Scrambled Ramblings

Wednesday Wrap Up: 06/06/18

Wednesday Wrap Up! June 6 Wednesday Wrap Up! ❣mini goal bus lost 3 wheels and went in the ditch 😲 ❣started our day off late Wed and it went downhill  ❣Weigh In was goal + 2.8  ❣epic fail…I got cocky and didn’t stick to plan for making, taking and eating my […]

Bust That Bloat!

(please note:  I am not a trained professional, these are life lessons that I am sharing.  I am not claiming that what worked for me will work for you.  If you are experiencing significant swelling in your extremities, your skin is “weeping” from a medical condition called Edema, you are […]

Weight Watchers Chat #42: It’s About Time!

Weight Watchers Live Facebook Chat #42: “Well it’s about time!” Master Your Time / Time Management December 10th will be our 50th chat…can you believe it?  Let’s do something fun! If someone looked at your calendar would they be able to tell what is most important to you? Do you […]

WW Index Card Swap Time!

I’m not really trapped in a Weggo Factory….it’s WW Index Card Swap Time! Follow along and follow these instructions: 1) Watch the video! 2) respond to the video to let me know you are participating   3) you will need 3 x 5 index cards (on sale now for back […]

Meatless Monday or Bacon Thursday…you decide!

As most of you already know, my mother added years to her life by changing her diet to strict vegan.  Her choice was for health reasons and she went at it with a vengeance.  I’m not vegan, not even vegetarian but many meals I just don’t include meat.  I’m not […]


Update…we have a winner!! Annnnnd the winner is…. COLLEEN CROWLEY WITH FLUFFY GUPPIES!! Congrats Colleen for entering the winning name for our newest yummy fluff dessert! Please PM me your celebratory acceptance speech (hahaha!) and I will get your prize swimming your way! ​ ​ ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ These little yummies were […]

Don’t Miss an Episode of “As The Weight Watcher Turns”

​​​​ ​ Don’t miss an episode of As the Weight Watcher Turns! JK but I seriously don’t want you to miss another of our Facebook Live Chats just because you couldn’t find us.   Here are some simple instructions to make sure you get notified! 1) find If You Have […]

It’s National Pizza Day!

It’s National Pizza Day! According to National Pizza Day is observed annually on February 9th.  Whether it is thin crust, Chicago style, deep dish or anything in between, pizza is an American favorite. Here are some interesting facts about pizza: Pepperoni is the most popular pizza at 36% of all […]

My Weight Watchers Top 10 Easy Meals!

January is hard enough.  New year, fresh decisions, and then there are those pesky resolutions.  If making healthy lifestyle changes were easy we would all be doing it right?  Let’s make it a little easier.  There really isn’t much to say about this post other than if you need it, […]

My Weight Watchers Top Pantry Picks!

The number one question I get is “so what should I eat every day?” followed closely by “do you have a shopping list I can use?”  Well now I do.  And now you do too! First things first, you are going to need 5 or 6 staples that you keep […]