WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #263: Stop Self Sabotage!

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WW News March 2022:

  • Oak Ridge guys and gals. Gwen is hoping to get the Community Workshop at Oak Ridge starting this coming Tuesday, March 8th. They have 16 of 20 required paid members and need your help getting this one open. If you are in or near Oak  Ridge and would like more information, just e-mail Gwen at gwen@wwmet.net
  • WW surveyed 14,506 people across 15 markets worldwide and found that “As people think about their goals in 2022, the majority (78 percent) across the globe say maintaining and/or improving their health and wellness is important to them, and 52 percent of people agree that they love their body and want to lose weight to improve their health. In fact, the top two health and wellness goals for consumers in 2022 are exercising more/getting stronger (49 percent) and losing weight (39 percent)”.  To see the rest of the results visit: https://corporate.ww.com/news-room/press-releases/news-details/2022/NEW-WW-SURVEY-REVEALS-GLOBAL-DESIRE-TO-PRIORITIZE-HEALTH-AND-WELL-BEING-IN-NEW-YEAR/default.aspx 

The month’s theme is “Build Momentum” and we will spend the entire month talking about how to keep the excitement you felt starting a new year not only going, but build on that momentum for the rest of the year!


Last week during Chat #262: A Weight Goal That Works for You!, we recognized there are lots of reasons to set a weight goal and they don’t all have the same timeline or expected result. No matter how large or small, sometimes setting a magic number feels less than, well, magical. 

Have you ever thought, “I’m going to lose 20 pounds before vacation!” with the best intentions? And then you realize it’s been a week or two and you’ve got even less time and the goal looks less likely to happen. Then you stress over how little time you have left and actually gain weight before the bags are even packed? 

If you have a number in mind ask yourself the following questions and let the magic begin!

Check the calendar

  • If you are less than a month before the “event” you might want to focus on staying within your points and making a plan for not overdoing it rather than stressing yourself out trying to lose weight
  • If the “event” is a month or more away try breaking it down into smaller numbers (rather than 20 pounds before vacation, how about 3-4 pounds a month starting now…even if it’s 3 pounds a month you would be 12 pounds lighter before summer!)
  • If the “event” is your final goal weight with WW, talk to your leader or doctor about what a reasonable expectation is for getting there. If I had accepted all of my .2 pounds lost over the years, I would have been at my goal weight in 1998. Getting to goal fast sounds exciting, but a long-term, slow and steady smaller series of goals is proven to help you get there and keep it off

Check the facts  

  • Losing 5 pounds fast might be ok if your goal is for one week. Losing 5 pounds every week is not sustainable, realistic, or even healthy
  • Long term weight loss expectations on WW is an AVERAGE of 1-2 pounds per week.  Notice I capitalized the word average. Not everyone is going to see that kind of rate and some of you will blow past it. Embrace it, it’s not a judge of your efforts…it’s  just a fact
  • Certain medications, exercise restrictions, your age, etc… will affect how fast and how much you lose. There are many support groups on Connect that can help you move beyond everything from diabetes to sciatica to depression

Check yourself

  • Is the weight loss goal for you or for someone else? The motivation behind it (your “Why”) may make the difference between success and throwing in the towel
  • Is this the right time for you? Trying to reach goal during a big life changing event may be overwhelming or even discouraging. But if you are in a place where you can make a plan, take your time and work your plan then let’s go
  • Be honest with yourself about where you want to be. When I was 16 I weighed about 125 pounds and thought I was “huge”. At 26 I tipped the scales right at 200 after having Casey and literally felt exactly the same. When I set my original goal I made it way too low… I made it, but I never ate. I was miserable. And while I loved the size, I didn’t love the way I felt or the restrictions I had put on myself. Within a few months I went back to Gwen and said let’s raise it to the top of my range which was another 10 pounds. While I’m currently 10 pounds above goal, it’s a manageable number, I don’t feel restricted, and it’s a much better goal for a 54 year old grandma of 2!

Your homework for last week was #WeightForIt. You’ve got a goal in mind (you know you do!) using the 3 steps above tell us how you will Check the Calendar, Check the Facts and Check Yourself….and then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Let’s see how you did!

