Weight Watchers Chat #392: “Prep Your No Before You Go!”

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News and Reviews

  • Today is the start of the “Back To Basics!” challenge hosted by Julie over on the If You Have an Egg Facebook Group. It’s not a competition, just a great way to challenge yourself and get some extra encouragement!
  • I have details about the program changes…but you have to wait until the second half!

(just a reminder, as an Amazon Affiliate I will receive compensation for any purchases you make with my links. I am also an affiliate for other companies who may be linked in this post for which I may be compensated with free or discounted product and in some cases monetarily. We appreciate your continued support!)


Last week was Chat #391 “Plan An Activity Snack!”

We’re not really talking about eating while participating in activity.

But with this super busy holiday season we are going to be taking small bites. Of everything. Including activity. How?… Let’s find out!


Fa La La La Free Time

If you’re like the rest of us there won’t be much fa la la la free time until about January 3rd. Getting dark at noon thirty doesn’t help encourage normal activity schedules. Neither does all the extra festivities and frivolity.

Temptation Bundling

So, instead of “if I do this, then I get this” What if we combined the two into one epic activity?

That idea is called “temptation bundling,” a term coined by Wharton Professor Katy Milkman: ultimately, you combine something that needs to be done with something you want to do.

She describes the idea in a paper entitled: “Holding The Hunger Games Hostage at the Gym: An Evaluation of Temptation Bundling.” [1] The goal is to get us to do things we need to do by combining them with things we want to do, removing the “either/or” temptation and getting us to ACTUALLY do stuff:

Participants were randomly assigned to a full treatment condition with gym-only access to tempting audio novels, an intermediate treatment involving encouragement to restrict audiobook enjoyment to the gym, or a control condition.

Initially, full and intermediate treatment participants visited the gym 51% and 29% more frequently.

Long story short: the people in the study who were told they could listen to addictive audio books only while working out visited the gym 51% more frequently than those who were just told they should exercise more.

Read the full article at Nerd Fitness.com

Jingle Bell Jumping Jacks

We’ve chatted about bundling a little activity with some things like countertop pushups while waiting on the shower to heat up, squats while brushing your teeth, even bundling little fun bursts of activity with favorite television shows. If you search “tv workout games” on Pinterest you will find a boatload of what I’m talking about. Things like “25 jumping jacks every time Kramer comes sliding through Jerry’s door” or “15 crunches every time Jim looks at the camera”. More in the second half but here is a link to some starter  games! https://www.pinterest.com/ridleyscarlin/tv-workout-games/


Your homework was #JingleBellJumpingJacks. We will get more detailed in the second half when we create your own holiday game!

Welp, we had so much fun creating the game that I’m sad to report no one actually told me they played it 🙁  I know you must have, a ton of you printed it out from Facebook or Pinterest and I gave out over 30 copies but not a single person said how it went.  Where’s the fun in that LOL?

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: “Prep Your No Before You Go!” 

Ohhhh such a hard topic for me, I’m just not good at saying no!


As I get older I’m learning how to be a little better at it but it’s still hard. It’s especially hard at the holidays with all the invitations, expectations and considerations. How do we politely say no to any of it?  How?… Let’s find out!


FOMO or Fear Of Missing Out can be especially loud in your head during the holidays. The “fear” or anxiety we can feel at the thought of saying no to a holiday event we really don’t want to attend (what if this is the last chance to see so and so?), or try a food we didn’t plan on (what if Auntie Jo is broken hearted because I didn’t take her special dish?) or even miss a charity function because we were tired, or sick, or just weren’t led to go to that particular one can be debilitating if we don’t figure out how to get ahead of it.


Take a Breath Before You Answer

This is an extreme situational story of how fast this can get out of control. One of the morning members had invited a new to the area family to celebrate Thanksgiving with her family. Before she knew it, the mom was asking her for help driving her children to and from where they needed to go. Not one day. Not a couple of times. But an ongoing situation and she gasp said yes before she realized what she was doing. Now she’s trying to find a way to politely say no. This is an extreme example but it could happen if we don’t get ahead of this.



