WW News January 2021:
- WW now offers a month long theme with weekly techniques for us to practice. Good news? You no longer have to know the “special code” to type into the internet browser address bar to find a previous week. You can click on the current week’s topic and scroll to the bottom to find links to the previous weeks. Bad news? The weekly top is no longer in a printable pdf format
- East TN Wellness Check-ins are being expanded and a new Monday afternoon check in is available. Go to WW → Connect → and find the Kingston Pike – W Knoxville, TN group for more info. You can also join me on Sunday afternoons at 2:30pm eastern in this same virtual workshop with hostess Gwen, my fave WW’er and the inspiration for the name of our group If You Have an Egg!
- (this is in Beta and not all apps include the feature yet) You had me at Bingo. Imagine my excitement when I discovered that WW has added a GAME to the Wellness Wins section of our app. I made a shopping list today just so I could mark that spot on my card (just kidding, kind of)
- Virtual Workshop Coaches has expanded and it’s easier than ever to find someone that is a good fit for YOU. Type in relevant keywords like “vegan” or “new member” and it sorts the results for you!
- Haven’t found a Virtual Workshop that fits your schedule? Now there are over 400 Virtual Workshops and with many memberships they are unlimited, meaning you can go to as many as you want (or need!)
Last week in Chat #207: Be Intentional we talked about doing things (whether weight related or not) with intention. When we recognize that something we want to do has value, name specifically what outcome we want to see, and then plan a STAR action (Specific, Truly Doable, Actionable, Relevant) that “want to do” can become a “what I do”!
Your homework this week was to #beintentional and Recognize, Name, and plan a STAR action. Let’s see how you did!
- Over on the If You Have an Egg YouTube Susy decided her intention would be sleep related. With the pandemic she’s been staying up too late and missing out on important sleep (which makes her cranky haha). Susy recognized she’s missing sleep, named more sleep as a benefit to her body and mind, and made a STAR action to plan an earlier bedtime by setting an alarm on her phone, turning off her tv and tablet when it goes off, and then playing a sleep story to help her fall asleep
- Debra recognized she wants to be set up for success, named making healthy choices without having to think, and made a STAR action to prep breakfast AND lunch for the entire week on Sunday
- Sandra recognized that she wants to get back into a workout routine, she named using the kettlebell she just got as a fun way to start, Sandra set a STAR action by bookmarking several YouTube videos on how to use it and then moving it into her bedroom to keep it handy
Bravo, you did it!
This Week’s Topic: Succeed. Record. Repeat.
Have you ever seen a shampoo bottle that had the instructions “lather, rinse, repeat” printed on the back? We all know how to use shampoo, am I right? I mean no one needs to tell us that we need to lather, then rinse it out, and then repeat. Does anyone repeat?
So here’s the thing. Shampoo manufacturers know that if you use their product you will successfully clean your hair. Maybe leave it smelling nice. But if you repeat they sell twice as much shampoo. So getting you to Succeed (clean hair), Record (read the back of the bottle), and Repeat (lather a second time) the shampoo company has reinforced a behavior that helps them succeed.
This week WW is encouraging you to learn how to find a “lather, rinse, repeat” moment with your successes to reinforce behaviors that will help you succeed in your weight loss and health journey. Stop now and think of a “woo hoo” moment you had recently. One that was so good you know repeating it is worth the effort to remember it. Maybe it was a recipe that your family ate without grumbling. It may have been food prep or getting your workout in or hitting a progress goal.
So the next time you think “wow, that was great!”:
- Success – Recognize that wow was a success along your journey
- Record – Write down, video, text a friend, post it on Connect – it doesn’t matter how, but make a way to record what made that a wow moment so you know what to do or how to do it next time (or many more times!)
- Repeat – make sure you can find the record when you need it so you can repeat, repeat, repeat yourself to more success!
This Week’s Homework: #rinserepeat
Your homework for this week is to find your recent “wow” moment and tell us how it was a Success, how you will Record it (maybe telling us is it!), and then how you are going to make sure you Repeat it for more wows!
Don’t forget to do your homework #rinserepeat and tag me when you share on social media!
