Weight Watchers Chat #383: “Find Your Fit!”

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News and Reviews

  • Today is the start of the “Work Out, Move It Challenge!” challenge hosted by Julie over on the If You Have an Egg Facebook Group. It’s not a competition, just a great way to challenge yourself and get some extra encouragement!
  • Another recall I think worth mentioning this week:
    • Taylor Farms seems to be having some potential listeria issues this month with both prepared salads sold  under the Kroger brand name and their Home Chef Soup in the Broccoli Cheddar, Chicken with Rice, Chicken and Noodles and Thai Chicken Curry heat and eat soups. All of these products have been removed from shelves at Kroger stores and a sign posted until October October 9th. Click here for a complete list including purchase dates and batch number.
  • But in better news, it’s Delicata Squash season! I have found them at Kroger, Trader Joe’s and a local market called Pratt’s just this week. They are only in season September thru November so go grab yours now!

(just a reminder, as an Amazon Affiliate I will receive compensation for any purchases you make with my links. I am also an affiliate for other companies who may be linked in this post for which I may be compensated with free or discounted product and in some cases monetarily. We appreciate your continued support!)


Last week was Chat #382 “Your Own Best Pattern For Eating!”

You’ll have to imagine for a moment how hard it is to prepare for chats now that the weekly topic is no longer published in any WW format other than attending an in person workshop. More about that in the second half…but for now, hang on and let’s try to figure this out together!

Is weight loss a one size fits all (no pun intended)? Let’s dig in!

Fact or Fiction? 

Are these statements fact or are they fiction?

  • You have to eat breakfast each day in order to lose weight
  • Three meals a day is the only way to keep your metabolism in check
  • A pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat

Right Way or Wrong Way?

If I start my meals with a small breakfast about an hour after I get up and you start yours at noon, which one of us is right?

If you make sure you have a vegetable at each meal and I eat all my vegetables at one meal, are you right and I’m wrong?

If I eat 3 meals a day plus a snack, and if you eat 2 large meals a day, is one of us not doing this right?

Your Own Best Pattern for Eating

We just spent several minutes busting some myths and deciding if one of us is right or  wrong about the times we eat, methods of eating, how many times we eat, etc etc. Good news! WW is not one size fits all. This program does not put us in a little food prison that we spend all of our time trying to break out of like so many other programs (liberties taken from a long time WW leader!). Your own best pattern for eating is the one that is best for YOU!

  • YOU pick what time is best for your first meal of the day
  • YOU pick how many meals a day you will plan
  • YOU pick how to spend your points


Your homework was #YouPick. I’ll make this week’s homework so easy that you can’t not do it! You pick what time you will start your meals for the day and let us know. That’s it. That’s all. But picking is making a first step towards figuring out your own best pattern for eating.

Let’s see how you did:

  • Deanna eats breakfast after a workout & shower. It changes daily!
  • Lynn usually eats a protein bar around 9 a.m. and start her day with lunch and dinner around 2 p.m. and 7 p.m!
  • Casey starts her day with a cup of coffee and oatmilk about an hour after she gets up. Her first actual meal isn’t until closer to noon and that works great for her!

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: “Find Your Fit!” 

Halloween. Thanksgiving. Office Party. Birthday Party x 2. Christmas Eve. Christmas Day. News Year’s Eve. New Year’s Day.


That’s 9 days of celebrating I have to “fit in” between now and the end of the year. How is this going to “fit”? Let’s dig in!

Fall Fanatic or Fall Apart?

With so many posts about PSL’s and breaking out scarves it’s hard to remember that some of us have anxiety about these last three months of the year. The days are growing shorter, the time will change for many of us soon, and I have more than a handful of close friends who already feel the dread of what both leaving and coming home from work in the dark does to their attitude. How about you? Are you a soup and sweater, bring on the cold weather person? Or do we need to talk about some ways to avoid those winter blues that are already creeping in?


Q4 Projections

Like any good business, we aren’t going to wait until Dec 15th to decide what we want out of the rest of this year. The management of your health is your business. You need to decide now if you will set a goal to lose weight in the last quarter of the year or maintain where you are now. There is nothing wrong with a period of intentional maintenance. If you don’t know how to change that in your app just let me know and I’ll be happy to show you!


All The Other Days

At the beginning of this section I said I had 9 days of celebrating to fit into the remaining 87 days left this year. That means I have SEVENTY-EIGHT other days to make good decisions, track, prep some healthy food. 78 is a heckuvuh lot of days to do something with. I’m going to start deciding how to find my fit with all the other days, what about you?


This Week’s Homework: #AllTheOtherDays

Your homework for this week is #AllTheOtherDays. Make your own list of how many holidays, celebrations, etc you foresee between now and Jan 1st. Now subtract that from 87 and let us know what you plan to do with #AllTheOtherDays!  Now DO YOUR HOMEWORK because I promise there is someone who needs the idea you have already rattling around in your head. Whatever it is let us know, I promise your decision to participate this week will help you AND someone else!  Then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!


Don’t forget to do your homework #AllTheOtherDays and tag me when you share on social media!


Extra Credit: Alyssa’s French Fry Taste Test!

Since I lost my voice, Alyssa will be taking one for the team. She will be taste testing a bunch of different kinds of french fries for the Eggstra credit!


Alyssa is almost 7, and she is a french fry connoisseur. So naturally, she was the perfect selection for this taste test.


The first fries were Ore Ida Extra Crispy Fast Food Fries (27 fries for 4 pts)

I cooked them in the air fryer with a little spray and cooked them for 10 mins on 400 degrees. I also shook them halfway.

She said they were delicious! They reminded her of McDonald’s french fries.


The second fries were Ore Ida Golden Steak Fries (7 fries for 3 pts)

I cooked them in the air fryer with a little spray and cooked them for 12 mins on 400 degrees. I also shook them halfway, but these also needed to be flipped.

She liked them about the same as the first ones, and these are more similar to restaurant steak fries. She went back and snuck a couple of these, so they might be a contender for her favorite!


The third fries were Ore Ida Extra Golden Waffle Fries (8 fries for 4 pts)

I cooked them in the air fryer with a little spray and cooked them for 12 mins on 400 degrees. I also shook them halfway.

These are obviously similar to Chick-fil-A fries, which is one of Alyssa’s favorite places. So naturally, these were a quick thumbs up!


The first fries were Ore Ida Golden Crinkle Fries (12 fries for 3 pts)

I cooked them in the air fryer with a little spray and cooked them for 10 mins on 400 degrees. I also shook them halfway.

Alyssa says these remind her of the ones Casey makes at home. They were yummy!


Alyssa said her favorite is her steak fries! That doesn’t surprise me, she kept sneaking more of them between the other tests. My favorites are the crinkle cuts, because I think I would be able to get more sauce with those!


Which fries do you think would be your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!


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