Weight Watchers Chat #366 “Are People in Your Life Helping Or Hurting Your Progress”

Comments are Disabled In the spirit of transparency, I do receive commission from mentioning some of the products in this post. Any commission I earn comes at no additional cost to you and I’ll never recommend products that I don’t use, love and believe in.

News and Reviews

  • Today is the first day of the “Zero Point Satisfying Food!” Challenge hosted by Julie over on the If You Have an Egg Facebook Group. Hop in any time, it’s not a competition with anyone but yourself!
  • June 13th is my bday!  Just sayin 🙂
  • I heard on the news this morning that several cities are working on National Produce Prescription Programs where patients can be prescribed fresh fruits and vegetables that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford as part of their healthcare plan. Y’all know how much I love a straight from the garden (or farmer’s market) veggie and know for a fact that it helped my mom add back 10 years that the doctors all said she didn’t have.  What do you think about this idea?  https://nppc.health/#:~:text=A%20Produce%20Prescription%20(PRx)%20Program,provider%20or%20health%20insurance%20plan


Review Last Week: Last week was Chat #365 “Make Activity More Interesting!”

Tonight’s definition is brought to you by The Cambridge Dictionary…just because I liked it and it’s my chat 🙂 



US  /ækˈtɪv.ə.t̬i/ UK  /ækˈtɪv.ə.ti/

activity noun (MOVEMENT)
the situation in which a lot of things are happening or people are moving around


This week a lot of things are happening and people ARE moving around. So let’s make it more interesting!

Pro tips for amping up your activity:

Ditch the distractions

A lot of us walk, workout, run, etc to some sort of noise like a podcast, music, phone conversation. This week (and maybe more weeks ahead!) find a simple activity to do without the distractions and see what else you notice. Things like:

  • Birds chirping
  • Mushrooms along the path
  • The sound of your own heart beating

Reverse it up

Yep, you heard me. I didn’t say change it up, I said reverse it up. Whatever your path or where you stand or what order you do your activity in, reverse it! When John and I lived in downtown Knoxville we walked the same path the same way every time. One day we reversed our path and saw things we had never even noticed, even several hundred trips around!

Make it small, report it big

One of the most exciting yet simple things I’ve done lately to amp up my activity is to join two small “check in” groups. One is Julie’s challenge for us over on the IYHAE Facebook Group for this week. The other is Melisa’s squat and now countertop pushup challenge. The challenges are not overwhelming, there is no competition, you simply do it and then report in. 10 squats a day, report in DONE!


Your homework was #DistractionDitched. This week’s homework is easy because all you have to do is put down your phone. Turn off the noise. Do one small activity (indoor or outdoor) and tell us what you noticed when your distractions were ditched!


Let’s see how you did:

  • Karen put down the phone at the beach this week and spotted turtles, two red tail hawks (and the nest!) and lots of fun and giggles with her family!
  • John put down both phones during our evening walks this week and became a human roller coaster track with a red wagon and two giggling girls!
  • Candice decided to walk without the headphones and heard birds chirping, noticed the fireflies are already out and said it felt like her walk went faster!

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: “Are People in Your Life Helping Or Hurting Your Progress” 

Have you ever been in a situation with a friend, family  member, even a complete stranger and left the situation thinking “well that wasn’t helpful at all….”


Pro tips for protecting your progress:

Real Life Influencers

When we think of the word influencer, connotations of someone modeling sunglasses or subliminally selling you workouts comes to mind. But the real influencers are ones we see, hear and even come in contact with on a regular basis. A consistent enough basis that our thoughts, and even sometimes our beliefs about ourselves or our journey become affected. That doesn’t mean intentions are negative, but they may have a negative impact on us anyway. Think things like:

  1. The spouse who regular wants to treat you or show you love with hot doughnuts or special cookies
  2. The co-worker who invites you to lunch every day to get you out of the office
  3. The person you follow on Instagram or YouTube that tells you if you’ll just work a little harder, have a little more willpower, or rely on them a little more that you’ll be a mini version of them


Sort em out and stack em up

Identify the top 3 – 5 “people” in your life that are talking in your ear the most, offering the most opinions, influencing you the most. Then based on whether their connection helps or seems to hurt your progress, sort them according to the chart in your WW Weekly from the app:

Who could I connect with more?

Who could I connect with less?


Social Swap

Whether you realize it or not, the time you spend watching the news, commercials, social media, etc plays a huge part in your current identity and how you feel about your progress. If you follow more “young, tall, blonde, fit, extreme workout” channels but you look like me it will probably hurt more than help. But if you find “like minded” people, news, encouragers, who can relate to you and where you are NOW, the progress is limitless!


This Week’s Homework: #SocialSwap

Your homework for this week is #SocialSwap. This week’s homework may require you to spend a little time weeding out in your social media feed and subscriptions. I want you to find ONE person you are following, or watching, or listening to that is NOT helping and may even be hindering your thoughts about your progress.  Hit UNFOLLOW and then find someone who is more in tune with who you are NOW, where you are in your life and your journey, and hit that FOLLOW button and tell us about it!  Type it, snap it, tell it.   Now DO YOUR HOMEWORK because I promise there is someone who needs the idea you have already rattling around in your head. Whatever it is let us know, I promise your decision to participate this week will help you AND someone else!  Then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!


Don’t forget to do your homework #SocialSwap and tag me when you share on social media!


Extra Credit: Recipe and Product Testing!

For the eggstra credit tonight, I will be reviewing a recipe and several products that some friends of mine have given or requested for me to talk about. Some good, some bad… let’s talk about them!


  • The first one is the viral TikTok yogurt custard bread… I really wanted to like this. All of the ingredients in this recipe sound delicious and I love. I tried it with whole wheat, regular bread, brioche, texas toast…. it’s gross. The recipe will never be posted because I just couldn’t make myself enjoy it. It was a big thumbs down.
  • Item number two is the Banza Chickpea Pasta. We tried to the wagon wheels and penne, and they have so many positive things about them. They are made with chickpeas, really low in sodium, 50% more protein… what’s not to love??? The texture. These are made with xanthan gum, and it made them turn into mush almost immediately. They were gummy and lost their shape after sitting out for a little over 10 minutes. And reheating was disgusting, please don’t try to microwave it. I prefer the Simply Nature Chickpea penne from Aldi. It’s made with just chickpeas, no other ingredients, and they are delicious! Banza is a thumbs down, but Simply Nature is a thumbs up!
  • As you know, Ann is my dealer when it comes to Southern Breeze Presweetened Teas. Watermelon, Blackberry, Mango, and Mint are all of the options, but I tried the Watermelon one for the chat. It was so good! Such a sweet and refreshing flavor, and it is perfect for a hot summer day. I’m a big fan of these cold brew teas!
  • Alyssa doesn’t like breakfast. Neither does her mother Casey. So I was shocked when she asked for Kodiak Cakes Birthday Cake Waffle Mix! It is so easy to make, and both Alyssa and Casey are big fans! So is the rest of the family. An easy winner for sure!
  • The last one came from another dealer at my WW meeting. Danielle brought SEEQ Clear Protein Blue Razz Freeze powder. She made us all drinks and spoiled us a little at our last meeting. They are absolutely delicious! And the scoops are gigantic. There are 22g protein and 0g sugar… for 1 point!!! This is hands down a stellar option for opting out Gatorade or Powerade to stay within your points while hydrating yourself.

Which of these products or recipes would you want to try? Let me know in the comments!



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