It’s official. Trader Joe’s Sriracha and Garlic BBQ Sauce is good on everything.
We haven’t had our family Thanksgiving yet so I’m trying not to eat everything in site in preparation. Seeing all these pictures of yummy dressings and gravies and potatoes with little marshmallows has me salivating. I had to get something in my tummy and I had to get it in there fast. And the taste had to be wApOw to get my mind off of everything else.
“Egg Mug Kelly, make an egg mug…they always make you happy”.
“But everybody else is already eating leftover dressing sandwiches, I don’t want something I have every day”.
“Ok, but you know you’re doing to be mad if you start playing refrigerator roulette…just make an egg mug and move on”.
“But dressing”.
“We don’t have any dressing!”
“Ohhh look…but we do have Trader Joe’s Sriracha and Garlic BBQ Sauce…”

BONUS for hungry mornings! I also decided to start adding 1/8 cup of egg whites to bulk it up just a little but without any extra points. Makes it extra fluffy and my mind thinks they are bigger so my tummy gets tricked into thinking they are filling me up more. It’s a game we play.

Never made an Egg Mug? Start here with the Basic Egg Mug Recipe!
BBQ BLT Egg Mug – 4 Smart Points (4PPV)
- One farm fresh egg (or I use Trader Joe’s cage free brown eggs when my friend’s hens are being fussy)
- Optional Diced Mushrooms (I prefer baby bellas)
- Diced tomatoes
- 1 Tbsp Hormel Real Bacon Bits or 1 slice of crispy bacon (add one more Smart Point for a slice of bacon!)
- 1 Tbsp Fat Free Ricotta Cheese (I use Trader Joe’s)
- 1/8 cup Egg Whites (I use Trader Joe’s Free Range Egg Whites)
- Fresh kale and/or baby spinach
- 1 Tbsp wApOw! Trader Joe’s Sriracha and Garlic BBQ Sauce (or your choice of other BBQ sauce if you are as my husband calls it, a “civilian” and don’t like it spicy)
- Fresh ground black pepper
- Olive oil non stick spray
Spray mug, muffin cooker or crock bowl with non stick spray. Add everything but the egg and egg whites and cook in microwave on high for 30 seconds
Crack open egg and add to bowl along with egg whites, stirring gently but evenly into the other ingredients.
Return to microwave for 2 minutes on high. PLEASE NOTE! The added moisture in this one WILL require extra time so continue microwaving in 30 second increments on high until the entire thing is “set” all the way through (no runny bits if you gently lift with a fork and check). If you have a low wattage microwave or the mixture is still “loose” continue to microwave in 20 second increments until everything is firm but not hard. Add fresh black pepper. Let sit for one minute before trying to remove from bowl to move to bread or plate. The egg “muffin” should slide out easily. Use your imagination, these are a delicious and quick filling breakfast…enjoy!

I would love your feedback, please leave me a message of you have questions or to let me know how your egg mug turned out. I promise I will answer! And if you would like to join a friendly community of other ladies (and maybe some gents eventually) for meal ideas, ideas, suggestions and just some great fellowship come visit If You Have An Egg – A Weight Watcher’s Support Group on Facebook
#bacon #breakfast #dontweightforit #eggmug #eatrealfood #foodblog #foodisfuel #healthyeating #healthyrecipe #instafood #iGotThis #ifyouhaveanegg #nom #pointsplus #ww #wwpointsplus #wwsisterhood #weightwatchers #traderjoes #sriracha #bbq
*****************************************BONUS RECIPE**********************************************
This is kinda like being at the movies and watching the credits for bloopers or extras isn’t it?

Bonus Recipe Baked Cinnamon Apple Rings – 1 WW Smart Point (0PPV)
- 1 firm apple
- 1 tsp Sugar in the Raw (or other sugar of your choice)
- 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
- Smart Balance Butter Flavored non stick spray
Baked Cinnamon Apple Rings – 1 WW Smart Point (0PPV)
*Core a small apple and then cut into thick slices
*Place rings on a parchment paper covered cookie sheet
*spray slices with butter flavored non stick spray
*sprinkle with just less than 1 tsp of Sugar in the Raw (or other natural raw sugar) and cinnamon
*bake in toaster oven for 20 minutes on 350 while you get ready for work, school or whatever today holds!
#apples #cinnamon #pointsplus #notadiet #wwig #instafood #wwworks#wwwkelly #wwsisters #wwsupport #wwsisterhood #weightwatchers#weightwatchers360