My WW leader Gwen calls anyone who has never had a weight problem, can eat a chip or two and leave the bag alone, and who has never had to question the caloric value of anything. a Civilian. This holiday season I want to eat with the Civilians. It’s Christmas Eve. You don’t have time to listen to me babble on and on and on like I usually do…you want to grab your last minute items and eat with the non Weight Watchers too. So Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Boxing Day, Happy New Year or whatever holiday you are celebrating this week…here’s to eating with the Civilians.
Holiday Hack #1 – Take something they recognize
This DeLiteful Ambrosia Salad is a favorite at holiday gatherings because everyone recognizes it and more importantly everyone loves it. They will never suspect it is lightened up…and it’s so creamy and delicious my container is always empty at the end! Find the full recipe here DeLiteful Ambrosia Salad

Holiday Hack #2 – Disguise it as something they know and love
No one suspects a doughnut is anything other than a doughnut. Mwahahaha little do they know you are on plan and they will be too! For the complete recipe click here or search doughnut here on

Holiday Hack #3 – Make it adorable and irresistable
Even the most staunch meat and potatoes guests can’t resist veggies and fruit when they are served in tiny cups or even better a little half piece of fruit cup. I mean come on, could you keep your hands off of these? Simply use low point dressings or Tzatziki in the cups and voila, you are a hero even with the little ones. For great low point salad dressing options visit the Shopping Guide section of my If You Have an Egg app
Holiday Hack #4 – Fat Free Half & Half is your new best friend
I seriously don’t know what I did before I found this. Here in the south Christmas is often surrounding by gravy…lots of gravy. Gravy on biscuits. Gravy on mashed potatoes. Gravy on toast. Gravy on gravy. Not really but it’s pretty serious. Whether your gathering is sponsored by Paula Dean or a Nonna serving old world creamy goodness, you’re going to need this. To get you started visit my Cube Steak & Mushroom Gravy recipe

Holiday Hack #5 – Festive drinks all around!
If you are the hostess with the mostess or can pull of helping with beverages make sure there is a fun alternative to those high calorie and often alcohol laden holiday beverages. And let’s face it, after a few cups of Uncle Clark’s famous Christmas Nog your ability to make rational food decisions may start to wane…just sayin. Check Pinterest for some great ideas, here is one I have made myself to get you started Iced Cucumber Water 0 Smart Points!

And the most important hack of all…enjoy your time with family and friends. Remember, this is a HoliDAY, not a HoliWEEK or a HoliMONTH. I don’t want to hear any whining, no complaining, no acting like everyone else gets to eat good food and not be on Weight Watchers at Christmas. You have tools, you have support, now get out there and get elbow to elbow with those Civilians and show them what weight watchering is all about!
For access to my Trader Joe’s Smart Points database check out my new app on both the Google Play Store and the Apple Store
Link to the Apple store is: Smart Points Database in the Apple Store
Link to the Google play store is:
Smart Points Database on the Google Play Store