This was a loooong weekend filled with 15 hour work days. By day I own and manage a granite fabrication shop. By night I am a wanna be food blogger and lover of all things Weight Watchers. This weekend though I added sponsor of our local Oktoberfest celebration to that list and found out I am quickly becoming too old for that hahaha.
Saturday morning I knew I was in for the longest day. I started in the granite shop at 7am and then went to Oktoberfest until 11pm. Fortunately, I am at least smart enough to plan ahead when I can. Planning ahead always means food…or usually means food…and that day it did.

Long work days are still a struggle for me food planning wise. My mother and I used to do craft shows and teach rubber stamping/scrapbooking lessons on the weekends which meant lots of talking and very few breaks. Even on break people would come to ask us technique questions so we learned to carb up at Cracker Barrel or on fast food hotcakes and sausages. I LOVE to talk. But also LOVE to eat. Reaching and staying at my WW goal meant I had to learn how to do both equally well. For this show I was surrounded by grilling sausages, kraut, funnel cakes…Lord have mercy. I got up extra early Saturday to fill my belly so that I could put that resist those evil temptations and came up with this filling, delicious and admit it…down right attractive meal. And guess what? Bonus, all the ingredients are Simply Filling so your tracker will be filled with those coveted green triangles!

Fried Potato Scramble – 4 Weight Watchers Points Plus
- 1 egg (farm fresh if you have access!)
- 1/4 cup egg whites (I use Trader Joe’s Cage Free Egg Whites)
- 1 tsp seasoning (I used Trader Joe’s Coffee & Garlic BBQ Rub but it isn’t always available)
- 1/2 cup thinly sliced new potatoes
- 1/2 cup Trader Joe’s Healthy 8 Veggies (or other sturdy veggies like broccoli, cabbage, bell peppers, etc)
- 1/2 cup sliced Baby Portabello Mushrooms
- 1/2 cup fresh baby spinach
- Non Stick Spray
Spray a non stick skillet (I prefer ceramic) and heat to just over medium heat, add the sliced potatoes. Spray the up side of the potatoes again with the non stick spray. Cover lightly with aluminum foil and allow to “fry” for about 6 minutes. Flip the potatoes and then add the Healthy 8 veggies, recover. Cook for approximately 6 more minutes and then add the mushrooms. Stir and flip again, cooking for 2-3 minutes. While you are waiting on the mushrooms to cook stir together the egg and egg whites in a small bowl. Add to the mix and “scramble” all together. Cook for another 3-4 minutes and add spinach and seasoning just before you make one final flip and stir everything. Remove from heat and serve immediately. Any veggies will do so you could come up with an indefinite amount of versions…enjoy!

For more great meal ideas and encouragement from a group of great gals come join us at If You Have An Egg…a Weight Watchers Support Group!