- Instagram tag @ifyouhaveanegg
- Facebook Page tag @ifyouhaveanegg
- Facebook Group tag @Kelly Green Milligan
- WW Connect tag @scrapnstamp2
Extra Credit: 2021 Reboot Week Recap
Last week I did a dig deep 2021 Reboot to detox my system and get my insides back in order before I start working on my outsides again. It wasn’t easy, I had to get my family 100% on board before I started, and there were moments where I know they were thinking “is she testing me? Does she really want to know what I’m headed out to eat or do I just turn and walk away?”
My Grocery List from Last week can be found here. I didn’t get to use a few things and I had a couple more out of necessity.
Here was the plan I set for myself on my 2021 Reboot:
- Begin each day with a devotion or meditation
- Begin each day with warm lemon water
- Include a quart of green tea each day
- Eliminate unnecessary or added sodium
- Focus on minimally processed foods
- Choose one of the following for Meal #1:
- Overnight Oats with Lowfat Kefir and/or Nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt with fruit
- Fruit Smoothie with Lowfat Kefir
- Waldorf Salad
- Hard Boiled Egg and Fruit
- Choose one of the following for Meal #2:
- Waldorf Salad with That Man’s Chicken Breast (or other lean protein)
- That Man’s Chicken Breast (or other lean protein) and fresh veggies / fruit
- Tuna, Hard Boiled Egg, veggies, Ranch Dip
- Tuna (or other lean protein), Ole Extreme Wellness Low Carb Wrap, roasted veggies
- Choose one of the following for a Snack
- Banana with powdered peanut or almond product (like PB2)
- Apple with powdered peanut or almond product
- Light popcorn
- Choose one of the following for Meal #3:
- Air Fryer Roasted Veggies and That Man’s Chicken Breast (or other lean protein)
- Whole Wheat Penne with low sugar marinara, garlic and mushrooms
- Air Fryer or roasted salmon with Waldorf Salad
- Chicken and Veggie Lentil Soup
- End the day with reading, stretching, or a Headspace 10 minute End of Day from the WW App
My Results!
Now remember, I wasn’t trying to lose weight. I was getting my gut back in shape after a 10 month pandemic pity party. So how did I do?
- 7 out of 7 days started with a devotional #nailedit and my brain was ready for the day
- 7 out of 7 days started with warm lemon water #nailedit (but I did get an earful from the dental hygienists in our group so I may need to start using a straw…) The warm lemon water is oddly “filling”? I don’t mean in an “I’m not hungry way”, I mean in a “ahh this is a nice cup of warm water and I feel nice” way.
- 7 out of 7 days included a quart of green tea #nailedit. I’ve long believed in the advantages of green tea daily and am mad at myself for not doing this every day anyway!
- 6 out of 7 days no added sodium – I had a panic day at lunch and had Casey bring me Chick-Fil-A grilled nuggets. Not a total loss but I’m sure those yummy chicken bits are loaded with sodium
- 6 out of 7 days focus on minimally processed foods – again, Chick-Fil-A
- 6 out of 7 Meal #1 success – I had a morning where I couldn’t get to my planned food and opted for grits with mushrooms and other veggies so not a total loss
- Meal #2 – Do we have to talk about this one? I’ve really got to get a grip on lunch at work. It has been a disaster in progress for years and nothing I have tried so far has worked. Next week I am focusing on meal prep and we will revisit this topic again!
- 7 out of 7 days Snack – um hello, I never miss an opportunity for a snack hahaha
- 7 out of 7 days Meal #3 – I am muuuuch more in control of my end of day meal especially now that John is not eating crackers or out of a bag with his mom for lunch
- 7 out of 7 days end the day with stretching and then reading. I finished two books! (they were short and Casey says written for middle school age readers but hey, it’s two books)
Beyond that I can boast the following results:
- Did not get to make the Chicken Veggie Lentil Soup I was planning…better luck next time
- Tummy feels GREAT!
- No more bloating, sludgy-ing, or indigestion
- Regular poops! (I know, TMI but we all do it so it’s really not ya know?)
- Skin has been less dry and itchy
- Less night sweats
- More getting up to pee at night though
- Down about 3 pounds!
Remember those botched Meal #2’s? This coming week I will be meal prepping which I only enjoy for about the first 3 days…let’s see how I do! If there is time I will go over this week’s grocery list and starting meal prep.
Quick Links:
Kelly’s nails tonight are styled by Casey with ColorStreet
Don’t forget to celebrate your Bravos with our downloadable stickers!
Need to know where to get something I mentioned? Check out my recommendations page to get all my favorite goodies.