are many reasons to earn a blue dot but just as many reasons why it’s okay if you don’t! Your homework for the week was to have a #bluedotday and share with me on […]

Air Fryer Apple Fritters

The only problem I see with these is you will want to eat them all.  At 1 SP each Blue, Green and Purple that’s not necessarily a bad thing…I mean even if you lose your mind and can’t stop it’s only 12 points for the entire batch.  And they are […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #162: 26 Days Until Spring

Last week we looked at setting STAR goals for our weight loss. Those goals should be: S – Specific T – Truly doable A – Active R – Relevant Your homework for the week was to set a STAR goal for yourself and share with me on social media… Let’s […]

WW Joins Nutritional Yeast Lovers!

Well you heard it here first! @ww has embraced the “panko and Parmesan had a baby” flavor that nutritional yeast brought to our lives. It’s cheesy, nutty, impossible to explain and you’ll just have to try it for yourself! If you’re still not sure what Nutritional Yeast is or what […]

Cauliflower Fried Rice

Jump to Recipe I’m not gonna lie, I was skeptical.  As much as I love swapping ingredients, #bulkitup, and all that WW jazz I thought the idea of cauliflower rice tasting anything like fried rice was a stretch at best. But ermagersh…Can I just say this IS FRIED RICE?  I […]