Weight Watchers Chat #377: “How to Deal With a Setback Without Blaming Yourself!”

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News and Reviews

  • Today is the start of the “Track It – Part 2!” challenge hosted by Julie over on the If You Have an Egg Facebook Group. It’s not a competition, just a great way to challenge yourself and get some extra encouragement!
  • I will be posting my Summer Scorecard soon detailing how all my starts and stops went this summer! Stay tuned for more 🙂 
  • The Amazon Wish List is up and ready! For those of you who wanted to help support our chats by ordering some things from Amazon or even purchasing the gift cards in any amount, just use this link!

(just a reminder, as an Amazon Affiliate I will receive compensation for any purchases you make with my links. I am also an affiliate for other companies who may be linked in this post for which I may be compensated with free or discounted product and in some cases monetarily. We appreciate your continued support!)


Last week was Chat #376 “Meals That Keep You Strong And Motivated!”

Gwen started last week’s in person workshop with a trick question. Let’s see if you’ve been paying attention to your app and Connect and answer this better than we did!

If I tell you we are talking about building and retaining muscle this week, what do you think we will be chatting about?

Ok for you smarty pants people who just said food, you can sit over there while the rest of us catch up LOL. As it turns out there are three things we need to be consuming on an intentional basis to keep up lean muscle while we lose weight. What are those three things you say?


Three Pro Level nutritional needs to keep you strong:

Power Protein

It’s no surprise that protein tops this list! Everyone knows eggs, lean meats, and cheese are great sources of protein. But here are three surprising places to pack in that protein power!

  1. Artichoke Hearts – a cup of zero point artichoke hearts boasts 4 grams of protein
  2. Lentils – ½ cup of this tasty legume offers 9 grams of protein
  3. Yogurt – a great source of protein on its own, make it Greek style and you can pick up an additional 20 grams!

Cash in With Calcium

Did you know you need calcium for muscles to move and for nerves to carry messages between your brain and every part of your body? Sure milk has calcium but where else can we get it?

  1. Broccoli – just one cup of chopped broccoli contains 43 mg of calcium
  2. Yogurt – make the list again with a whopping 448 mg of calcium per 1 cup! 
  3. Leafy Greens – like kale, bok choy and collards can have as much as 60 – 250 mg of calcium and are considered more bioavailable sources of calcium than milk!

Give Me a D!

If you’re like me when you hear Vitamin D you sunlight and fortified foods. Sometimes using solar power to create this critical vitamin in your own body is not an option. Then what??

  1. Salmon or Tuna – According to Business Insider, a 75-gram (2.5-ounce) serving of sockeye salmon contains between 394 to 636 International Units (IU) of the vitamin depending on whether it’s canned, cooked, or raw, according to Dietitians of Canada. Since salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, it also helps lower triglyceride levels.
  2. Mushrooms – when exposed or grown in ultraviolet light, mushrooms are the only vegetable that actually produce Vitamin D!
  3. Yogurt – are you surprised? I’m starting to think we need to include yogurt in our daily routine!


Your homework was #FeedYourMuscles!. This week you get to EAT for your homework woo hoo! Put together a simple meal that contains protein, calcium and vitamin D and share it with us

Let’s see how you did:

  • Barbara strengthened her muscles by having chicken for protein, yogurt for calcium and some sunshine for Vitamin D!
  • Sherry made me hungry when she had a Mediterranean quinoa bowl made with chickpeas,roasted red peppers,feta,cucumbers,tomatoes,artichokes and red onions. This provides Protein, VitaminD, and calcium!
  • Ann rounded out our list with chicken, cheese and a pickle wrap plus a banana. Then for a snack she had a protein drink and a string cheese!  

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic:  “How To Deal With Setbacks Without Blaming Yourself!”

You’ve been experiencing setbacks since the day you were born. You could even say we were “born” to take a step back. You know why?


Good old Albert Einstein said it best “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new”


Ready to get our hands dirty and make some mistakes?

So You Fell Down 

Remember when I said you were born to take a step back? A step back or a setback is just a reversal in progress. It doesn’t mean failure, it’s just a temporary reversal. When you were learning to walk you had many “reversals” in your progress. If you learned to read and write, same. Some of you learned to swim, to ride a bike, to speak in front of crowds. And I guarantee you didn’t do it without any reversals in progress. So you fell down, get up.


