Sadly right now all we talk about is toilet paper shortages, wearing masks and asking how on earth do we even clean everything if we can’t get supplies?
According to the CDC just 1 tsp of regular household bleach to 1 cup of water is enough to sanitize most surfaces! Please visit the CDC website to confirm the information for yourself and to find other ways to protect your family during these unprecedented times.
**NOTE: bleach will degrade after a few days in water so please only make enough to last 3 or 4 days and then change out your mixture. And to make your cloths last longer rinse well in between each use!**
"Clorox" Bleach Wipes
- 3 tsp regular household bleach
- 3 cups plain tap water
- 1 clean glass jar
- 1 Swedish Dish Cloth or other sturdy cloth
- Carefully add water and bleach to jar
- Poke the cloth in
- Top with the lid
- Shake gently
- You're ready to sanitize!
- To prolong the life of the cloth rinse it with plain tap water between uses
Make your own here!
Remember, plan don’t panic…and stay safe out there!
Wondering if this ratio of water to Clorox will bleach clothes? I’m the worst with Clorox. Always inadvertently end up bleaching what ever I am wearing.
Oh no! So far I’ve been good it’s really more of a mild swimming pool smell if that makes any sense. I’ve been wiping 8-10 times a day and I’m sure I’ve sloshed it on myself at some point but no bleaching on clothes so far. And my wet-it clothes have not lost any of their color so I think as long as you don’t bathe in it you should be good!
Of course bleach can always affect colored clothing but this is such a small dilution I haven’t had any problems. I’ve been using it multiple times a day every day and (knock on wood) so far no issues 👍🏼