I love pancakes. I mean love. Like a little bit of an obsession love. Sometimes I talk about them so much that my husband and daughter will offer to eat a sandwich so I will just hush and make them already. They offer to eat a sandwich because *gasp* they don’t share my love for this breakfast for dinner wonder food! I know, I know, what is wrong with them?? Fortunately the soon to be son in law will eat anything so I have one other comrade but it’s pretty lonely over here in Pancake Land.
The one exception is Nana…she will eat them any time too and maybe that’s where I get it from. But Nana lives in her own apartment so all I can do is text her to complain about the lack of love at my house. She is a pretty good text commiserator if you ever need one. The base dry mix for this recipe is hers and you can find it here Nana’s Vegan Pancake Dry Mix.

My daughter will however join me if and only if they have chocolate chips in them. Not blueberries, or pecans, or a multitude of other possibilities, just chocolate chips. So chocolate chips today it is. It’s a lazy day, Labor Day 2015 and I didn’t have to open up my granite showroom. No installers out at jobsites. No fabricators running around. Nirvana…a true day off. A day off with pancakes. Even if they are chocolate chip.

Vegan Chocolate Chip Pancakes – 7 Weight Watchers Points Plus per serving
- 1/2 cup Nana’s Vegan Pancake Dry Mix (click here for recipe Nana’s Vegan Pancake Dry Mix
- 1/2 cup Mylk (for you non vegan types like me Mylk = any non dairy milk type beverage like Unsweetened Almond, Soy or Coconut Milk)
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1/2 tbsp Enjoy Life Dairy Free Chocolate Chips
- Smart Balance® Omega Non-Stick Cooking Spray
In at least a two cup mixing bowl with a handle dump in pancake mix, make a little void in the center with a fork and pour the mylk and vanilla into the void. Stir/mix gently with the fork being careful not to overmix or create any bubbles. Just get out the big lumps and mix fairly well. A little dry mix won’t kill anything.
Spray a skillet or griddle with Smart Balance or other non dairy cooking spray and heat to medium. Pour batter onto the heated surface in approximately 3-4″ round circles. Let cook for just a couple of minutes or the bottom seems firm when you try to slide a spatula underneath. Sprinkle on a few chocolate chips to each one before you flip! When each cake is firm enough to get onto a spatula flip them and continue cooking for 3-4 more minutes. Remove immediately and serve while still warm. Add whatever condiments you prefer just remember to count the extra points! If I am keeping them vegan I add 1 tbsp Earth Balance non dairy spread (2 PP) and 1/4 cup Maple Grove Sugar Free Syrup (1 PP) for a total of 10 Weight Watchers Points Plus for an awful big portion of yum to the ummy goodness. How do you like your pancakes? I’d love to see what you come up with!
