Weight Watchers Chat #372: “How to Respond To Unhelpful Thoughts!”

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News and Reviews

  • Today is the first day of the “Build a Satisfying Meal!” Challenge hosted by Julie over on the If You Have an Egg Facebook Group. Hop in any time, it’s not a competition with anyone but yourself!
  • Amazon Prime Day is this Tues (16th) and Wed (17th) and I will be sharing some of my faves in a post on ifyouhaveanegg.com on MONDAY! Please please please if you find anything in my post that you’d like to try use my affiliate link that will be posted. I literally earn pennies for your click but right now every penny counts to help fund these chats and our group!!
  • Week 1 update – things are going well, no noticeable changes other than “unnatural” bloating seems to be better. They say I really shouldn’t notice much until the first month and then for sure big changes by three months so stay tuned! Previous message: I have been selected to participate in a trial with Bioma Health. I will be sharing more as I get going but this morning I took my first two capsules. The reason I applied is my continued search to get my gut back and energy back in its pre-2020 condition. I’ve been told that this will ensure the good guys will win in the battle of millions of good versus bad bacteria in my gut! Results to follow 🙂


Last week was Chat #371 “How To Actually Achieve Your Goals”

I woke up this morning and decided to do a half marathon this coming weekend!

Who are we kidding? If you’ve known me more than even a few weeks you know that if I’m running then you better run too because something is wrong. But what’s even worse is setting a goal that big, with no prep, on that kind of ridiculous deadline.


Pro tips for actually achieving those lofty goals:

Take It Down a Notch

So maybe the end goal really is a half marathon (mind you it’s NOT for me haha but just play along). That’s pretty lofty for someone who doesn’t run, at all. 

So take it down a notch to a more achievable goal based on your skill level, endurance level, time allocations, etc. Perhaps a 5K walk is more in order for this first goal.

Check Your Watch

The second step to getting this goal to a manageable level is time management. Consider your schedule, the goal, “life”

  • Is this a good time to set a big goal with other things in your schedule?
  • How much time a day do you have available to spend on it?
  • Is the ultimate goal time dependent?

Try Clipping Up

This is going to seem TOTALLY random but it’s really not…Alyssa’s teachers have a system for reaching their end goal by clipping up. Everyone starts the day on the same clip and as you achieve smaller goals like being kind to someone, following instructions, participating, etc you get to clip up. The ultimate goal is ending your day on purple which means you had an amazing day! It seems so simple but think about it, you can’t just jump from 8:15am to “amazing day on purple” without some clipping up right?


Your homework was #ClipUp. Hopefully you thought of a lofty goal that could use with a little clipping up!

Let’s see how you did:

  • Casey’s big goal is to stop eating fast food and provide nutritious, delicious and healthier meals for her family. But she realizes she can’t go from 0 to 60 in a day so her clip ups this week were 

Clip → Pick a food she wants to replace at home (McGriddles)

Clip Up → Find a video of someone else making them

Clip Up → Check ingredients on hand

Clip Up → Gather missing ingredients

Clip Up → Enlist help making the first batch

Clip Up → Tweak recipe and plan a day to bulk make the McGriddles to freeze!

  • Sweet Lynn’s big goal is to get to Onederland! She knows you can’t get there overnight so her clip ups this week were 

Clip → Pick a smaller short term goal (5 pounds)

Clip Up → Pick a good day to start 

Clip Up → Remind herself this is not a sprint, it’s a marathon!

Clip Up → Get the support of friends by posting her shorter term goal

Clip Up → Take it day by day to her first goal and then set a new one!

  • Melisa, Ann and Danielle are clipping up together for a 5K! 

Clip → Do a 5K in the fall

Clip Up → Choose a buddy (or two!)

Clip Up → Find the event

Clip Up → Purchase tickets

Clip Up → Get the appropriate attire

Clip Up → Prep the way to a 5K!


Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: “How To Respond to Unhelpful Thoughts!” 

Why do those little voices in our heads sound so loud sometimes?


You know what I’m talking about! That little voice that decides to skip “inside voice” and go straight to “banshee scream” when you have a little trip up. I don’t know about you but my little voice never whispers “hey, you ate more chips than we planned”…instead it’s screaming “hey dummy, check out that empty chip bag you left over there! You are so stupid and they are going to kick you out of WW if you don’t get a grip on yourself” so loud sometimes I think other people can hear it.


Pro tips for talking back to yourself:

See it for what it is

When you hear that voice starting to rev up, take a breath and recognize that’s all it is. No one called you to yell at you about the chip bag. None of your friends are going to stop hanging out with you. It’s your little voice, and it needs to know we’re onto it


Reality Check

Next, put that little voice in its place by asking it two questions:

“Hey little voice….”

  1. Where are the facts to back up what you just said to me? 
  2. Would you say that to one of our friends?


Release Your Inner Critic

During the Release Your Inner Critic Walk Talk, clinical psychologist Dr. Shefali chats with Canadian WW Coach Jake about how to push past your inner critic and reimagine who you want to be. It’s only 28 minutes and you can walk along or just listen along, it’s up to you! 


This Week’s Homework: #LittleVoiceCheck

Your homework for this week is #LittleVoiceCheck. I know you thought of something your little voice said to hurt your feelings this week (maybe even today!)  Tell us what that was and answer the two questions: 1) what are the facts to back it up, 2) would your actual voice say to that to a friend?    Now DO YOUR HOMEWORK because I promise there is someone who needs the idea you have already rattling around in your head. Whatever it is let us know, I promise your decision to participate this week will help you AND someone else!  Then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!


Don’t forget to do your homework #LittleVoiceCheck and tag me when you share on social media!


Extra Credit: Alyssa’s Watermelon Pizza Recipe!

Alyssa was our special guest again for tonight! She loves to hang out with you all, and since school is still out for summer… she will be sharing one of her favorite recipes!


One of the best ways to get away from those unhelpful thoughts we were talking about in the first half is to have fun foods around you and have fun making them! I don’t like hearing “I never get to have any fun foods” or “I never get to eat what everyone else is eating.” Those are unhelpful thoughts, so we need to make something fun that EVERYONE can enjoy, WW or not.

Watermelon is the perfect summer time snack, and it makes Alyssa and me very happy. We would happily eat watermelon all the time. But, after a while you need to spice things up just a little bit. So we have two different “recipes” to share to make watermelon fun and festive this summer.

The first one Alyssa made during the chat was Watermelon Sorbet! All you need are two ingredients: frozen watermelon & fat free vanilla greek yogurt.

We blended them together in a food processor for a few minutes, mixed a few times, and then it was good to eat. Super simple, and made a delicious cold treat perfect for a picnic or after a long day at the pool.

**Note: If you don’t plan to eat immediately, put into a freezer safe container and pop it in the freezer!**

The second one was… watermelon pizza! How on earth do you make a pizza out of a watermelon??? It’s easier than you think.

Alyssa and her neighbor Lily actually made a LOT of it over Fourth of July, and all you need to make it too are watermelon slices and whatever berries you want. Just slice the watermelon into triangle slices, and decorate however you please! We decorated ours with blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries. We washed and froze the berries, and they were ready to pop on top of our “pizzas!” A MUCH healthier option, but so much fun for the whole family.


Would you try watermelon pizza? What would you put on yours?

Let us know in the comments below!


Quick Links:

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