Scrambled Ramblings

Oprah Joins Weight Watchers

This blog was not set up as a forum for debate, opposition, or really any form of drama more than perhaps a heated internal dialogue on which egg mug is the best.  But Oprah buying into my beloved Weight Watchers?  I’m not sure how I feel about this.   On […]

Product Review: Trader Joe’s Sriracha and Garlic BBQ Sauce – 1 Points Plus per 2 Tbsp

I follow a couple of Trader Joe’s employees who are also doing Weight Watchers on Instagram which is either a blessing or a curse, the jury is still out.  On the one hand they always post the points plus for all the new things they are trying in store.  But…they […]

Knowledge is Power – What Does 200 Calories Look Like?

A friend of mine shared this from Wise Geek and it stopped me in my tracks.  200 calories looks soooo different in so many foods.  This morning while I was “pantry shopping” I was much more aware.  I eat with my eyes and the bigger the food the better.  An […]

Accountabilibuddies…Get One! or two, or a hundred…

This is a short blog post but oh so important.  My source of success this time around hands down is the people I surround myself with in our WW weekly meetings, who I follow on Insta, and most recently Facebook Groups that I have joined.  I can’t possibly know the […]

Product Review! Halo Top Ice Cream Vanilla Bean – 2 Weight Watchers Points Plus per 1/2 cup

03/21/17 Update!  If you haven’t tried the new Halo Top flavors I need you to stop what you are doing and go find them.  Like now. You know me, if I try something and love it you will hear about it.  If I try something and don’t like it, you […]

Refrigerator Roulette – Don’t Pull The Trigger When You Don’t Know What to Eat

Whenever my WW Leader Gwen talks about Refridgerator Roulette I laugh a little on the inside.  I laugh because I imagine myself and thousands of others standing in front of their open fridge doors, heads spinning around and around Looking for just that right snack, just that right meal ingredient, […]

Food Hacks – Cherries Are The Pits!

I love cherries but getting around the pits IS the pits right? These lovely fresh and sweet Ranier cherries weren’t going to just pit themselves soooo…in order to keep them intact (even the stems!) I used the honing steel from my knife set because it’s the same diameter as the […]

Would You Rather Wednesday – Public Speaking vs Swimsuit in Public?

This one came to me in a vision, literally.  A vision of having to wear a swimsuit in front of people who know me.  A bathing suit in front of strangers,  bring it on.  But people who know me?  Nuh uh not gonna happen.  What could be worse?  And then […]

I think I can, I think I can….I know I can!

If this little 4′ 9″ powerhouse can turn her health around at 76 surely we can too.  Nana started her “mid-life” a little taller, a lot heavier and a chain smoker. Raising three kids on a 13 acre farm while her husband traveled 20+ days a month for business didn’t […]

It’s in season…for a reason

In this time of flash frozen instant gratification we want what we want and we want it now.  Ever wonder though why that watermelon is so juicy, so sweet, so pretty one time you cut into it. But next time the same melon you loved before is pale, grainy and […]