Butterfinger Pumpkin Muffins – 3 Weight Watchers Points Plus per serving

Hold on to your hats ladies (and gents)…this is the FOURTH of 6 new recipes for absolutely moist, oh so delicious, and ridiculously low point indulgent treats.  And this one has a candy bar in it.  It’s a tiny candy bar but it is a BAR of CANDY and I […]

Snickers Pumpkin Muffin – 3 Weight Watchers Points Plus per serving

Hold on to your hats ladies (and gents)…this is the THIRD of 6 new recipes for absolutely moist, oh so delicious, and ridiculously low point indulgent treats.  And this one has a candy bar in it.  It’s a tiny candy bar but it is a BAR of CANDY and I […]

Espresso Pumpkin Muffins – 3 Points Plus per serving (6 servings)

Hold on to your hats ladies (and gents)…this is the second of 6 new recipes for absolutely moist, oh so delicious, and ridiculously low point indulgent treats. p.s. after I had already scheduled this recipe to post my hubby called and said “I ate one of those half muffin things […]

Pumpkin Spice Muffins – 3 Weight Watchers Smart Points (2PPV) per serving

(updated Jan 20, 2016 to Smart Points) Hold on to your hats ladies (and gents)…this is the first of 6 new recipes for absolutely moist, oh so delicious, and ridiculously low point indulgent treats. I got left alone on a dreary rainy and downright gloomy Friday night.  It had been […]

Product Review: Trader Joe’s Sriracha and Garlic BBQ Sauce – 1 Points Plus per 2 Tbsp

I follow a couple of Trader Joe’s employees who are also doing Weight Watchers on Instagram which is either a blessing or a curse, the jury is still out.  On the one hand they always post the points plus for all the new things they are trying in store.  But…they […]

Sweet N’ Spicy Turkey Burger (featuring TJ’s Sriracha BBQ!) – 10 Points Plus per serving

I follow a couple of Trader Joe’s employees who are also doing Weight Watchers on Instagram which is either a blessing or a curse, the jury is still out.  On the one hand they always post the points plus for all the new things they are trying in store.  But…they […]

Blooming Snickers Apple – 5 Weight Watchers Smart Points (3 Points Plus)

(Updated 12/08/15 for the new Weight Watchers Smart Points plan) That’s right.  You heard me.  Are you sitting down?  5 Smart Points for this baby…I’m still in shock. Yesterday on the drive home I had some crazy fall recipe ideas bouncing around in my head.  It was still 90 degrees […]

Mediterranean Egg Mug – 3 Weight Watchers Smart Points (3PPV)

(Updated 4/14/16 to the Weight Watchers Smart Points Plan) ob·ses·sion əbˈseSHən/Submit noun the state of being obsessed with someone or something. “she cared for him with a devotion bordering on obsession” an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person’s mind. plural noun: obsessions “he was in […]

Busy Mom’s Potato Soup – 5 Weight Watchers Points Plus (4 servings)

Yesterday I drove past an allergy clinic and their new sign read “Ragweed Season is Here, We’ll See You Soon!”  And…welcome to East Tennessee.  Every year when the ragweed arrives I think to myself “I waited too late this year but hey, I should make a note for next year […]

The Mac Attack – 10 Weight Watchers Points Plus

Show of hands, which of you have ever been to McDonalds?  Now, which of you have been to McDonalds in the last week?  Some of you just lied and the rest of us forgive you.  No one wants to get caught under the arches but we have all snuck a […]