It’s been a rough week at the Egg Lady house so I thought we could use some fun. I was planning on some coffee talk, a little java, but what happened was out of this world. Literally.
Casey and I have some dear and fun friends…Mr and Mrs Pedal Java. They have a coffee bike franchise that is the most cool, most unique, and now most delicious relationship we’ve ever had. They have been pumping us full of hot coffees, frappucinos, iced coffees and more at Fan Boys, Conventions, and pretty much anywhere you would hope to get caffeinated.
But they have also collectively lost almost 300 pounds. You heard me…almost THREE HUNDRED POUNDS. While they will make any decadent combo you can dream up, they have been instrumental in the waist watching of so many of us with an opportunity to visit them.
Last week I was feeling especially lonely at the showroom by myself during COVID-19. Even though we are an essential business I sent everyone home so they could shelter in place, be safe, and I could handle things. I’m a business owner, I’ve participated in more than 5 family business…I got this. What I didn’t have was the loneliness of an empty 5,000 square foot showroom and event center for a month. I don’t like quiet, I don’t enjoy low stress (I know, I’m weird). My mind was starting to wander to cookie dough, candy, things I don’t normally dream of. I knew I was in over my head but wanted to do something to satisfy my new lonely sweet tooth but make it WW friendly so I could use it as a treat later.
Mrs Pedal Java Milky Way Frappe
Yield 1 Drink
You could honestly make a half batch or split with a friend and be satisfied. This is so creamy, so sweet, and best of all sooooo easy!
- 20 oz Solo Cup or similar
- 3 finger of Pedal Java 20 Hour Cold Brew (or similar)
- 2 pumps Sugar Free Caramel Flavor Syrup
- 1/2 cup skim milk (or other "dairy")
- Crushed ice (the size you make will determine how much you need)
- up to 3 ounces of Sugar Free Hershey's Chocolate Syrup (or similar)
- 1 Tbsp Sugar Free Smuckers Caramel Sundae Syrup (or similar)
- 2 Tbsp Lite Whipped Topping
- For your first try use a clear 20 oz Solo Cup so you can "see" your measurements. After the first one or two you will be able to eyeball it in another drinking container of your choice
- Take the SF chocolate syrup and fill the cup to just under 1/2 of the first little indention in the bottom row on the cup (that is approximately 1/2 oz or 1 Tbsp)
- Add 2 pumps of sugar free caramel flavor syrup
- Add three fingers of Pedal Java 20 Hour Cold Brew
- Now stir, really really really good...Mrs PJ says "no lazy baristas!"
- Add the skim milk or dairy and stir one more time
- Pour in ice to the top
- Throw all of that into a blender and make some noise. If your frappe is sloshing around you have too much liquid and need more ice. If it's too chunky add a little more milk or cold brew
- Dress your cup! Use another Tbsp or so of the SF chocolate syrup and about 1/2 Tbsp of the SF caramel syrup and decorate your cup (watch the's really easy!)
- Your mixture should be the consistency of a milkshake. Add it back to the dressed cup and add your lite whip (it's optional) and some more "drizzle foschizzle"
- Prepare for brain are going to want to suck this down because it's OUT OF THIS WORLD
Courses Snack
Cuisine Very American
So during a boredom break through Instagram, I ran across a new IGTV video from my coffee pedaling buddies featuring Joe Exotic and Carol Baskin (if you haven’t seen Tiger King it’s a train wreck you won’t want to miss). Mrs PJ was making a cold brew concoction and I literally though to to myself “I could run over to Food City and grab the ingredients….” but then that would require a mask, a non essential trip out just due to boredom, and a potential for unintended higher point purchases. And then I saw it THE WORLD’S BEST COLDBREW KIT and ahhhhhh the heavens opened up!
I. Made. Cold. Brew. Coffee. By myself. This kit is so easy, ridiculously easy…and I nailed it. And the delivery if you are in Knox County is like waiting on the ice cream truck as a kid. Not kidding. I was glued to the window watching Mr PJ pedal his van all the way over to KC Kitchen Center
My boredom belayed and a new WW friendly treat is born. Quarantine isn’t all bad
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