Weight Watchers Live Facebook Chat: Nutritional Yeast Chat with Smart Points! Every time I post something with Nutritional Yeast I get a flurry of questions: What is it? Why do you use it? What’s it for? What does it taste like? Well now you’re gonna know! Sit back and relax while you watch, everything is typed up here for you to print, share and most importantly USE!

- Thanks for watching and please remember to Like, Share, Comment and especially Subscribe so I can do more helpful Weight Watchers videos! These are the transcriptions from tonight’s chat about my Nutritional Yeast! with Smart Points listed. As always these are available on Facebook, YouTube and on my blog ifyouhaveanegg.com
- First things first, these are LIVE video chats when they are recorded so yes, I talk to people when they ask questions!
- Please remember to Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe on Facebook and YouTube so I can keep making more of these Chats and easy recipe videos!
- Remember, my other chats are available on ifyouhaveanegg.com or on YouTube search IFYOUHAVEANEGG
- Thank you for all your ideas for future chats!!!
- Dusty had to go out again after the chat so I have 16,000 steps total wooooooooo!
- Thank you all for loving on Casey and Allan! Casey just had her 16 week checkup and the baby is doing great. Allan is getting ready to start a new job…6 pound lighter thanks to you amazing ladies and WW!
- Can you make That Man’s Chicken with breasts because I don’t like dark meat or want fewer points? We made it and it was great! Find the That Man’s Chicken recipe found here but substitute boneless skinless chicken breast tenderloins. Cook on 360 degrees for 10 minutes turning half way through
- Casey and Allan also had my Air Fryer Candy Corn which is a favorite at our loft…find the recipe here
- For those of you who wanted to watch the Surprise Live Chat with the Instant Pot that we did at Popcorn Karan’s you can see it here
- What is Nutritional Yeast? It’s Nutritional Yeast! I know smarty pants, the kind I use is Bragg Nutritional Yeast or Trader Joe’s. It’s inactive dry yeast. So I’m thinking it was yeast that didn’t grown up….and somebody tasted it…and you know how those things get out of hand and then we get things like Velcro and sticky notes. But it also has Inactive Dry Yeast; Niacin; B3; B6; Riboflavin; Thiamin; Folic Acid and B12. Vegan, Kosher, Gluten Free, Salt Free, Sugar Free…It tastes like Parmesan and Panko had a baby!
- 1 Tbsp Nutritional Info
- 20 Calories
- 0 g Fat
- 10 mg Sodium
- 2 g Carbohydrates
- 1 g Fiber
- 2 g Protein
- Iron 2% DNV
- Riboflavin (B2) 160%
- Pyridoxine (B6) 140%
- Vitamin B12 40%
- Zinc 6%
- Thiamine (B1) 160%
- Niacin (B3) 70%
- Folic Acid 40%
- Pantothenic Acid 30%
- Selenium 10%
- Where do you get Nutritional Yeast? I live in East Tennessee and I have found it at Trader Joe’s, Kroger in the baking or organic section, Ingles near the other yeast. You can also get it on Amazon, or directly from bragg.com. If you’ve found it in your neck of the woods please shout out where for others who are looking. Funny side note: as of this chat we have sold out stores in Maryland, Tennessee, Texas and we have Canadians driving across the border to empty the shelves so buy it if you find it!
- Why do you eat Nutritional Yeast? My mom is vegan and was using this as a supplement to her diet and was feeding it to me on Saturday nights. She was using it as a supplement for her, but I kept on eating it because it’s absolutely delicious…it tastes like panko and parmesan had a baby!
- How many points does Nutritional Yeast have? Well….until this week I would have said none. But I found two brands that do! Bragg, Trader Joe’s and Bob’s Red Mill are 0 Smart Points for 1 Tbsp. Red Star brand and Twin Lab brand are 1 SP for 1 Tbsp. Knowledge is power!
- Do you store it in the refrigerator? I do because our loft cabinets are very warm but you don’t have to. Do keep it in a cool dark place though
- How much does it cost? Anywhere from $3 to $12 depending on where you buy it
- What do you make with it?
- Great on hard boiled eggs! First was a Breakfast or Lunch Sandwich:
- 1 Flatout Foldit – 2 SP
- 1 hardboiled egg – 2 SP
- 1 Tbsp nutritional yeast – 0 SP
- 1 tsp Smart Balance Light Mayo – 1 SP
- Sliced cucumbers and tomatoes
- 1 Tbsp Kirkland (Costco) Crumbled Bacon – 1 SP
- Total = 6 Smart Points
- My recipe Candy Corn 3 – 4 SP depending on the size of the corn! The recipe is on my blog and you can find it here. I usually use Dean Jacob’s fresh grind Italian Bread Dipping Seasoning or Dak’s Original Red Seasoning
- New recipe coming soon! Air Fryer Stuffed Portabella Mushrooms – less than 1 SP each
- 4 small portabella mushrooms (wash and remove the stem)
- Add chopped tomato and kale
- Add 1 slice turkey pepperoni to each one
- Add 1 Light & Fit (or similar) string cheese, divide in four
- 1 Tbsp nutritional yeast
- Turkey Pep Cheese Grits – 5 Smart Points
- 1 pkt Quaker Instant Cheese Grits
- 1 Tbsp nutritional yeast
- Kale or spinach
- Chopped tomatoes and mushrooms
- 16 turkey pepperoni
- 4 oz hot water (I use my Kuerig!)
