
Cinnamon Sugar Wedges – 1 Weight Watchers Smart Point / 1 Points Plus

This is one of those moments in life where you need juuuuust a little something else on your plate but everything you have on hand is 3 Smart Points before you even do anything with it.  I try to keep my work week breakfasts under 6 SP but sometimes I […]

Simple Solutions: Ciabatta Cheese Sticks with Marinara – 11 Weight Watchers Smart Points

sim·pleˈsimpəl/ adjective 1.easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty. “a simple solution” synonyms: straightforward, easy, uncomplicated, uninvolved, effortless, painless, undemanding, elementary, child’s play; More 2.composed of a single element; not compound. synonyms: noncompound, noncomplex, uncombined, unblended, unalloyed, pure, single    But by it’s very definition simple means easy, no difficulty…even […]

Polenta French Toast – 3 Weight Watchers Smart Points 

The first time I bought polenta it was at the suggestion of my sis-in-law Cathy.  She was doing Simply Filling and polenta was a free food.  Everything she made looked simple, delicious, zero points (on the WW Points Plus system) and she seemed satisfied.  Why wouldn’t I want to add […]

PB & Maple Baked Apple Crisp – 7 Weight Watchers Smart Points

I found the most sinful granola at Trader Joes on Sunday.  I was tired from being up all night driving from vacation so obviously I was in a weakened state and can’t be held responsible for my actions.  Well now it’s Tuesday and while I have two good night’s sleep […]

Pineapple Salsa – 0 WW Freestyle Smart Points

02/10/18 update:  Now 0 Freestyle Smart Points! When we left Orlando late Saturday night after 8 glorious days on vacation it was pouring down rain.  I mean torrential downpour hard to see to drive in rain.  But it was 75 degrees.  75 glorious degrees in January.  Trying to squeeze every […]

Iced Cucumber Water – 0 Weight Watchers Smart Points

I’m almost embarrassed to post this as a “recipe”…but my daughter is getting married in 10 days and my time is limited, so here we go! For Casey’s bridal shower we had amazing and wonderful million point homemade creamy salads and sweet treats.  Even the hot cider was a whopping […]

Baked Cinnamon Apple Rings – 1 Weight Watchers Smart Point (0PPV)

This morning I posted my recipe for the BBQ BLT Egg Mug and actually got more requests for the apples than I did the eggs!  So here you go…a bonus recipe for today. Bonus Recipe Baked Cinnamon Apple Rings – 1 WW Smart  Point (0PPV) Ingredients: 1 firm apple 1 […]

Simple Solutions: PB & Apple Pizza – 8 Weight Watchers Smart Points

Some days you are going to plan perfectly, prep meals way in advance, and the planets will all align (including Pluto…because at my house it is still a planet) so that you have three lovely meals plus snacks that all fit nicely in your tracker.  Some days your lunchbag will […]

DeLITEful Ambrosia Salad – 3 Weight Watchers Smart Points (2PPV) per serving

Do you ever just wake up thinking about something totally random?  Like you have no idea how or why you’re even thinking about it?  That happened to me this week and of all things it was Ambrosia Salad.  A light, citrusy, marshmallow filled delight and I knew how to make […]

Tzatziki Corn Muffins – 3 Weight Watchers Points Plus per serving 

I know what you’re thinking.  She’s lost her mind.  She just eats egg mugs and muffins all day.  Every day.  How can she eat so many eggs and muffins?  This one is a corn muffin thank you very much and that is totally different.  Totally.     I also have a […]