WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #237: Better Body Confidence!

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WW News August 2021:

  • KNOXVILLE GIRLS! IN PERSON Workshops are changing rapidly, currently you can attend any of these (keep checking Connect for W Knox, Thompson Lane and Franklin to stay up to date for middle and east TN). Please note: MASKS ARE OPTIONAL FOR THOSE FULLY VACCINATED 
    • Central Baptist of Fountain City Church (Knoxville)
      • Mondays at 5:30pm with Gwen R
    • Beaver Creek Cumberland Presbyterian Church (Powell)
      • Tuesdays at 9:30am with Gwen R
  • Tuesdays at 6pm with Gwen R
    • WW Studio Kingston Pike (Knoxville)
      • Mondays at 12:15pm with Gwen R
      • Thursdays at 9:30am with Sandi P
      • Thursdays at 12:15pm with  Sandi P
      • Saturdays at 8am with Sheryl M
      • Saturdays at 9:30am with Sheryl M
      • Sundays at 2:30pm with Gwen R!
    • To find a wellness check in: Go to WW → Connect → and find the Kingston Pike – W Knoxville, TN group for more info. 

The month’s theme is “Build Confidence” and will focus each week on a different way to remind us that feeling more confident can help with our weight loss and well journey!


Last week during Chat #236: Confidence in The Kitchen we put ourselves into one of three cooking categories: Granny Green (3 meals a day, 7 days a week), Vegan Nana (bring it on!) and Gladys Gertrude (if I turned on the stove am I cooking?)

I grew up with three very different examples of great women, but VERY different cooks.

My dad’s mom “Granny Green” literally grew all her own meat and vegetables then prepared 3 meals a day 7 days a week. My sister is still trying to perfect her parkerhouse roll recipe because she measured everything with her hands.

My mom’s mom “Gladys Gertrude” always kept a bowl of fruit front and center and never served us dessert, but we found stacks of empty Lean Cuisine trays in her basement when she passed away. A dinner of frozen pizza rolls and microwaved broccoli was not at all uncommon.

My mom on the other hand “Vegan Nana” wasn’t scared to try anything. Grow your own garden – check. Teach yourself how to can fruits and vegetables – done. Appliances and gadgets to poach, prepare, process… she had them all and tried them all. Cooking in a traditional sense wasn’t her thing, but finding a way to make things she loved and her family would enjoy just as much was… well just her!

The WW graphics in last week’s Weekly were amazing but I want you to channel your inner Vegan Nana (no, you don’t have to stop eating meat hahaha) and try one of these confidence builders!

  1. Visit your local library – Online resources are nice but there is just something about flipping through a book on a shelf to find just the right tip, idea or trick.
  2. Test a tool – If you’re nervous about using your new Air Fryer, how to boil an egg without water, or haven’t taken a gadget out of the box… I promise you there is a YouTube channel to show you how to do it or better yet, ask a friend to try theirs out!
  3. Better together – Anyone is good at something… everyone is great at everything! Join an air fryer group on Connect, raise your hand and ask at a workshop, join us Live on Sunday nights and post a comment! I promise we are a village that can learn to do anything we want!

Your homework for last week was #KitchenConfidence. Channel your inner Nana and try one of the kitchen confidence builders above….and then type it, snap it, however you want to share it and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Let’s see how you did!

  • Mindi isn’t quite back to her normal self after a medical procedure so she stayed home today to play with her new WW Dash. She made egg bites for breakfast and said it was super easy!
  • Lynn used her new adorable Pampered Chef egg cooker and while it turned out fine she reports the cleanup wasn’t worth it…thanks for sharing Lynn!
  • Mary Ann was searching YouTube for a low point dessert to make in the air fryer and found one for banana boats, now doesn’t that sound yummy??

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: Better Body Confidence!

I want you to think of your favorite person on this planet. Could be a friend, a family member, a colleague or even someone famous that you’ve never met.

Now take 60 seconds and quickly write down 3 reasons they are your favorite.


Done? What kinds of things did you list? Probably things like: smart, super funny, always ready to help someone, rushed into a burning building to rescue puppies and kittens…stuff like that right?

I typed this before we started the chat and I’m no mentalist but I can guarantee you did not say things like: she has such tight buns and thighs, his biceps are huge, she has no wrinkles or even saggy skin!

So why do we think that’s what our favorite people are saying about us? Let’s start with just one body part and learn how to not only have a better image, but learn to love it and what it does for you!

  1. Pick a part – Choose one body part that you tend to focus on when you look in the mirror.
  2. What does it do – What does that body part actually do? Lift grandchildren? Pucker up and whistle a happy tune? Walk you to and from where you need to go?
  3. Celebrate – Make a mantra to help you remember why that body part is special and what it means to you!


This Week’s Homework: #BodyConfidence

Your homework for this week is #BodyConfidence. Pick a body part and make a mantra about why it’s special….and then type it, snap it, however you want to share it and then tag me for your next cool badge!

Don’t forget to do your homework #BodyConfidence and tag me when you share on social media!


Extra Credit: That Man’s Meal Prep

This week I’m craving That Man’s Chicken Thighs so I’m using the extra credit portion of tonight’s chat to share this air fryer recipe with you! We’ll also be preparing some new and delicious side dishes to complement this delicious and super simple recipe!

Pro Tip: You can cut down the points for this meal by making That Man’s Chicken Breasts instead of thighs


At my in-person WW meeting, I was inspired by another woman who mentioned a carrot recipe she’d found and let me tell you, these ranch baby carrots are incredible!

Next up are brussel sprouts! This quick and simple recipe is very tasty and so easy to prepare in your air fryer.

Our last recipe for the night is for a potato and mushroom side dish – and yes, you can have potatoes if you’re on Blue or Green. Just be sure to track your points! The mushrooms really help to bulk up this recipe and reduce the amount of potatoes you need to feel satisfied.And because the whole goal of this was to prepare meals to eat throughout the week I’m using my handy Meal Haven meal prep kits to divide out all these delicious dishes for easy grab-and-go meals!


Quick Links:

Don’t forget to celebrate your Bravos with our downloadable stickers!

Need to know where to get something I mentioned? Check out the recommendations section to get all my favorite goodies.


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