Weight Watchers Virtual Workshop #399 – From Plan to Plate!

Comments are Disabled In the spirit of transparency, I do receive commission from mentioning some of the products in this post. Any commission I earn comes at no additional cost to you and I’ll never recommend products that I don’t use, love and believe in.

Hello & Happy Sunday everyone! I am Kelly and this is Weight Watchers Virtual Workshop #399 brought to you by If You Have an Egg.com. Today is Sunday, January 26th and if you were not able to join us LIVE, just visit https://www.youtube.com/@ifyouhaveanegg to watch (or listen!) whenever you can!

If you are new or returning to our LIVE workshop please give us a shoutout so we can all welcome you…we are glad you are here!

Last week began the new 2025 format for chats, let me know if you like the things I left out (or if you even noticed they were gone), want anything back in, can think of any other changes, etc. I’ve been chatting with many of you for feedback and this is our inaugural run with what you suggested!


This week over on the If You Have an Egg Facebook Group, our Focus Leader Julie will be chatting about this week’s focus topic “Planning to Plate”. Join us and don’t forget to comment to join in the fun!  If you aren’t already a member of the group simply visit the group here and remember to answer those 3 questions so I can let you in 🙂


The FDA has recalled 19,688 cases of shelf stable individually packaged milk from Horizon Milk. This one caught my eye because I keep these in the camper for Alyssa and Beau to drink or to pack in lunches. Yikes?

Of course I”m going to check ours, but since Alyssa has an extremely sensitive gag reflex when it comes to things that taste bad I feel like she’s the better notifier than the number on the package LOL.

So what caused the recall? The packaging is aseptic, which makes it shelf stable. But some of the packages were found to be faulty which could lead to the milk spoiling on the shelf (or on your shelf!) before the best by date.

No instructions have been published so far on what to do if you find any of the affected product but click this link from Taste of Home to stay posted.

This week’s Good Egg Award goes to Lynn from Texas who has over 730 consecutive days of tracking!  That’s over 2 years if you’re a little slow on the math like me LOL. Stay tuned this week over in our If You Have an Egg Facebook group for information on how you could be next week’s Good Egg Award recipient!



From Plan To Plate

This week at Weight Watchers we discussed how your satisfaction with what is on your plate helps you stay on plan. Members from our Tuesday night meeting listed some of the following as ways to stay satisfied

  • Colorful plates / food
  • Spices for lots of flavor
  • Variety and not eating the same thing too often
  • Eating seasonal fruits or veggies so they are at the peak of freshness and flavor

Did you know?

There is a direct correlation between the size of the plate you use and how much you eat? Your brain translates the same amount of food on a small plate as “sufficient”. But on a larger plate that same amount of food appears “deficient”.


How about you?

What needs to be on your plate for maximum satisfaction?

  • Smaller Plate Size?
  • #BulkItUp with zero point foods?
  • Certain seasonings or sauces for flavor?
  • Colors on the plate?
  • Fresh? Hot? Something else?
  • Only eating while sitting down?

How often do you sit down and eat with real utensils?

  • Once a day
  • Once a week
  • Every meal?

How do you add to a meal if it’s not going to meet your satisfaction goal?

Remember, it’s important YOU are satisfied with what you are choosing to eat and not just eating because it was put in front of you


STAR Goal Icon:

Who can tell us a STAR goal they have for tracking this week? Remember it needs to be:

S-pecific so you will know if you did it

T-ruly doable in a week’s time

A-ctionable meaning you will DO something and not not do something

R-elevant to your journey!



Topic: Miller’s Banana Pepper Sauce Recipe Contest!

When the fine folks over at Miller’s Banana Pepper Sauces asked me if I would like to submit a recipe for their contest I said “sure! Count me in!”. What they didn’t bargain for was my inability to choose just ONE of their yummy, light and dare I say “fresh taste” sauces. So they are getting three entries instead 🙂 

Who are they? Established in 2002, Miller’s is a Pittsburgh local that began as a humble experiment in their home. Friends would request jars to take home and that grew to offering their hand crafted recipes in local specialty stores. Empty jar after empty jar told them they were doing something right! With the motto “It’s Not The Easy Way…It’s Just the Right Way” they can boast more than 20 years and several awards available to be enjoyed in YOUR kitchen! 


What is in their sauce? During our chat last night I referred to popular brand hot sauces as “muddy”. I don’t know how to describe it. I do enjoy several brands but now that I have tasted Miller’s I’m not sure what I saw in them. Miller’s uses only vine-ripened peppers that are picked at the peak of freshness. These mature banana and habanero peppers are processed from scratch, ingredients include: Fresh Peppers, Mustard Seed, Distilled Vinegar, Raw Sugar, Paprika, Turmeric (+ water, cornstarch, salt paprika extract and vitamin C (to preserve freshness)

Points? Special dietary info?  Each of the three sauces we tried Mild, Hot and Habanero are zero WW points for 1-2 tsp and just 1 point for 3-4 tsp. Each flavor is also Gluten Free and Non-GMO Verified!

What do you enjoy them on? Well in addition to the three recipes I have submitted for their contest (see separate posts for details and directions on those!) I’ve already tried Miller’s on eggs, as a veggie dip by itself, to pump up some bland hummus I had purchased and in cheese grits. I am excited about subbing these in for some of the “muddy” hot sauces I’ve been using in other recipes!

Ok so where do you buy them Kelly?? Miller’s is available at Whole Foods and Wegmans BUT if you will pretty please use this convenient Amazon Link I will earn a little street cred and a small affiliate commission each time you order!  https://amzn.to/4jvkhdL


Here are the links to the three recipes we made! Which ones of these would you choose to try out? Let us know in the comments below!

Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash featuring Miller’s Mild Banana Pepper Sauce

Hot Candied Bacon Wrapped Asparagus featuring Miller’s Hot Banana Pepper Sauce

Sweet Heat Chicken Wing Sauce featuring Miller’s Habanero Banana Pepper Sauce


Check them out on social media and tell them I said hello! 

Facebook: EatMillers

Instagram: EatMillersOfficial

#betterwithmillers #millersrecipechallenge #anythingbugbland

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