  • Loretta decided to #weightforit by not ignoring the 30 pounds she needs to lose for knee surgery, but by not confusing herself listening to the “keto, Nutrisystem, low carb” gym crew she’s been around. She knows her WW basics will get her there!
  • Kim has decided to #weightforit by not upsetting herself with a weekly weight loss goal. She has a wedding to attend in June and has set a simple, achievable 5 pound goal for then. That’s less than 1/3 pound per week and totally doable!
  • Sylvia has that stubborn last 12 pounds to get back to goal weight (amen sister, those last 10-15 are the worst!). As a seasoned WW pro she has decided to #weightforit by looking at what holds her back (salt, too many carbs) and set a 1 pound per week goal for her trip this summer!

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: Stop Self Sabotage

We’ve all been there. You leave work starving. Head across the street to grab a few groceries and there they stand…the Girl Scouts. You grab a box of your favorites and think, “I’ll eat a couple on the way home and then have dinner” a.k.a. Sabotage Here We Come.


30 minutes later you are stuffing the other sleeve in the glovebox of your car thinking _______ and feeling _________ (you fill in those blanks!) 

Remember, this is a no judgment zone! No rewind the events that led up to this moment and think. How did I get here and what could I have done differently or next time to avoid this?

Press Rewind

Try to go back and make a list of what led up to this moment 

  • Let yourself get too tired?
  • Didn’t have enough at lunch?
  • Should have had a snack before you went to the store?


Create A New Ending

Even though that moment is done, create a new version of this scenario that ends in a way with you in more control and without sabotaging your hard work

  • Get a co-worker to remind you if you haven’t taken a break
  • Have a protein packed lunch at the ready even if it’s one you have to grab and go (what are some of your favorite protein packed lunches?
  • Keep a less perishable sturdy snack in your purse like an apple, clementine, and single serve pack of nuts


Let your heroine redeem herself

Ok, now for the hard part. You have to let the hero of this story redeem him or herself

  • Track what you did no matter how ugly. Sometimes the damage isn’t as bad as you think, but even if it is putting it in writing will get it off your chest
  • Do not wallow. You can be sad for 10 minutes and then I need you to move on. You need you to move on. This was a bad set up and you were weak, it is not a character flaw!
  • Make sure you have the tools to avoid this next time!


This Week’s Homework: #StopTheSabotage

Your homework for this week is #StopTheSabotage. Go ahead and make your plan for whatever scenario gets you in the most trouble and let’s STOP it before it starts….and then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Don’t forget to do your homework #StopTheSabotage and tag me when you share on social media!


Extra Credit: Let’s Build a Recipe!

I have had soooo many questions about how to build recipes in the WW recipe builder, how to import a recipe someone else created, how to share something you created and then how the heck to find it after you do. In tonight’s extra credit I’ll answer the most popular questions for you all!


My favorite is how the heck do I find it after I create it so let’s do that one first!


Question: How the heck do I find my recipe after I create it?

Answer: There are a couple of ways so try one of these.

  1. Name the recipe with the same first word or two so you can search and find them. Like “My Recipes” or “Kelly’s Recipes” and then the recipe name. Then when you want to find one just type in Kelly’s Recipes and the list should pop up
  2. In the top open bar that says “+ Track Food” click in the open box. Find the two columns labeled Recents and Lists. Touch Lists and then Created by You. Then just touch Recipes and voila!
  3. From the My Day screen on your app scroll allllll the way to the bottom until you see Explore. Then touch Recipes and scroll down to My Recipes. You’ve found them!


Question: How do I import a recipe someone else created?

Answer: This one is a little more tricky because the other person either had to share it with you or have created a link you can grab. BUT the bonus is the points will automatically be re-calculated to fit YOUR Personal Points Engine…isn’t that amazing?? 

  1. Let’s say for example that a friend either created a recipe or wanted you to see the Cold Sesame noodles with Tofu recipe he/she found on the WW app. Friend would simply open the recipe, find the forward arrow that says Share, and then they can either AirDrop from an iPhone, text the link, e-mail it, or share it through social media
  2. If the recipe is on a more recent WW recipe card at a workshop location or in a WW cookbook you can simply turn on your camera (iPhone only) or use the QR scanning app on your device to scan. The recipe should open right up in your app or it may ask you to log in to WW again
  3. If you found the recipe on a bloggers website (please note: Canada to US is currently NOT supported) just find the provided link, click it and you should go straight to your app or be asked to log in again


Question: How do I build my own recipe?

Answer: A video is worth a thousand words so let’s do this! In tonight’s video we’re creating a recipe for my Greek Pasta Salad.


Quick Links:

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Need to know where to get something I mentioned? Check out the recommendations section to get all my favorite goodies.


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