Well if FOMO is the Fear of missing out, what is JOMO? Believe it or not there can be some JOY in missing out on some things. The girls at work tried to turn this week’s Thanks-Ma-Bday celebration into a full blown heavy meal that would come with hours of cooking, sounded like alot of cleaning, and I didn’t even want to think about the points we would rack up. I took a deep breath, remembered the mantra from this week’s meeting with Gwen and said “no, I don’t want anyone to spend too much time getting all that ready. Let’s just do finger foods like we had planned and have a good time!”. Guess what? They all sighed with the relief of not having to buy all that food, spend hours getting it ready, and then having a ton of leftovers never to be eaten. Talk about JOMO!


This Week’s Homework: #FindSomeJOMO 

Remember, saying no doesn’t have to be rude or mean…it just means you are giving yourself permission to finding some joy in missing out on something. Tell us your JOMO this week!  Now DO YOUR HOMEWORK because I promise there is someone who needs the idea you have already rattling around in your head. Whatever it is let us know, I promise your decision to participate this week will help you AND someone else!  Then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Don’t forget to do your homework is #FindSomeJOMO and tag me when you share on social media!


The Amazon Wish List is UP and I so appreciate your support. This will provide a way for us to continue testing products for you, trying out new gadgets and recipes, and refilling the IYHAE pantry since it doesn’t look like the budget cuts are budging. If you don’t already know, it costs more than $100 per week to provide this free content to you and that doesn’t include my time. Your support really does help keep us going!

Amazon Wish List can be found here:  If You Have an Egg Support Wish List


Eggstra Credit: New Program Update Preview!

I went to Gwen’s Sunday afternoon meeting to snag the scoop on the new program changes for you!


I do not have all of the answers, but I did try to take as many notes as I could! I was able to get 3 full pages of notes, so let’s dive into the update.

This update seems to be the average size for a WW program change, but this change is not one of those “panic/everything is changing” moments. They continue to guide us towards weight loss, wellness, and better choices. This change is simply just an update to try and keep us on the path they think will benefit as many as possible. They make it as inclusive as they can, but of course it isn’t going to be a one size fits all. With all of that said, here is a list of the changes coming soon:

The December 2024 Plan Changes:

  • No Name Changes! The WW program is staying mostly the same, just small updates.
  • Your app will update on Tuesday December 10th. Some people’s apps are already changing, but the major update will happen on that date. REMINDER: Please remember your password!! It might log you out, and I don’t want any of you getting stuck out of your apps.
  • Facts about Zero Point Foods:
    • WW has expanded the zero point foods list in the past. There have always been food that were available without limits, but it has changed quite a bit over the years.
    • “Zero Point Foods” does not equal free or all you can eat.
    • “Zero Point Foods” are intended to create or develop better eating habits.
    • None of the “Zero Points Foods” are required.
  • Comments from Other Attendants:
    • Awareness of portions does not go away. Portion sizes VS servings sizes are a struggle, but it is so important to know the difference!
    • One girl said she uses the “Zero Points Foods” list and uses it for the base of her meals. She builds around her zero point base to create a meal that is good on points AND is satisfying!
    • Another said she uses the “Zero Points Foods” list as a food extender! She puts a zero point option to extend food without adding any points to her meal.
    • Listening to your body while eating “Zero Points Foods” is a lot easier than listening while eating comfort foods. You are able to catch when you’re full a lot easier while eating a zero point food.
    • Gwen finished the meeting by saying “not all Zero Points Foods are created equal.” Please be aware, they do still have calories! They all have different levels of vitamins, fiber, iron, and so many other things. You do still need to be aware of what you’re eating, especially if you have a health reason to keep an eye on specific things.
  • A List of Foods Added Back to the “Zero Point Foods” list:
    • Oats
    • Potatoes
    • Dark Meat Poultry
    • Lean Red Meats and 90% or more Lean Ground Beef
  • Additional Features that will come on Tuesday:
    • You’ll be able to see your Macros! I don’t fully know what that means, but I know a lot of people are excited about them.
    • We will be going back to being able to bring recipes into the app and it will calculate the points!
    • Somehow, some way… you’ll be able to take a picture of the food on your plate and it will estimate the amount of points!!! That is CRAZY!

I will be playing on the new app all week so we can discuss this in detail next weekend! I suggest you do it too, and come chat with me during the next live on Facebook to let me know what you think.

What do you think about the new WW program updates? Let us know in the comments below!

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