Facebook Live Chat Videos

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #265: Create a Healthy Social Circle

WW News and Reviews March 2022: The awesome creators at Lily’s Sweets have done it again! I found the NEW Unicorn Swirl chips (33 chips for only 2 points) at Walmart today and now I’m on the hunt for their new Gummy Bears and Sour Worms (3 points per pouch). […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #264: Healthy Choices Made Easy!

WW News March 2022: Oak Ridge guys and gals. Gwen has successfully opened the Community Workshop at Oak Ridge. If you are in or near Oak  Ridge and would like more information, just e-mail Gwen at gwen@wwmet.net In more news from WW (information copied from and credited to WW which […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #263: Stop Self Sabotage!

WW News March 2022: Oak Ridge guys and gals. Gwen is hoping to get the Community Workshop at Oak Ridge starting this coming Tuesday, March 8th. They have 16 of 20 required paid members and need your help getting this one open. If you are in or near Oak  Ridge […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #262: Set a Weight Goal That Works for YOU!

WW News February 2022: @mealplanaddict over on Instagram took a survey of favorite meal prep items and here are the top 3! Clear containers, Souper Cubes, and a food processor. Comment below with your faves! WW has named their new CEO! Former CEO Mindy Grossman had announced late last year […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #261: How to Be Ok When It’s Not Ok

WW News February 2022: According to Top Consumer Reviews, Weight Watchers ranks #2 in overall best plan in 2022 bested only by the new kid, Noom. If you want to check out the article there are many good points for both of the top two programs BUT the news is […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #260: Unexpected Food “Opportunities”

WW News February 2022: Today is the Super Bowl. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day! We will talk more about food “opportunities” in the second half but do you have a plan? February was the official kick off of on demand delivery of Girl Scout Cookies by Door Dash. Please don’t set […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #259: 2022 WW Olympics!

WW News February 2022: You can now view Instagram in Landscape! Some of you are scratching your head…those of us who get alot of our WW news, recipes, info etc from Instagram are in LOVE and our necks feel alot better! Knoxville and Oak Ridge guys and gals – there […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #258: Your Stay on Track Tools

WW News January 2022: There is NO LIVE CHAT on Sunday, Jan 30th due to a chance of grandkids! We will be keeping both Alyssa and Beau that evening and I’m sorry folks…I’m good but I’m not that good 🙂 WW Wellness Wins Challenges are now set up to join […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #257: Tracking #NailedIt!

WW News January 2022: There are food shortages in ALL areas of the country right now and that is certainly news. I’m curious…what items are in no or short supply in your area, and have you found substitutions or learned to live without them short term? 74.4% of WW Success […]

WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #256: 2021 – And That’s a Wrap!

WW News January 2022: “That’s a wrap on 2021” video! If you haven’t seen it yet on your app, you should be prompted to view, edit and post a cute video bragging about your accomplishments in 2021. If you accidentally skipped the prompt, go to the homepage of your app, […]