Peach Freezer Jam

Jump to Recipe Looking for a way to keep seasonal fruit flavors in your life even after their season has ended? My peach freezer jam is the perfect way to use up large amounts of fresh fruit and save it for later. Whether you’re making a large batch or freezing […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #275: Anchors – How To Find Your Why

News and Reviews June 2022 In case you missed it…it’s still peach season LOL. Hold onto your britches for more peach recipes in the second half tonight My birthday is a week from Monday! I will be double nickels and I feel like that calls for celebration. Between now and […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #274: How to Make Habits That Stick!

WW News and Reviews May 2022 In case you missed it…it’s Peach Season! Stay tuned for multiple peach ideas this month 🙂  But I do need to know…are you a Georgia Peach or a South Carolina Peach? Egglette Julie has started a summer challenge over in the IYHAE Facebook Group […]

Air Fryer Peaches and Cream

Jump to Recipe We all know I love a good seasonal fruit recipe and if you’re here I’m going to assume that you do too! We had the pleasure of hosting The Peach Tent at KC Kitchen Center this past weekend so naturally I was left with tons of fresh […]

Sugar-Free Strawberry Compote

Jump to Recipe If you’ve joined in our weekly chats recently, you’ll know that I have an abundance of strawberries from my garden and have been looking for exciting new ways to use them up. I had a few group members suggest recipes for a strawberry compote, so during chat […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #273: Squeeze Some Movement Into Your Day

WW News and Reviews May 2022 You may have already known this one, but it has been brought to my attention that all oats are gluten free.  I know I should have realized this since they are “oats” instead of wheat but hey…I can’t know everything right?  BUT, I have […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #272: How to Be Kinder To Yourself!

WW News and Reviews May 2022 Instead of “news” today I want to tell you a fantastic story. (To read the entire story, hop on over to If You Have an Egg closed Facebook group and see Jennifer’s post) A teacher at Jennifer’s school gave every student a balloon with […]

Strawberry Shortcake Mug Cake

Jump to Recipe My garden is overflowing with strawberries this year, so I’m taking the opportunity to make some delicious treats for myself, my family, my friends, and really anyone who will take some because I have far more than I can consume on my own. One of the recipes […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #271: How to Say Yes to Carbs

WW News and Reviews May 2022 Happy Mother’s Day! In some unsettling news my friend Lara discovered quite by accident that Honey Nut Cheerios are now marked “Contains Bio Engineered Products”…say what?? She also found a crab dip that said the same thing. Lara says “check your labels people” and […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #270: How to Become a Snack Pro

WW News and Reviews May 2022: It’s May! Stay tuned for a fresh topic for the month 🙂 Next Sunday is Mother’s Day. I’m planning on being here…are you? New Volunteer Group has been formed! As you all know I have been hosting and financially supporting If You Have an […]