[amd-yrecipe-recipe:1]If you have followed me for more than a week you know of my Rainforest Slaw obsession. Once I cracked that recipe I made it, and made it again, and made it for other people so I would have an excuse to have it again. This week, my employee who suggested I make the first version asked me to bring a Kraut Salad for a company event she was coordinating.
Kraut salad? I love sauerkraut. I love salad. But what on earth do you put in a Kraut salad?
Oh wait, somehow I can twist this into another excuse to make and eat Rainforest Slaw…but by calling it something else no one will suspect I am eating it, again. Right? It was a significantly different flavor with the sauerkraut addition but still oh so yummy. And no, they did not suspect a thing.

Rainforest Kraut (10 servings) – 4 Weight Watchers Points Plus per serving
- 1 Jar Hengstenbert Bavarian Sauerkraut
- 1 cup Trader Joe’s Healthly 8 Chopped Veggie Mix (if you don’t have a Trader Joe’s near you, first of all bless your heart. Second, see my Rainforest Slaw recipe for the veggies to cut up yourself)
- 1/2 cup Trader Joe’s California Golden Raisins
- 2/3 cup Rice Wine Vinegar
- 1/2 cup Sugar in the Raw
- 1/4 cup Smart Balance oil
- Fresh ground pepper to taste
- Fresh ground sea salt to taste
Rinse sauerkraut and allow to drain. Separate lightly with a fork and add veggie mix, raisins, pepper and salt and toss.
Mix the oil, sugar and rice wine vinegar together and whisk for 15 to 20 seconds. Pour mixture over the veggies and toss again until everything is evenly coated. May be eaten immediately but the vinegar/sugar combo is amazing if you let it sit overnight. Attempt to divide into 10 equal servings if you can avoid just sitting down with a big spoon and eating it all. Enjoy!

#alittlebiteofheaven #rainforestcafe #napaslaw #NotADiet #becauseitworks #dontweightforit #eatrealfood #foodblog #foodisfuel #healthyeating #healthyrecipe #instafood #LetsGetHealthy #mindfuleating #ww #wwpointsplus #pointsplus #sauerkraut #wwwithkelly #wwsisterhood #weightwatchers