Tag: live chat

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #222: Habit Stacking

WW News May 2021: KNOXVILLE GIRLS!  Saturdays there are IN PERSON workshops with Sheryl M at 8am and 9:30am. On Monday there is one in person workshop with Gwen R at 12:15pm. On Thursday there is one in person workshop at 12:15pm with Sandi P Wellness Check-Ins (no workshop, just […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #221: Habit Piggybacking

WW News April 2021: KNOXVILLE GIRLS!  Saturdays there are IN PERSON workshops with Sheryl M at 8am and 9:30am. On Monday there is one in person workshop with Gwen R at 12:15pm. On Thursday there is one in person workshop at 12:15pm with Sandi P Wellness Check-Ins (no workshop, just […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #220: Make Your Habits Stick

WW News April 2021: KNOXVILLE GIRLS!  Saturday, April 17th there are IN PERSON workshops with Sheryl M at 8am and 9:30am. Monday, April 19 there is one in person workshop with Gwen R at 12:15pm. On Thursday, April 22 there is one in person workshop at 12:15pm with Sandi P […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #219: Do What You Want, Not What You Don’t

WW News April 2021: KNOXVILLE GIRLS!  Saturday, April 17th there are workshops with Sheryl M at 8am and 9:30am. Monday, April 19 there is one in person workshop with Gwen R at 12:15pm. On Thursday, April 22 there is one in person workshop at 12:15pm with Sandi P Don’t Know: […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #218: Temptation Bundling

WW News April 2021: There were no East TN Zoom meetings today so I only have one update on the in person workshops for Knoxville. Saturday, April 17th there are workshops with Sheryl M at 8am and 9:30am. Monday, April 19 there is one in person workshop with Gwen R […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #217: What’s Your Superpower?

WW News March 2021: RUMOR VERIFIED 03/28/21! Last week I said there was an unverified rumor about East TN Wellness Check-in attendance being an indicator for when they would begin in person workshops again. RUMOR VERIFIED! Beginning Saturday, April 17th the KNOXVILLE in person workshops will begin again and I’m […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #216: Let’s Get Some Zzzzzzzz’s

WW News March 2021: There are two new ways to access more workshops and coach led events. Log onto your WW account from a desktop →  Go to the upper right corner next to where you sign in and click down on “Attend” → Unlimited Workshops and choose Virtual or […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #215: Go To Food Solutions!

WW News March 2021: There are two new ways to access more workshops and coach led events. Log onto your WW account from a desktop →  Go to the upper right corner next to where you sign in and click down on “Attend” → Unlimited Workshops and choose Virtual or […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #214: Set Goals That Really Work!

WW News March 2021: There are two new ways to access more workshops and coach led events. Log onto your WW account from a desktop →  Go to the upper right corner next to where you sign in and click down on “Attend” → Unlimited Workshops and choose Virtual or […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #213: The Scale is Just a Snapshot

WW News March 2021: Did you know you can track using Emojis now??? Check our last week’s Chat or the homework below, but go check it out…it’s fun, it’s easy, and it’s interesting to see what pulls up! During our 2:30pm Zoom for the W Knoxville WW Group today, Trish […]