
Pretty Jam Good Spicy Crockpot “Meat”balls – 6 Weight Watchers Smart Points (6PPV) per Serving

(Updated to the new Weight Watchers Smart points program 03/25/16) Yeah….my daughter named this one.  When I asked her what I should name this recipe she said “I know you’re gonna get mad at me but I’m willing to risk it.  Pretty Jam Good Spicy Meatballs”.  I fussed.  Then I […]

Cheesecake Strawberries – 2 weight Watchers Points Plus Value

My sweet friend Taylor Made these for her boyfriend last weekend and they looked so good I asked to borrow her recipe for the blog.  Who knew they would be yummy AND so easy!    Cheesecake Strawberries – 2 Weight Watchers Points Plus Ingredients: 6 fresh strawberries 1 tbsp Greek […]

Grilled Watermelon Pizza – 1 Weight Watchers Smart Point (1PPV)

(updated to the new Weight Watchers Smart Points program 03/26/16)    That’s right, one point.  Can I get a hallelujah?  This yummy recipe came today courtesy of The Laughing Cow USA with a tiny tweak.  My mother says I am obsessed with Laughing Cow cheeses.  That all my food stories […]

Rainforest Slaw – 4 Weight Watchers Smart Points per serving

Our daughter’s birthday is December 30th so she has always had to compete for celebration between Christmas and New Years.  When she was little we had an opportunity to take her to Disney World for her birthday and it was truly magical.  My husband will kill me for telling you […]

Can’t Be “TAME”d Spread – 8 Weight Watchers Points Plus

I may have a serious problem.  Unless someone can tell me that medically you can survive on nothing but Tzatziki and Mufalatta I am in deep deep trouble.  I can’t stop thinking about it.  I can’t stop mixing it up and putting it on things.  Any things.  All the things…. […]

Mediterranean Cucumber Salad – 4 Weight Watchers Smart Points (2PPV)

Wow this one was so good I literally think I could have eaten a gallon of it.  Let’s put it this way, it was so good I have already prepped it for lunch the next two days!  The recipe is for the base salad and then some options for yummy […]

Sometimes you just need peanut butter…

I made a new friend at my Weight Watchers meeting tonight.  Her name is Carly and she  has a smile that could warm even the Grinch’s cold heart.  This young lady loves to sing the National Anthem at her brother’s go cart races, obviously loves her mom even though she […]

Greekaletta Salad – 6PPV

Do you ever see two things that you really like, think hmmmm those might taste good together, mix them, and when you taste it it’s so good you stomp your foot and make the mmm mmm mmmmm noise? Well that just happened. Wow I could eat this every day!   […]

Creative Eating – Power Out

In other news…our power has been off for over 4 hours so while I panic about the Costco and Trader Joe’s haul I just stocked the fridge with I also realize I can’t cook any food. Soooo I got real creative.     2 Bamboo Lane Crunchy Rice Rollers sliced as […]

Nana’s Vegan Southwest Pasta Salad – 10PPv

By now you know my mom is vegan, not vegetarian…vegan.  She doesn’t even eat honey.  It’s not because she loves animals (which she does by the way) it is because she was faced with over worked kidneys and a flailing liver after years of high doses of ibuprofen and other […]