Tag: #ifyouhaveanegg

Put it to the Test: Apple S’more Rings from Drizzle Me Skinny – 5 Weight Watchers Smart Points

(Updated January 24, 2016 to Smart Points) With the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays upon us I’ve been getting all warm and fuzzy and thinking of strange things I am thankful for.  First, I am thankful that I still live in a country where I can say Christmas on my blog […]

Veggie Lasagna Cupcakes – 3 Weight Watchers Smart Points (3PPV) per serving

(updated to the Weight Watchers Smart Points system on 05/14/16) Whoever said it takes a village to raise a child must have meant us Weight Watcherians.  We do better when a group is supporting us.  Lifting us up. Raising us. I love my village. Part of my village is my […]

A Pretty Sweet Day’s Vegan Chocolate Cupcakes – 10PPV

Oh. My. Gosh.  I don’t ever want to hear anyone say “is that a real cupcake or one of those things your mom eats?” ever again.  Ask anyone, I’m a cake snob.  With only a handful of exceptions if my little sister, A Pretty Sweet Day, didn’t make it I’m […]

Would You Rather? The Kick-off Edition: Chicken Salad vs. Chicken Salad 2.0

Who wants to play a game?  I will warn you, on Wednesdays I plan on getting intense.  And like we say at our church, talk about whatever topic you want as long as it doesn’t involve me…because then you’re just meddling hahaha.  Prepare for some meddling each mid week mark. […]

If You Have an Egg…

You have hope!  Welcome to my food blog, my food diary, eventually my trip around the country with my husband finding yummy local dishes to enjoy and share.  For now though we will be staying right here in East Tennessee.  My childhood home and where I lay my head every […]