Weight Watchers Chat #300: End The Year With Intention!

News and Reviews December 2022 Tonight is Chat #300!!!! You will need a piece of paper and your preferred writing utensil for the second half. Next week is Christmas. The popular vote is NO CHAT on Christmas, but YES chat on New Year’s Day. I think I’m ok with that! […]

Weight Watchers Chat #299: Stop Believing The Lies!

News and Reviews December 2022 It’s time to celebrate! My Covid 20 is gooooooone!  Notice I didn’t say I lost it. It’s gone. I’m not planning on ever finding it again. Next week is Chat #300, do you all want to play a game or have a normal chat? And […]

Weight Watchers Chat #298: Set Healthy Intentions, And Stick To Them!

News and Reviews December 2022 This may not sound like important news to the average Weight Watcher but I’m excited. This new infrastructure at WW seems to really have our success firmly in their sights and I think we can all feel it with the roll out of the new […]

Everything You Need to Know About the New Weight Watchers Program (2022)

If you aren’t already aware, as of November 2022 Weight Watchers shifted away from the WW name and the former Personal Points program to a new program that provides more consistency across program members. We’ve had a variety of chats where we discuss the ins and outs of the new […]

Weight Watchers Chat #297: Take Charge of Unhelpful Thoughts!

News and Reviews November 2022 Thanksgiving is over, now onto the barrage of other holidays coming up! Which ones do you celebrate? Any particular challenges? Not really news but….a warning. If you are easily made queasy or upset by the mention of injuries and specific details (no pictures) then you […]

Weight Watchers Chat #296: Staying on Track While Eating Out!

News and Reviews – November 2022 We are just shy of one week since the new Weight Watchers program rolled out and we will be chatting more in the second half to answer more Q&A’s and some things I’ve found! For those of you who swear by Bragg Apple Cider […]

Weight Watchers Chat #295: The New Weight Watchers Program!

News and Reviews November 2022 Sorry about last week…let’s just say you can expect a “kitchen safety” chat in the near future This week and next week will be about the new Weight Watchers program so sit back and relax and let me do the driving for you!    This […]

Weight Watchers Chat #293: Eat This….So You Can Eat That!

News and Reviews October 2022 For this last chat in October we are going to address the elephant in the room…another program change on the horizon. I’ve been a Weight Watcher for over a quarter of a century and have been through many program changes. Some were good. A few […]

Weight Watchers Chat #292: Make Your Points Budget Work for YOU!

News and Reviews October 2022 And just like that…Crocktober hosted by Joan’s Pointed Plate is in the books! I’m not sure everyone got their recipes posted by 9am Eastern but here is the final list of participants who shared FREE recipes and how to make them! Naturally, I made one […]

Weight Watchers Chat #291: Make Breakfast Work for You!

News and Reviews October 2022 #SorryNotSorry….The Vols beat Bama yesterday wooooo hoooo!!! Whether you are a football fan or not you gotta gimme this one.  It’s been 15 year since we won so congratulations are definitely in order! I have a Crocktober correction and announcement to make. There was a […]