- Add everything but the cheese grits to a microwave safe bowl. Microwave on high for 30 seconds
- Add cheese grits to the top, add hot water and stir just the grits on top
- Let sit 60 seconds and then continuing stirring…then eat!
- Horsey Potatoes – 4 Smart Points
- ¼ cup instant mashed potatoes
- 1 Tbsp Trader Joe’s Fat Free Sour Cream
- 1 Tbsp nutritional yeast
- 1 tsp Inglehoffer Horseradish
- 4 oz hot water
- Add everything but sour cream to a bowl and top with the hot water. Stir until blended and then add the sour cream and stir again. Enjoy!
- That Woman’s Chicken Breasts – follow the That Man’s Chicken reciperecipe found here but use Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Tenderloins, cook at 360 for 10 minutes flipping half way through. Or you can make Bacon Wrapped Chicken Tenderloins with either Applegate Sunday Bacon, Trader Joe’s Uncured Dry Rub Bacon or Aldi Happy Farms Uncured Bacon. Air Fry them on 380 degrees for 8 minutes
- Bacon Wrapped Hardboiled Egg!
- 1 hardboiled egg
- 1 slice bacon (see above)
- 1 Tbsp nutritional yeast
- Seasoning
- Wrap bacon securely around the hardboiled egg. Air Fry on 380 for 8 minutes. Ohhhhh mama, I couldn’t have eaten a dozen of those!
- What else do you eat it on?
- Secret Recipe Scrambled Eggs
- Fried Eggs
- Popcorn
- Cheese Grits & Polenta
- Egg Mugs
- Weggos!
BLT Weggo Pita Pizza - Steak
- Chicken
- Pork
- Mac N Cheese
- Cheese Toast
- Baked Potato
- Vegetables
- Soup (sometimes I put it in canned chicken noodle soup, yummy!)
- Secret Recipe Scrambled Eggs
- YouTube – you can go to the chats always on YouTube! The cover photo for YouTube looks just like the Page because it is also public. You can search IFYOUHAVEANEGG and it should pull up all the WW If You Have an Egg Chats and the first one should be the Playlist of all the videos to date. If you click on Playlist you can watch them all in order and binge watch The Egg hahaha. If you have a YouTube account you can subscribe, make your own playlists, etc. If you are watching as a guest you can still watch all you want, you just can’t like, share, comment and save on a playlist. I really really appreciate when you Like, Share, Comment and Subscribe!!
- The Blog – ifyouhaveanegg.com this is where I journal all my recipes, the chats, the transcripts for the chats, details of new things, etc. It always has the three most current at the top. There is a Click Here for More New Recipes and you can search by category. If there are links to other recipes from within the post it will take you straight there. My Story is found here! http://www.ifyouhaveanegg.com/?page_id=9 I have been a WW for 24+ years and got to goal in 2014, Lifetime for going on three years and counting! If you scroll over the pictures you can save these recipes and meal ideas to your Yummly Box, Pinterest, Twitter, you can Print, share on Facebook, etc
- Pinterest! Oh my gosh if you’re not using this as a resource tool you have to start! You can sort your ideas by points values, meals, shopping guide items, recipes and more! My boards are dividing by Smart Point values so go to pinterest.com/ifyouhaveanegg to find out more and to grab my pins!
- Instagram find me at @ifyouhaveanegg
- WW Connect find me at @scrapnstamp or #ifyouhaveanegg
- Additional Resources: whether you are doing WW Online, attending meetings, or just gleaning what you can from us you have resources! Use the recipes and meal ideas in your weekly from the meeting. Search hashtags like #weightwatchers on social media to get some great ideas. If you are using ETools you can scan, track, keep up with favorite foods and ideas. Or if you like pen and paper grab a paper track every week. My daughter Kc likes to journal and they are so much fun with pretty markers and *squeal* stickers! Resources from moi:
- I use index cards to keep a written record that I can touch, see, carry with me and then sort by Smart Points Value. If it’s a real I post it in a printable version on the blog: ifyouhaveanegg.com I can also sort these and know what my points are going to be for the day. Bu-bam…7 sets of cards = 7 days = you guessed it…home base for me
- If You Have an Egg Social Media for FREE and sharable food, meal and recipe ideas!
- Blog: ifyouhaveanegg.com and go to “click here for more great recipes” to see categories grouped by Smart Points
- Pinterest (my SP ideas grouped by points per board!): pinterest.com/ifyouhaveanegg
- Instagram: @ifyouhaveanegg
- Facebook Page(open to the public): https://www.facebook.com/ifyouhaveanegg/
- Facebook Closed Support Group (closed group, only viewable by members): https://www.facebook.com/groups/113471572340708/
- Facebook Closed Meatless Meals Group (closed group, only viewable by members): https://www.facebook.com/groups/487742901407108/
- Great on hard boiled eggs! First was a Breakfast or Lunch Sandwich:
****Don’t forget…if you want to see more helpful Live Chats and easy WW Recipe videos be sure to Like, Share, Subscribe and Comment!****
Thank you again, this is my happy relaxing time with you guys each week. To find more information, see the other chats or get my FREE recipes and meal ideas remember to visit me:
*On Facebook on the If You Have an Egg Page or in my group
*My blog: www.ifyouhaveanegg.com
*Pinterest: search IFYOUHAVEANEGG
See you next week!
<3 Kelly