Weight Watchers Chat #340 “How to Crush a Craving”

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News and Reviews

I’m sure there is lots of WW related news but this is the big news from me…tonight is our LAST CHAT FROM THE LOFT! Several of you started here and love this location but we are moving! Depending on how far we get next weekend we may or may not have a chat and I will let you know as soon as I can. But we have a chance to move very close to our amazing granddaughters Alyssa and Beau and are jumping at this opportunity! We have enjoyed our time in downtown Knoxville but are ready for leaf raking, bird feeding and granddaughter snuggling so we are moving on! On a side note, if you know anyone looking for a great location on the trolley route for the University of Tennessee, anything and everything downtown Knoxville, and easy access to biking, hiking and more let me know!


Review Last Week: Last week was Chat #339 “Sustainable Eating!” 

First: everyone grab a writing utensil and a scrap piece of paper

When you’re back: just start shouting out any diets or eating plans you’ve been on BESIDES WW.

I’ll start – Physician’s Weight Loss, Atkins, The Cabbage Soup Diet, anything and everything

Now shout out why you stopped following them. No matter your answer I can guarantee they all boil down to one thing, you couldn’t sustain that way of eating (or living).

Take this quick quiz from WW:

Make a list from 1 to 6 and answer either YES or NO to each question

When you consider what you ate while on WW last week:

  1. I ate things I enjoyed
  2. All foods were on my menu
  3. I was able to stick to my weight-loss or health goals
  4. I could be social and go to events
  5. I was able to eat the same meals as family and friends
  6. It was easy to find my food at local stores


Now go check the “thumbs up” and “thumbs down” graphic for this topic on your app. If you answered mostly thumbs up and this sounds like an eating pattern you can maintain then go for it! If instead you were mostly thumbs down or you aren’t sure your current plan is something you can do long term it’s ok! Stay tuned for the second half of tonight’s chat and we will take a deep dive into how it looks for some seasoned pros who felt just like you at one time or another!


(full list of questions are on your WW app under Discover Content. Graphics and content are the property of WW and Weight Watchers International)


Your homework was #SustainabilitySurvey. This is where you all help new members and seasoned pros alike! Simply let us know if you were mostly “thumbs ups” on your quiz and name one thing you know makes this a sustainable lifestyle for you. OR let us know if you are mostly “thumbs down” and let us know one thing you struggled with so we can help!

Let’s see how you did:

  • Haley is a bread girl too and agreed she couldn’t and wasn’t going to give that up. She came up with her own solution and only eats bread that she actually makes. What a great and delicious idea!
  • Mary Ann made it clear that she will not be giving up fermented grape juice (ahem). So she plans it in her points and tries to only enjoy when in the company of friends!
  • Lynn is another bread lover and says she would have trouble eliminating that from her diet. Instead she keeps Sara Lee Delightful 45 calorie bread on hand and uses it as a 1 point solution for lots of things including Weggos!

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: “ How to Crush a Craving!”

Raise your hand if you tried the method of moving beyond a craving in 2 minutes according to this week’s weekly.


Is it just me or did anyone else think closing your eyes and thinking of gentle waves was just going to put you in nap mode as a means of forgetting the craving. If you tried it and it worked for you awesome, this wasn’t a weekly I got all warm and cuddly with LOL.

3 fast fact from WW that I DO agree with however:

Cravings have a short fuse

Whether you give in or get out, cravings are usually quick to happen and can be even more quick to get over.


Give it a name, call it out

If you’re hungry almost anything will do. An apple, a plate of cold spaghetti in the fridge, a string cheese with a piece of turkey wrapped around it.

Cravings usually have a very specific name like Little Debbie, Colonel Sanders, Marie Callendar…you following me? 

If you can name it (whatever “it” is) specifically it is likely just a craving. Call it out. You are a craving and you have no power over me!


Crush, Rinse, Repeat

The more times you face the craving, name it, call it out, you crush it! And like all exercise, whether mental or physical, the more times you repeat it the easier it gets and the stronger you become!


This Week’s Homework: #CrushThatCraving

Your homework for this week is #CrushThatCraving. You’ve probably had a craving this week, maybe even today. But I’m confident you will have one in time to do your homework this week! When a craving strikes I want you to name it, call it by name OUT LOUD, and then tell us how you crushed it.  Now DO YOUR HOMEWORK because I promise there is something in your fridge or pantry that needs to either be seen or unseen! Whatever it is let us know, I promise your decision to participate this week will help you AND someone else!  Then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!


Don’t forget to do your homework #CrushThatCraving and tag me when you share on social media!


Extra Credit: Sneaky Sodium Suspects

I’ve been having a lot of conversations about sodium recently, and how it can sneak its way into your food and really mess up your weight loss journey.

Sodium is usually consumed by the amount of salt or table salt that you eat, which could effect how your body holds water. If you eat too much, there could be water retention and that could lead to a temporary weight gain. While not inherently bad, that can easily lead to disappointment at the scale, frustration, and actually put a damper on your sense of accomplishment. So I want to help you keep your sodium levels in check and share some of the things that you might not realize might be adding extra sodium into your diet!



I asked the chat during the live FB video to put these things into a ranked list of least to most sodium. Take a minute to read through the list, make your own rankings, and then scroll down to see how you did!

  • 2 ketchup packets
  • 1/4 tsp of popcorn seasoning
  • 1 tsp pink sea salt
  • 7 olives
  • 2 oz lite spam
  • 1 tsp Braggs liquid aminos
  • 1 can of tuna in water
  • 2 tbsp Braggs nutritional yeast
  • 2 turkey sausage sticks
  • 1 bag of Lays classic chips
  • 1/2 cup black beans
  • 1 bottle of G-Fit

Now go down to the list and see how well you did!

  • 1 tsp pink sea salt (1680mg)
  • 2 oz lite spam (580mg)
  • 1/2 cup black beans (400mg)
  • 7 olives (330mg)
  • 1 tsp Braggs liquid aminos (310mg)
  • 1 can of tuna in water (270mg)
  • 2 tbsp Braggs nutritional yeast (270mg)
  • 1 bottle of G-Fit (230mg)
  • 2 turkey sausage sticks (220mg)
  • 2 ketchup packets (190mg)
  • 1 bag of Lays classic chips (170mg)
  • 1/4 tsp of popcorn seasoning (95mg)

What were some of the things that surprised you? Let us know in the comments and start a conversation with the other Egglettes!

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