Weight Watchers Chat #376: “Meals That Keep You Strong And Organized!”

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News and Reviews

  • Today is the start of the “Track It!” challenge hosted by Julie over on the If You Have an Egg Facebook Group. It’s not a competition, just a great way to challenge yourself and get some extra encouragement!
  • This is the fun part of this week’s chat….if you saw the post about my bounty from this morning I asked how much you thought it weighed. Well here it is. This is an end of this first season haul and it weighs THIS MUCH for just one day. I’ll give you all 3 minutes to see who can come the closest! 

The Amazon Wish List is up and ready! For those of you who wanted to help support our chats by ordering some things from Amazon or even purchasing the gift cards in any amount, just use this link!

(just a reminder, as an Amazon Affiliate I will receive compensation for any purchases you make with my links. I am also an affiliate for other companies who may be linked in this post for which I may be compensated with free or discounted product and in some cases monetarily. We appreciate your continued support!)


Last week was Chat #375 “Bridge The Gap Between Want To and Will Do!”

I want to be 5’ 7”, 26 years old and at my goal weight.

Have you met me? Two of these things ain’t happenin….No matter how much I want to, I will not be 5’ 7” or 26 again. But there are a whole lot of things I want to do, that I can do, and that I will do!


Three Pro Tips for turning your want tos, into will dos!:

Understanding “The Gap”

The Intention-Action Gap is a real thing.The definition is “the disconnect between what we want to do (our intentions) and what we actually do (our actions). Example: I wanted to stop myself at $60 at the grocery store today and by the time I checked out there were over $90 in items in my cart. The intention was there, the actions led to overspending.

Pick 3 Things

It is highly unlikely that a single event led to the action not meeting the intention. I had the want to, but what are three things that kept me from my will do?

  1. I didn’t have a shopping list
  2. I had extra time for wandering around
  3. There were no witnesses…until now 🙂 

Reflect. Rearrange. Re-try.

Reflect – I had great intentions, after reflecting on the three things I realize I need to rearrange my next trip

Rearrange – Next trip I will make a list of things I have a coupons for or that we need for a recipe

Re-try – I will check what we have on hand, pick a meal or two to focus on and then show my digital coupon list to Casey before I leave for the store


Your homework was #WillDo!. This week I want you to pick something you want to and let’s turn it into what you will do by: Reflecting, Rearranging, and Re-Trying like I did in my example.

  • Vickie had surgery and “wants to” stay on plan. She enlisted her help  and her husband and son Will Do the meal prepping so she has plenty of protein for healing and can stay on plan!
  • Sherry has moved to another state and has not gotten out to meet many people. She reflected and realized that’s just not like her! So she’s rearranging her plans and re-trying by walking the neighborhood to hand out flyers for her business and get to know some folks. Which she Will Do!
  • Marlene “wants to” meal prep this week. She reflected on what she’s done in the past and realized she had alot of things in the freezer she also needed to use up. So it’s a Will Do, Will Do!

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: “Meals That Keep You Strong And Motivated!” 

Gwen started last week’s in person workshop with a trick question. Let’s see if you’ve been paying attention to your app and Connect and answer this better than we did!.


If I tell you we are talking about building and retaining muscle this week, what do you think we will be chatting about?


Ok for you smarty pants people who just said food, you can sit over there while the rest of us catch up LOL. As it turns out there are three things we need to be consuming on an intentional basis to keep up lean muscle while we lose weight. What are those three things you say?


Three Pro Level nutritional needs to keep you strong!:

Power Protein

It’s no surprise that protein tops this list! Everyone knows eggs, lean meats, and cheese are great sources of protein. But here are three surprising places to pack in that protein power!

  1. Artichoke Hearts – a cup of zero point artichoke hearts boasts 4 grams of protein
  2. Lentils – ½ cup of this tasty legume offers 9 grams of protein
  3. Yogurt – a great source of protein on its own, make it Greek style and you can pick up an additional 20 grams!


Cash in With Calcium

Did you know you need calcium for muscles to move and for nerves to carry messages between your brain and every part of your body? Sure milk has calcium but where else can we get it?

  1. Broccoli – just one cup of chopped broccoli contains 43 mg of calcium
  2. Yogurt – make the list again with a whopping 448 mg of calcium per 1 cup! 
  3. Leafy Greens – like kale, bok choy and collards can have as much as 60 – 250 mg of calcium and are considered more bioavailable sources of calcium than milk!


Give Me a D!

If you’re like me when you hear Vitamin D you sunlight and fortified foods. Sometimes using solar power to create this critical vitamin in your own body is not an option. Then what??

  1. Salmon or Tuna – According to Business Insider, a 75-gram (2.5-ounce) serving of sockeye salmon contains between 394 to 636 International Units (IU) of the vitamin depending on whether it’s canned, cooked, or raw, according to Dietitians of Canada. Since salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, it also helps lower triglyceride levels.
  2. Mushrooms – when exposed or grown in ultraviolet light, mushrooms are the only vegetable that actually produce Vitamin D!
  3. Yogurt – are you surprised? I’m starting to think we need to include yogurt in our daily routine!


This Week’s Homework: #FeedYourMuscles!

Your homework for this week is #FeedYourMuscles!. This week you get to EAT for your homework woo hoo! Put together a simple meal that contains protein, calcium and vitamin D and share it with us. Now DO YOUR HOMEWORK because I promise there is someone who needs the idea you have already rattling around in your head. Whatever it is let us know, I promise your decision to participate this week will help you AND someone else!  Then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!


Don’t forget to do your homework #FeedYourMuscles! and tag me when you share on social media!

Mid Chat Notes!

The Amazon Wish List is UP and I so appreciate your support. This will provide a way for us to continue testing products for you, trying out new gadgets and recipes, and refilling the IYHAE pantry since it doesn’t look like the budget cuts are budging. If you don’t already know, it costs more than $100 per week to provide this free content to you and that doesn’t include my time. Your support really does help keep us going!

Amazon Wish List can be found here:  If You Have an Egg Support Wish List

And the Uh-Mazing Peach Tea (zero points) that I was drinking tonight can be found here: Southern Breeze No Sugar Peach Cold Brew Tea

Extra Credit: Strong Foods for Strong Bodies!

We are going to be building a protein calcium vitamin D salad during the eggstra credit today!



The first thing our salad is going to have in it is cucumbers because I have a billion of them in my garden. They keep blooming, so I keep them in the garden. They have 16mg of calcium! A great addition to a salad.

The next thing is chickpeas, They have FOURTEEN AND A HALF GRAMS OF PROTEIN! Craziness!! They are such an easy and simple way to really bulk up a salad and make sure you’re getting plenty of protein with it.

Onions were a simple addition to a salad. I love onions, and they always add a yummy flavor. We had some sweet pickled red onions, and they have 1.2 grams of protein and 25mg of calcium. Who knew onions had protein in them???

Next… feta cheese! 5 grams of protein, 60 grams of calcium, and a little bit of vitamin D. Just a win all the way around!

The one ingredient to really knock that Vitamin D out of the park…. what do you think it is????

It’s Alaskan Wild Pink Salmon! 15 grams of protein, 12mg of calcium, and 10 MICROGRAMS of vitamin D. That may not seem like a lot, but that’s 50% of your daily amount of vitamin D.


But the biggest question is if this salad is delicious? It is in fact, absolutely amazing! And it is amazing to make sure that this meal is going to be filling and keep you strong for the rest of the daily.


Would you try the salad that we made in the eggstra credit? Let us know in the comments below!


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