WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #264: Healthy Choices Made Easy!

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WW News March 2022:

  • Oak Ridge guys and gals. Gwen has successfully opened the Community Workshop at Oak Ridge. If you are in or near Oak  Ridge and would like more information, just e-mail Gwen at gwen@wwmet.net
  • In more news from WW (information copied from and credited to WW which is a registered trademark of Weight Watchers International)  WW has been evaluated across  the world—the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, China, and Australia—and  found to produce significant weight loss in each country. In numerous randomized, controlled studies, WW was found to be more effective for sustained  weight loss—defined as 6 to 12 months—compared to: Physician counseling: WW is 2 times more effective for weight loss than physician counseling.  Professionally delivered program: WW is 3 times more effective in producing 10 percent weight loss than professionally delivered programs. Other commercial programs: Out of 141 commercial and proprietary weight-loss programs, WW was identified as one of two programs clinicians should prioritize for referral due to our sustained weight loss and cost-effectiveness.  Additionally, WW has been evaluated and found to be effective for chronic health conditions, such as : Prediabetes—WW is 27 times more effective for weight loss than a self-initiated program and produced greater improvements in glucose control in those with prediabetes. Type 2 diabetes—WW is 2 times as effective for weight loss than standard diabetes nutrition counseling and education, and produced greater improvements in glucose control in those with type 2 diabetes”  For the full article visit: https://www.weightwatchers.com/us/science-center 

The month’s theme is “Build Momentum” and we will spend the entire month talking about how to keep the excitement you felt starting a new year not only going, but build on that momentum for the rest of the year!


Last week during Chat #263: Stop Self Sabotage!, we admitted we’ve all been there. You leave work starving. Head across the street to grab a few groceries and there they stand…the Girl Scouts. You grab a box of your favorites and think, “I’ll eat a couple on the way home and then have dinner” a.k.a. Sabotage Here We Come.

30 minutes later you are stuffing the other sleeve in the glovebox of your car thinking _______ and feeling _________ (you fill in those blanks!) 

Remember, this is a no judgment zone! No rewind the events that led up to this moment and think. How did I get here and what could I have done differently or next time to avoid this?

Press Rewind

Try to go back and make a list of what led up to this moment 

  • Let yourself get too tired?
  • Didn’t have enough at lunch?
  • Should have had a snack before you went to the store?

Create A New Ending

Even though that moment is done, create a new version of this scenario that ends in a way with you in more control and without sabotaging your hard work

  • Get a co-worker to remind you if you haven’t taken a break
  • Have a protein packed lunch at the ready even if it’s one you have to grab and go (what are some of your favorite protein packed lunches?
  • Keep a less perishable sturdy snack in your purse like an apple, clementine, and single serve pack of nuts

Let your heroine redeem herself

Ok, now for the hard part. You have to let the hero of this story redeem him or herself

  • Track what you did no matter how ugly. Sometimes the damage isn’t as bad as you think, but even if it is putting it in writing will get it off your chest
  • Do not wallow. You can be sad for 10 minutes and then I need you to move on. You need you to move on. This was a bad set up and you were weak, it is not a character flaw!
  • Make sure you have the tools to avoid this next time!

Your homework for last week was #StopTheSabotage. Go ahead and make your plan for whatever scenario gets you in the most trouble and let’s STOP it before it starts….and then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Let’s see how you did!

  • Sylvia was having “one of those days” and was already tired when her husband went to help his brother. She was alone and had some goldfish, then some chips…then realized she was not in control and fixed a zero point dinner of chicken breast and air fried broccoli!
  • Sandra is planning a different route home so she doesn’t pass so many drive up windows, wow!
  • Deanna tracked a 107 point day. Did you hear me? She TRACKED a 107 point day. We’ve all had one, she tracked it. Boom, that’s how it’s done peeps!

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: Healthy Choices Made Easy

The Fox & the Grapes

A Fox one day spied a beautiful bunch of ripe grapes hanging from a vine trained along the branches of a tree. The grapes seemed ready to burst with juice, and the Fox’s mouth watered as he gazed longingly at them.

The bunch hung from a high branch, and the Fox had to jump for it. The first time he jumped he missed it by a long way. So he walked off a short distance and took a running leap at it, only to fall short once more. Again and again he tried, but in vain.

Now he sat down and looked at the grapes in disgust.

“What a fool I am,” he said. “Here I am wearing myself out to get a bunch of sour grapes that are not worth gaping for.”

And off he walked very, very scornfully.

There are many who pretend to despise and belittle that which is beyond their reach.

(Source: Aesop’s Fables for Children)


Ok Kelly, enough with story time…what does this have to do with WW? Everything. The easier a choice is the more likely we are to do it. Make it too hard and we convince ourselves it wasn’t the right or best thing anyway. Kind of like a fox and those sour grapes. On the other hand, making a behavior harder can help move us away from a behavior we want to stop too!

No more sour grapes

Trying to keep or start the behavior?  Make it easy to do like putting your shoes at the door so you will take that walk. If you have to hunt for your shoes, before you know it you’re on the couch flipping through videos convinced walking is too inconvenient


More sour grapes please!

Want to end a behavior? Make it harder! In last week’s homework Sandra decided to take a different route home to avoid so many drive thrus. Making it harder to stop and grab food will train your brain to decide it’s easier to just eat what you prepared at home!


Rinse, Repeat

Once you have identified one behavior you want to start OR stop and have mastered your grape skills, find another one and keep it up!


This Week’s Homework: #SourGrapes

Your homework for this week is #SourGrapes. Figure out one behavior you want to either START or STOP and let us know how you will make it easier OR harder….and then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Don’t forget to do your homework #SourGrapes and tag me when you share on social media!


Extra Credit: Go Green for St Paddy’s Day!

St Paddy’s Day (and my 33rd wedding anniversary!) are right around the corner and I’ve got three ideas for you to celebrate!


Not since Dr Seuss’ Green Eggs and Ham have I seen so many foods and beverages dyed the brilliant green hue of the Emerald Isle. When John and I decided to get married on St Patrick’s Day it was more a matter of convenience (Friday night before a week of Spring Break from college) but it really came together. My maiden name is Green. John’s last name is Milligan. Kelly Green becoming Kelly Green Milligan and serving the same color punch was just too easy to do and as the years pass, remember!

33 years later we live in downtown Knoxville which has become the mecca of all things St Paddy’s. From parades to pub crawls we will be Erin go Bragh downtown this week!

Ok but I need to get ready for our quickly upcoming Disney trip and we need to have some Luck O’ the Irish without tipping over our pot of gold right?

Here are three ideas for some emerald day fun!

Pot O’Gold Jell-O 

My granddaughter, Alyssa, absolutely adores Jell-O (and so do I) so for a festive St. Paddy’s Day treat: we’re going to make a Pot O’Gold Jell-O. If you’d prefer an individual serving you can follow my Jell-O with pears cup recipe.

Leprechaun Overnight Oats 

You all know I used to hate overnight oats and have finally been converted. The key is to use old fashioned oats (not quick cook oats) and to warm them up if you aren’t a fan of the cold oats. 

This particular overnight oats recipe gets its festive green color from the pistachio pudding mix we’re adding in!

4 Leaf Clover Eggs 

Lastly, we’re going to make some incredibly festive four-leaf clover deviled eggs that are perfect for a St. Paddy’s day party or just a meal at home!


Quick Links:

Don’t forget to celebrate your Bravos with our downloadable stickers!

Need to know where to get something I mentioned? Check out the recommendations section to get all my favorite goodies.


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