
Fried Apple Mini Turnovers – 5 Weight Watchers Smart Points per serving (3PPV)

(updated to the new Weight Watchers Smart Points system on 04/23/16) You are either going to be really happy or really upset…I am finally through my last batch of Granny Green’s Fried Apples so no more variations of those until next time! My mother introduced me to Spring Roll Wrappers […]

Fried Apple Mini Tarts – 2 Weight Watchers Points Plus per serving

And you thought Granny Green’s Fried Apples looked good…wait until you try these!  I am discovering some of my friends on both Insta and Facebook have never had fried apples.  Growing up in the south that concept is completely foreign to me, we ate them at least once a month […]

Granny Green’s Fried Apples – 5 Weight Watchers Smart Points (1PPV)

Due to popular demand here is my version of my grandmothers fried apples recipe.  Who knew she would be in such high demand? When I posted my breakfast this morning I was flooded with the most questions I have ever had about any single meal.  What are fried apples?  Is […]

DeLITEful Ambrosia Salad – 3 Weight Watchers Smart Points (2PPV) per serving

Do you ever just wake up thinking about something totally random?  Like you have no idea how or why you’re even thinking about it?  That happened to me this week and of all things it was Ambrosia Salad.  A light, citrusy, marshmallow filled delight and I knew how to make […]

Choco Coco Pumpkin Muffins – 3 Weight Watchers Points Plus per serving

Hold on to your hats ladies (and gents)…this is the FIFTH of 6 new recipes for absolutely moist, oh so delicious, and ridiculously low point indulgent treats.  And this one has Ghiradelli chocolate and coconut flakes.  It’s a small amount of chocolate but it’s GHIRDAELLI and I really really felt […]

Cinnamon Sugar Roll Ups – 4 Weight Watchers Points Plus per serving

My daughter can make anything out of crescent rolls…I mean anything.  I am pretty sure she and her fiance will be living on them the first few months after their wedding in December.  Don’t get me wrong, everything she has concocted has been a unique creation.  Something I’ve never had […]

Butterfinger Pumpkin Muffins – 3 Weight Watchers Points Plus per serving

Hold on to your hats ladies (and gents)…this is the FOURTH of 6 new recipes for absolutely moist, oh so delicious, and ridiculously low point indulgent treats.  And this one has a candy bar in it.  It’s a tiny candy bar but it is a BAR of CANDY and I […]

Snickers Pumpkin Muffin – 3 Weight Watchers Points Plus per serving

Hold on to your hats ladies (and gents)…this is the THIRD of 6 new recipes for absolutely moist, oh so delicious, and ridiculously low point indulgent treats.  And this one has a candy bar in it.  It’s a tiny candy bar but it is a BAR of CANDY and I […]

Espresso Pumpkin Muffins – 3 Points Plus per serving (6 servings)

Hold on to your hats ladies (and gents)…this is the second of 6 new recipes for absolutely moist, oh so delicious, and ridiculously low point indulgent treats. p.s. after I had already scheduled this recipe to post my hubby called and said “I ate one of those half muffin things […]

Pumpkin Spice Muffins – 3 Weight Watchers Smart Points (2PPV) per serving

(updated Jan 20, 2016 to Smart Points) Hold on to your hats ladies (and gents)…this is the first of 6 new recipes for absolutely moist, oh so delicious, and ridiculously low point indulgent treats. I got left alone on a dreary rainy and downright gloomy Friday night.  It had been […]