Check Your Toolbelt

While you were experiencing reversals in every single other thing you’ve learned how to do, you had tools. Or you gathered tools. Or you worked together with someone else and created tools.

  1. Learning to ride a bike? Maybe your tool was training wheels or a loved one who was willing to run along beside you
  2. Learning to cook? You may have cookbooks, or a favorite cooking channel, or some fancy gadgets in your toolbelt
  3. Learning to navigate your weight loss journey? Some excellent tools are WW meetings, journals, favorite Facebook groups, and more!


It’s Not a Setback, It’s a Setup

I’m getting ready to get all Jesus on you so if that’s not your thing just tune out for a second. For the rest of us, there is a common belief that every setback is really just God getting us ready (a setup) for what’s next. Think about it. If you didn’t have that setback at work you wouldn’t have been set up for that interview for your dream job. Just like if you hadn’t had a setback in your weight you wouldn’t have been set up to join this amazing group of ladies and make new friends from all over the country. Tim Tebow said on Instagram “Every setback is just a set up for what’s coming next”. See  that setback for a setup to what’s coming next!


This Week’s Homework: #SetbackOrSetup!

Your homework for this week is #SetbackOrSetup!. If you are still alive you’ve had setbacks and will likely have many more. Tell us a time your setback turned into an “aha! This was a setup for what was coming next!”. Now DO YOUR HOMEWORK because I promise there is someone who needs the idea you have already rattling around in your head. Whatever it is let us know, I promise your decision to participate this week will help you AND someone else!  Then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!


Don’t forget to do your homework #SetbackOrSetup! and tag me when you share on social media!


Eggstra Credit: Amazon Unboxing!

You all know about the setback with John’s company. There were budget cuts and it left us with the setback of not being able to just try a bunch of new things from the grocery store, and being a lot more selective about what we DO get. But, tonight’s setup is an Amazon Unboxing full of things that you all either sent or shared with me to try out!


Casey gave me four things that she found on a recent expedition to Publix. She had to go there to get some specific things for her church, and she found these while she was strolling around. She doesn’t get to go to Publix often!

The first things she found were Veggie Craft Penne & Rotini. They are all made with vegetables with lots of fiber, calcium, and potassium and are 4 pts per serving.

The other things she got me are Harvest Snaps… but new flavors! She got Mango Chili Lime Black Beans Snacks and Hot N Spicy Red Lentils Crunchy Loops. They are fantastic! The Mango Chili is sweet and spicy and delicious. 3 pts for 22 of them! Fantastic!

Now, an anonymous person sent THE COMPLETE COLLECTION OF SOUTHERN BREEZE COLD BREW TEAS!!! I am currently drinking the Blood Orange flavor and they are absolutely delicious!! And the girls at work are loving the Watermelon flavor too.

The next thing is from Jill, and she sent a 3 pack of EveryWare containers for me to be able to prep meals for work! They hold 5 cups, but there are only 3 of them. So I can prep meals for only 3 days instead of prepping for a whole week and getting bored by the middle of the week. Thank you so much Jill!

Michelle sent me a 12 pack of Zevo insect trap refills. If you do a lot of cooking with fresh fruits and veggies, you will have fruit flies, so these are essential!! Thank you Michelle!

Karen knows how much I’ve had fun making pickles, and she got me these Mrs Wages Quick Process Pickle Mix! These are the brines pre-prepared, and she got me:

  • Hot and Spicy
  • Roasted Garlic
  • Medium Spicy
  • Pickled Okra & Vegetables
  • Kosher Dill

Thank you Karen!!

Emily picked this Stainless Steel Pressure Cooking set off of my Amazon list. Thank you!! It was blue and absolutely adorable. Emily told me that we needed all of the right tools for when its time to start pressure cooking, and I’d say we are well on our way!

Kim got me dissolvable labels that I’ll be able to use on my jars and containers, so I know what are in there AND she got me a gorgeous canning and preserving book! Thank you Kim!

And then Carol Lou got us some gift cards!! I can’t wait to use it to use it towards something bigger for the showroom and our future chats! Thank you Carol Lou!


Thank you everyone for your support! What are you the most interested in me reviewing? Let me know in the comments below!

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