Weight Watchers Chat #375: “Bridge The Gap Between Want To and Will Do!”

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News and Reviews

  • Today is the start of the “Work Out/Step!” challenge hosted by Julie over on the If You Have an Egg Facebook Group. It’s not a competition, just a great way to challenge yourself and get some extra encouragement!
  • Ball Jars is celebrating their 140th anniversary! That’s literally longer than ALL of us have been alive! They have several keepsake jars to help celebrate. Here is a link to Amazon for the Keepsake Honey Bee and Vintage Rose jars. And here is the link direct to Ball’s website for the 140th keepsake edition
  • Bioma Probiotics Week 4 update – Still going great! I seem to be adjusting to the new good bacteria in my gut and everything seems to be working together well. Solid 2 pounds gone, no more bloating, but I do notice much more quickly when I haven’t had enough water to drink. More next week once we wrap up a month! 

I also have an affiliate code you can use to SAVE 15% AND GET FREE SHIPPING! I will earn a little stipend as well so it’s a win, win, win. Simply visit: Bioma Health, take a simple quiz to see how your gut needs help and enter EGG15 at checkout to grab your discount!

(just a reminder, as an Amazon Affiliate I will receive compensation for any purchases you make with my links. I am also an affiliate for other companies who may be linked in this post for which I may be compensated with free or discounted product and in some cases monetarily. We appreciate your continued support!)


Last week was Chat #374 “How to Use Your Strengths To Stay On Track”

What a perfect week for this topic! I haven’t watched much of the Olympics so far but know enough to realize you don’t get to this point in the competition by not knowing what your strengths are. Obviously none of us are over in Paris competing but let’s find out how to identify and use those Olympic size super powers!


Three Pro Tip questions to finding (and using) your super power:

Stop. Don’t Think. 

This is where you don’t overthink what I’m going to ask you, just stop. Don’t think. Just tell me something you are good at. Might be keeping a schedule. Maybe it’s color coding your grocery list. Be thinking of something, you’ll need it later.

Which Olympic sport would you compete in if you could?

We actually had someone in our group say that my question about which Olympic sport you would compete in wasn’t WW related. She doesn’t know me very well yet does she? Everything I talk about is WW related LOL.

Channel that Olympic dream energy into your super power

What we DO have in common with the athletes in Paris is a desire to win. To win this battle with weight, health, mobility, whatever your heart’s desire for this journey. Go back to my question about something you are good at. Decide if that’s your super power and write it on a sticker, put it on your chest, and declare 

My Super Power is! _________________________________________


Your homework was #MySuperPowerIs. This week’s homework is so easy it would be a shame if you didn’t do it. Get a sticker, a piece of paper, anything and make your tag that says “My Super Power Is ___________”

  • I already knew this to be true but Lynn’s super power is encouragement! She voluntarily sends each of you a heartfelt message every single day in our IYHAE Facebook Group. And she is the biggest supporter, encourager, helper her son could possibly ask for
  • Alyssa is the pickiest eater I’ve ever met but her super power is endless and enthusiastic curiosity. Even if she’s not going to eat whatever it is, she’s willing to help me try out a recipe. Last night in 2 hours we made Chocolate Zucchini Muffins, Kodiak Cake Birthday Cake Mini Muffins, Sugar Free Strawberry Jell-O AND she was working on creating her own recipe. She would only eat the Jell-O but she was enthusiastic enough to keep me on task to make the rest!
  • Deanna’s super power is cooking…I’ve seen what she makes and you better believe that is one super power!

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: “Bridge The Gap Between Want To and Will Do!” 

I want to be 5’ 7”, 26 years old and at my goal weight.


Have you met me? Two of these things ain’t happenin….No matter how much I want to, I will not be 5’ 7” or 26 again. But there are a whole lot of things I want to do, that I can do, and that I will do!


Three Pro Tips for turning your want tos, into will dos!:

Understanding “The Gap”

The Intention-Action Gap is a real thing.The definition is “the disconnect between what we want to do (our intentions) and what we actually do (our actions). Example: I wanted to stop myself at $60 at the grocery store today and by the time I checked out there were over $90 in items in my cart. The intention was there, the actions led to overspending.


Pick 3 Things

It is highly unlikely that a single event led to the action not meeting the intention. I had the want to, but what are three things that kept me from my will do?

  1. I didn’t have a shopping list
  2. I had extra time for wandering around
  3. There were no witnesses…until now 🙂 


Reflect. Rearrange. Re-try.

Reflect – I had great intentions, after reflecting on the three things I realize I need to rearrange my next trip

Rearrange – Next trip I will make a list of things I have a coupons for or that we need for a recipe

Re-try – I will check what we have on hand, pick a meal or two to focus on and then show my digital coupon list to Casey before I leave for the store


This Week’s Homework: #WillDo!

Your homework for this week is #WillDo!. This week I want you to pick something you want to and let’s turn it into your will do by: Reflecting, Rearranging, and Re-Trying like I did in my example.    Now DO YOUR HOMEWORK because I promise there is someone who needs the idea you have already rattling around in your head. Whatever it is let us know, I promise your decision to participate this week will help you AND someone else!  Then type it, snap it, share it however you like, and then tag me for your next cool badge!


Don’t forget to do your homework #WillDo! and tag me when you share on social media!


Extra Credit: Fermenting Part 2!

Tonight’s eggstra credit was a little scary… well, maybe not SCARY but I was a little nervous about this one.


I have told you all that my “want to” for a few years now has been learning how to preserve everything in my garden. But, my intention action gap was just far too big. I didn’t have my mom to help me, my goal was too high, and didn’t have a great support system at that time. So, without even knowing it, I accidentally did Chat 375! A few weeks ago, I decided to start to bridge that gap between “want to” and “will do.”

When I started bridging the gap, I started with pickling. Pickling was something that most everyone could do, so I tried that and succeeded! And that was a great first step to bridge that gap.

The next thing I did, was I started dehydrating my vegetables so I could start trying to ferment. I also started to gather books from the library to help me learn and give me more resources to get me closer to success!

I was looking at one of the books that I got at the library and I think these are some great questions to help you in your fermenting journey. I wanted to share a few of them with you, in case any of you are interested in fermenting after this chat!

1. There is mold on top of my ferment… is it rotten?

Book’s Answer: It is not uncommon for a cap of mold to bloom on top of your ferment when the lactic acid levels haven’t risen enough. If you notice a cap of mold, gently remove it and then wash the plate or container you are using to weigh down your food.

My Reaction: I removed the top on my salsa, and there is a bloom of mold! I gently removed it and tried my salsa… Debbi seemed confident about the film and I trust her.

2. How do I test to see if my ferment foods are ready?

Book’s Answer: Just taste it! Your tastebuds are the best judge of if your food is ready.

My Reaction: I tasted my salsa and it was so good! It tasted delicious and fresh, not like it had been in a jar fermenting.

3. If you store your ferment in the fridge, will that stop the fermenting process?

Book’s Answer: It will slow down the process, but it will not stop it completely.


How are you going to try to bridge your intention action gap? Let us know in the comments below!



Quick Links:

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