WW (Weight Watchers) Chat #209: #TalkBack

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WW News January 2021:

  • WW now offers a month long theme with weekly techniques for us to practice. Good news? You no longer have to know the “special code” to type into the internet browser address bar to find a previous week. You can click on the current week’s topic and scroll to the bottom to find links to the previous weeks. Bad news? The weekly top is no longer in a printable pdf format 🙁
  • East TN Wellness Checkins are being expanded and a new Monday afternoon check in is available. Go to WW → Connect → and find the Kingston Pike – W Knoxville, TN group for more info. You can also join me on Sunday afternoons at 2:30pm eastern in this same virtual workshop with hostess Gwen, my fave WW’er and the inspiration for the name of our group If You Have an Egg!   East TN Lifetime Members who were in good standing when COVID started have had their membership extended again until the end of June 2021. You will need to attend a Wellness Workshop during the month of June to continue those privileges.
  • The WW app continues to change and have some pretty cool updates!  The  updates differ from iPhone to Android and even from phone to tablet.  Try relogging into all your devices to see what’s new, even the desktop version has a few new things.  
  • Virtual Workshop Coaches has expanded and it’s easier than ever to find someone that is a good fit for YOU. Type in relevant keywords like “vegan” or “new member” and it sorts the results for you!
  • Haven’t found a Virtual Workshop that fits your schedule? Now there are over 400 Virtual Workshops and with many memberships they are unlimited, meaning you can go to as many as you want (or need!)
  • Comments from other members: Trish has discovered that there is a new feature in the app for saving a favorite food, meal or recipe. Instead of the “star” symbol there is now a “ribbon” with the word Save underneath it. That symbol is reflected under the Search bar so you can quickly access your saved foods, activity or posts! Orlando Debbi says the Mac and Cheese Potato Sticks are uh-mazing…and right now they are 25% off on your app!


Last week in Chat #208: Succeed. Record. Repeat! we talked about doing things (whether weight related or not) with intention. When we recognize that something we want to do has value, name specifically what outcome we want to see, and then plan a STAR action (Specific, Truly Doable, Actionable, Relevant) that “want to do” can become a “what I do”!

Your homework for last week #rinserepeat was to find your recent “wow” moment and tell us how it was a Success, how you will Record it (maybe telling us is it!), and then how you are going to make sure you Repeat it for more wows! Let’s see how you did!

  • Vickie says “I am valuable and take care of ME each day” with God, prayer, family & lifestyle…and then she repeats each day!
  • Katy got breakfast burritos and breakfast sandwiches made and put up in the freezer so she can have an easy delicious breakfast, record her success, and easily repeat!
  • Barbara had success last week pre-washing all her fruits and veggies so she recorded that success and repeated it!  Bonus: she tried not eating after 8pm each night this week…can’t wait to hear how that led to even more success 🙂

Bravo, you did it!


This Week’s Topic: #talkback

Stubborn. Set in Stone. Mind is made up. There are many ways to say it, but when we believe that things are what they are and can’t be changed it’s called a Fixed Mindset. On the other hand, when we realize that everything can change and then take the steps to nurture that change it’s called a Growth Mindset.


Sometimes it’s hard to recognize when we’re having a “fixed” thought but when you do STOP. Take out the card we are going to make in a few minutes and then take these steps recommended by WW to improve your mindset.

When a fixed mindset thought tries to creep in, grab your card (see homework) and:

  1. NOTICE – notice you are having a fixed mindset moment like “I want to eat lunch at work so I don’t go crazy in the evenings but I’ll never be able to” 
  2. #TALKBACK – I’m serious, say it out loud. “I have tried lots of different ways to be able to eat lunch during my busy work day, I deserve to eat like everyone else so I’ll keep trying until I find something that works for me!”
  3. SHIFT – shift to a growth mindset and figure out how, what, when that something CAN change like “I’ve never tried eating earlier or in the lunchroom like everyone else. I’ll try that this week and see what happens!”


This Week’s Homework:#talkback

Your homework for this week is to make an index card with #TALKBACK and the three actions above to keep on your fridge, in your purse, near you for those fixed mindset moments and post a picture of your card!

Don’t forget to do your homework #talkback and tag me when you share on social media!

  • Instagram tag @ifyouhaveanegg
  • Facebook Page tag @ifyouhaveanegg
  • Facebook Group tag @Kelly Green Milligan
  • WW Connect tag @scrapnstamp2


Extra Credit: Super Bowl Party Prep!

We are T minus 7 days from the second highest food consumption day in the U.S. SECOND HIGHEST. Yup, aside from Turkey Day the average American’s favorite day to pig out is while they watch some guys toss around the pigskin.  

And since most of us have been cooped up for the last 11 months I’d say there will be some partying going on. Even if your party is just you and your cat, the temptation to sit glued to the tube, eat out of a bowl in your lap, and keep your hands free for that foam finger cheer is all too real.  


Some of my favorite Super Bowl and other party treats are already on my blog, and I promise…the other fans will thank you!

Ok, I gotta stop. This is making me hungry and my grocery list for next Sunday just tripled!  But I was craving something a little different. We eat Windstar Karen’s Buffalo Chicken Dip a lot (seriously, A LOT)

So for Super Bowl Sunday 2021 I am changing things up a little and making a Buffalo Crab Dip instead!

For your Super Bowl party this year, this is a great healthy choice with a variety of serving options. You could make lettuce wraps, serve with celery, and even a filling for deviled eggs! The possibilities really are endless!


Quick Links:

Kelly’s nails tonight are styled by Casey with ColorStreet

Don’t forget to celebrate your Bravos with our downloadable stickers!

Need to know where to get something I mentioned? Check out my recommendations page to get all my favorite goodies.

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