Tag: live chat

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #187: When You Create a Micro Habit

Hopefully everyone found the link to turn in your words and get your charm from the WW challenge this summer… At least we had fun doing ONE thing this summer, right? John drove me an hour to a lovely bridal shower for a lovely young lady so I missed the […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #186: When You Sleep

If you got this week’s Weekly you will have all 6 words for this charm challenge! If you attend a physical wellness check in just take your words with you and collect your charm! If you’re like me and still virtual only I’m told we will have instructions on our […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #185: When You’re Active

We are in the home stretch for the 6 week charm! Last week in Chat #184 we learned that food can have other benefits besides long term weight loss and health improvements. Both of my parents suffered illnesses that were complicated by water retention or retaining extra fluids was an […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #184: When You Eat Healthier

We are on Week 4 of the 6 week challenge to earn a new charm! Not one. Not even two. But all three recipes from last week’s chat are available for you here on the blog! Thank you, Jessica! You can find those here: Savory Cream Cheese Air Fryer Wontons […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #183: What Happens In Your Body When You’re Stressed

Last week in Chat #182 we talked about building new habits and what happens in your body when you form habits. With the 4 steps from our weekly, we talked about creating a new path to our desired healthy habits. What is your big picture goal? Name something from your […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #182: When You Build a Habit

Last week in Chat #181: Lower Your SmartPoints in the Kitchen, we talked about making it easier to make healthy choices by surrounding ourselves with healthy options and swapping out some of our higher point favorite foods for low point alternatives. Your homework was #smartpointswapout – let’s see how you […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #181: Lower SmartPoints in Your Kitchen

The 6 Week Challenge starts this week! The key words can be found in your weekly (log onto your WW account.  Find the Weekly, scroll to the bottom of the first page and look for “This Week’s Word is ______”. 4 out of 6 weeks = a charm! Last week […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #180: Break Up Your Sitting Routine

Last week we sprang into summer just in time for Independence Day. Independence from the fear of staying home. Freedom from the bondage of toilet paper and hand sanitizer shortages. Your homework last week was to #springintosummer by telling us 3 things that didn’t go as planned this spring and […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #179: Spring Into Summer

Knoxville is virtual through the month of July but additional weigh-in times have been added at the center at Cedar Bluff. Last week in Chat #178: we played The Fats of Life and found out that all fats are not created equal. Your homework was to find a #fitfat and […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #178: The Fats of Life

Last week’s Chat #177: Make Meal Planning Work For You turned everyone into preppers. We followed my 3 P’s: 1) Pre Prep, 2) Planned Prep, and 3) Pro Prep to prep perfection! Your homework was #imaprepper and you were to pick one of my 3 P’s and go to preppin’. […]