Tag: weight watchers

Trader Joe’s Grocery Haul

In Chat #187 we talked about creating a #microhabit and I decided mine would be going to the grocery store to make sure I prepare meals in advance and stay on plan! To make sure I start the week off on the right foot, I took a trip to Trader […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #191: Boost Your Confidence

Don’t forget! The extended free Lifetime benefits requirements are still waived until the end of November BUT you will have to weigh in once between Nov 1st and 30th to receive your continued benefits. I got my Summer 2020 challenge charm! If you missed the challenge you just weren’t paying […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #190: The Activity/Identity Connection

There is no new news on in person workshops for East TN, but we have multiple wellness check-in locations and continued Zoom meetings. Do not panic! Starting September 20th WW will return to “waiting rooms” for the Zoom meetings. You can still attend whichever meetings you want. Just a heads […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #189: Take Back Your Time

NOTE: Lifetime members WILL have to check in sometime between Nov 1-30 to renew your credentials and keep your status up to date. If there are no wellness check-ins in your area, you can do a virtual check in. If you have questions, go to your WW app and access […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #188: Breakfast is Served

The deadline for turning in your words for this charm challenge is up, hopefully you got yours in…I’ve seen them and they are super cute! Free digital tools have been extended through November 30 for Lifetime members who were at goal in March or are currently at goal. You have […]

Air Fryer Nachos

Jump to Recipe If you’re anything like me, you love finding new and inventive ways to use your air fryer. In our extra credit portion of Chat #179, we looked at all of the different kitchen appliances that a Simple Living Products air fryer could replace. (Spoiler: It’s most of […]

Jalapeno Artichoke Cheesy Bacon Ciabatta

Jump to Recipe Do you ever have days where you aren’t quite sure what to make with what’s left in the fridge? I know I do and I’m always looking for ways to use up everything that’s left in creative ways. In my latest Trader Joe’s grocery haul I picked […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #187: When You Create a Micro Habit

Hopefully everyone found the link to turn in your words and get your charm from the WW challenge this summer… At least we had fun doing ONE thing this summer, right? John drove me an hour to a lovely bridal shower for a lovely young lady so I missed the […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #186: When You Sleep

If you got this week’s Weekly you will have all 6 words for this charm challenge! If you attend a physical wellness check in just take your words with you and collect your charm! If you’re like me and still virtual only I’m told we will have instructions on our […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #185: When You’re Active

We are in the home stretch for the 6 week charm! Last week in Chat #184 we learned that food can have other benefits besides long term weight loss and health improvements. Both of my parents suffered illnesses that were complicated by water retention or retaining extra fluids was an […]